Why do they even make these shitty games? Who buys them?
Why do they even make these shitty games? Who buys them?
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Mostly austitic american, russians and germans. You know the people who are about destroy the world/america/europe.
>the eternal teuton
My nephew bought the Car Mechanic one the other day. I asked him why and he didn't have an answer, but earlier he explained that he plays Truck simulator to relax.
He tends to externalize his frustration on inanimate objects when things take a turn for the worse in his immersive killing simulators.
If those simulators actually had normal physics maybe they would be more fun.
I actually enjoy gold rush, kind of a sim.
Someone I know put over 3,000 hours in the last two Farming Simulator games. Each.
I don't judge the guy, as I have almost 1,500 hours in Animal Crossing New Leaf. I guess he finds it relaxing.
Most "simulators" are shovelware tier but the good ones are comfy. I can sit down and space out in ETS2 for a few hours every once and a while.
I'd probably get the car mechanic sim games but my pc cant run them so i have gearhead garage in an XP VM. MSC also scratches that itch a bit too.
The real car sim autism is spending hours crashing random cars in Beam.NG.
Charge your phone user, get your life together.
"Someone I know"
>its comfy!
It's for people who doesn't have enough ability to play games with difficulty.
The German who just got done pulling a 12 hour shift at the airport fire department.
Not really, I have a couple of sim games i play as theyre comfy on nights I cant be arsed playing "difficult" games.
Must suck not being able to enjoy a variety of different game genre
>no ETS2 for switch
Maybe in 2019 and if people bug SCS enough/Farm sim sells well.
Wow you've seen that funny meme image too? What's your 9gag username so I can reach you =)
>”lol guys look at this shitty game i bought isn’t it so fucking hilarious how terrible this game is?”
That’s how the developers get all of their money to continue making shit games.
Please, for the love of kek, don’t buy them
>the height of PC gaming is truck and train simulators
I buy them because they allow me to sorta see what jobs are like when they're jobs I would never want to do irl. Fuck trying to drive a semi irl and dealing with assholes on freeways. Would be too tempted to plow right through every single one of them with my 80 mph 30 ton trailer of death.
Is that one real?
Im the opposite, play stuff like truck sim some days just to plow into innocent drivers & cause carnage!!
I live in Tokyo and they have ads absolutely EVERYWHERE here for some new train simulator arcade game. I even saw one set up in the middle of a station with several dozen unkempt nerdy looking guys crowded around it.
How anyone could get any enjoyment out of a game that just involves controlling speed while driving on rails is beyond me.
Easy there, Mohammed.
Not a sandnigger I just hate faggots that drive 10mph under the speed limit in the passing lane or faggots that will pass you and then decide they want to go 15 under the speed limit
I used to laugh and take the piss out of sim game buyers, but one or two games looked ok so I tried for the giggles. Turns out they were ok.
Car mechanic sim is literally one you can just veg to.
Autistic German men.
Not either of those, but I bet you are one of those fluffy anime virgins
Yeah, the ATS/ETS2 AI is pretty "realistic" in their actions. The tour buses seem to be the worst culprits, ive had several come to a stop on a clear road in the middle of nowhere.
Yes. 2018 will bring you Ambulance Simulator on consoles.
They should do a terrorist sim, itd be a hit.
You get to make your vest etc, then go do the job.
>Over half of battery left
>Charge your phone
That's how you kill your battery you retard
Actually it doesn't matter when you charge it. Biggest myth ever.
That's crazy, shit looks like a terrorist attack. I'm suprised no one got "offended" by it yet.