Design a White girl

>design a White girl
>call her a Japanese

When will Japan stay away from this?

Other urls found in this thread:

when the west will stop being delusional

That's clearly an asian
I think you need to get your eyes checked mongrel

I want to marry her and have children with her, so no way is she a disgusting white pig dog.

>What are skin lightening creams for 500 alex

>design a deformed monster
>pretend it have a race just because you want to fuck her

>double eyelid
>pointy nose
>flat nose


When will they learn?

OP, I'm not sure what you think Asians look like, but that looks like an Asian.

Anime is a completely different story.

>cartoony graphics have ethnicity

To the Japs; all their characters are asian.

Its the same way that you assume a drawing of a basic stick character is the same sex, race and relative age as you.

Whichever race I like the best was clearly the one the designers wanted us to interpret this as!

OP thinks white girls look like that because he never sees women irl

Kys idiot

>flat nose
is this an ebin "implying"?
Asians have very flat noses in comparison to caucasians. In fact, the big ass noses is the "stereotypical racial trait" of the whites in Asian countries.

>Its the same way that you assume a drawing of a basic stick character is the same sex, race and relative age as you.
Is this even true though. I imagine that a woman looking at a drawing of a stick figurine would probably imagine it as a man, unless like you tacked on some crudely drawn boobs.
A black person looking at a stick person on white paper is probably also not going to see a black person in that.

>Take the two most popular girls
>fuse them
How do they get away with it.

>design a man
>call it a woman
When will westerners stay away from this?

do japs think we all look like Stan from American Dad?
im ok with this.

people will assume what the most popular depictioction is known to them

if you draw a stick figure, african-americans will still think of it as a white man. If you show it to actual africans though they will think of it as a black man.

when the "beauty is a bad thing" meme finally dies

>Anime is a completely different story.
No, it is not. You posted a character that looks entirely Japanese except for his 'anime coloured' hair which is supposed to look unnaturally bleached in-universe.

someone post that rotoscoped animu

add blonde hair and much longer noses

>design a third same face Honoka/Marie Rose
>DoA is still dead

>18 years old

fucking eww

Holy shit

not that one silly

>to them we are the happy merchants
no wonder they hate us

At least Aku no Hana looks normal. That scene in the Idolmaster is weird as fuck.

the thread was referring to asians looking actually asian though, hanabanana looks more like real azns than im@s

who do the eye stickers work?

Check out these white features, 100% aryan.

>people like OP claims that pic related looks white
>they never post real white girls that looks like pic related

close eyes, put on eyelids

Why do americans keep calling asian girls "white"?

What's the point of this thread?


>has to post heavily augmented asians to prove his point

>asian girls can't have double eyelids
They're common even for gooks. Mono eyelids only happen to those freaks with completely flat nasal bones. Asians with a visible nose bridge has double eyelid.



Nice rebuttal.

Why aren't there any cartoonish looking females?

Superior 1000 times folded asian beauty coming through

Thank you!
I’m asian, my whole family has double eyelids, I’m so tired of people assuming that I’ve had surgery or some shit

Asians girls are superior to white girls

Prove me wrong

There are whites in Japan.

All women look fugly without makeup,welcome to reality.

Not only that, but the author also likes Nirvana.

They're mad because their women are either ham planets or unholy creatures like pic related.

Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with race

Common for gooks with surgery

That is as much of a woman as Brianna Wu is

Nipp chicks with the name "Anri" always seem to have big titties.

cute waito do exist, and asians have plenty of uggos, as do all races, azns just seem to have a higher median/average is all

Go somewhere where video game is extremely uncommon and show the image to the locals.
I'm sure their only answer will be "White" if you ask them what her race is.

>asians can't be born with normal sized nasal bones

>Go somewhere where video game is extremely uncommon and show the image to the locals.

But we're already posting on Sup Forums

I'll post this to correct your misconceptions, OP.

>average japanese

a-are you ok?

>hello mr. foreigner
I love it.

>draw a man
>call it a girl

West is worse

No they don't, spend some time in Japan. The average asian girl is not cute at all.

I went to a highschool with a 60% asian population, the average was cute

too old?

thats racist. they should not be allowed to recognize physical differences between races

She reminds me of the imouto from Nisekoi.

I was stationed in S.Korea and I say your wrong user.


Where's the White girl?

>Hitomi Yoshizawa
I had the weebiest, gayest crush on her in my teens. Fuck, I was such a sperg.

Korean girls on average are cute because getting plastic surgery is considered a right of passage to them once they turn 18.

Extreme rotoscoping in anime like Aku no Hana look especially jarring because you're so used to animation choppier than a Chinaman at Nanking. The extra attention to detail rotoscoping allows also doesn't work with the lack of shading in (especially modern) anime so you get shots like that screenshot where it's just a literally flat face with two curved lines indicating part of the nostrils.

Roasties BTFO


Not even 3% of koreans get plastic surgery and the plastic surgery stat doesn't take foreigners or the kind of surgery (invasive or non-invasive) into consideration. Chances are, if you see a korean they probably didn't have plastic surgery and it would be reslly obvious if they did. Also why do you guys act like japs don't have plastic surgery either?

>that image
Holy shit

>post haafus
>dat filename

>Marie Rose is Swedish, despite having chink eyes and non-Swedish name

Tossed straight into the garbage bin tbhfam.

To be fair, only 3, 5, and 6 look mixed, and 6 is a maybe in my opinion.

But she has an asian face

She looks Japanese to me.



post and with makeapp pls


You don't wanna see Asian girls without makeup senpai it'll fuck with your tiny brain

She doesn't look like white girl.

Wait, I thought makeapp is the one which removes makeup?

It's supposed to remove the makeup, not add more on.

You again? Get a trip so we can all block you already.


160 cm is the proper height

But I've seen them. Some are pretty, some are ugly.


The stats show Japan as lower than the US, if most people on this board seem to use US as the default.

So yeah.

but it literally looks like the first pic you replied to

white people will say that a fucking stick figure is a white character too, but if you actually showed them examples of both good looking asians and whites beside OP's pic then even they would say that the faces of these characters is closer to asian then white.


this app is awesome.

Still good.