>Persona 5
Persona 5
japs don't count
>An early access game is candidate for GOTY
It was released in North America, along with the vast majority of the planet, in February of 2017.
VGA is an American award show. It gives awards to games released in America in 2017. This game was released in 2017 in America, so it is a nominee for this American award show.
comes out next month anime retard.
wait, people told me 2017 was a great year for gaming. What is this?
That can't be the only choices can it?
There's been a lot of really good games that came out this year and one of those isn't even released.
>PUBG and Horizon
>when Original Sin 2 and Automata released the same year.
Game Awards are a joke and are hosted by hacks with no taste.
>Original Sin 2 and Automata
>good games
Best Sports/Racing Game
>FIFA 2018
>PES 2018
>Forza 7
>NBA 2K18
>No Mario kart