What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Loopholes are a sign that something wasn't designed with enough oversight. If you leave the door open, you don't get to complain about people walking through.

Doesn't like loopholes, but there will always be loopholes... always and forever. This infuriates some people.

that the game is fucking trash?

As someone who exploited Coca Cola out of $1400 in Amazon credit, you're full of shit.


>maybe it gets better
>finish game
>it doesn't get better
i completed bulletstorm thinking that for the whole game

Enter 10 Coke caps and Coca Cola will email you a $5 Amazon gift card.
I had a lot of Coca Cola caps.

how do you justify a full priced game that can be beaten in under 2 hours?

>abusing the system
>refunding something within the refund system's accepted time period is abuse
>either that or just the fact that it's recorded breaks the refund policy in some way

this is like saying that if you write a review of a game you're not allowed to refund it or saying that someone cannot stream and make money off playing a free to play game; it makes no sense as an argument.