This unfinished trash is a contender for GOTY

>this unfinished trash is a contender for GOTY
What the fuck went wrong?
Truly this is the worst timeline.

Meh there aren't any good games this year anyway

its an american award

the american love the game and thats it


I don't understand the appeal of this game,
who wants to play a game where you only get one life?
seems like it would get so boring after 10+ hours

>friend got it
>didnt want to play this trash
>bought it anyway, thought I would give it a game then delete
>played for six hours straight
Its really not made to be played solo, but with people its fantastic. Surprisingly tactical, with smoother controls than Arma ever had.

test update is goat desu

Literally the worst piece of shit I have ever wasted my money on

Every game is fun with friends, being fun with friends as a selling point is shit

Nobody takes the fucking show seriously.