Last of Us Sucks

Let’s face it, this game is bad.
The story isn’t worthwhile, the characters are meh and the difficulty is poorly thought out.

I’ve beaten this game on survivor and thought that grounded would be fun, but honestly it just makes the game even worse.

Hey, that's, like your opinion, man.

I never played it cause I hate Naughty Dog, but I think it's shit.

but the characters are good and the story is worthwhile. see how that explains absolutely nothing?

I played through the game multiple times on the original version including the hardest difficulty and loved it every time.
There is absolutely no way they are going to top this with the sequel that much I am sure of but I'm still very curious to see what they do with it.

not an argument

Ok, I liked it though

An argument needs to first be made before someone can give one back.

not an argument

It’s a decent story wrapped up in a fucking awful game.

I think you got it backwards

Other way around, dumbass.

It’s a good normie/casual barometer.
If you actually like this game, go to plebbit.

I’m being sincere, you will be much happier there.

This, the gameplay is fucking awful. I honestly have no idea how people enjoy playing it. The gunplay is garbage and the rest of the game is a ladder moving simulator.

It's not a game. Go to Sup Forums if you want to discuss it.

>It's not a game.
How so?

i agree with you.
only nintendo exclusives are good
sony games are movies

direct to dvd thriller from people not talented enough to write for hbo

the absolute state of the vidya industry when this is considered a great game


Love how Sup Forums is still SEETHING that this game is an objective masterpiece.

>Ladder moving sim

Opinion discarded

I enjoyed it, but I respect your opinion.

Not an argument

>looks up the ones givibg out awards

Lmao and titanfall is best game ever /s

We must keep up the Sony has no games narrative of 2010

Cool. I thought it was fun.

Good point lol lmao rofl

More accurate phrase is gaystation has no good games.

Wow, it even won the prestigious G33KPR0N GOTY award! It must be a good'n then.

If you dont get into the story you don't like the game, because that's its only redeeming quality. Personally I didn't, because I didn't like the characters and found it fairly predictable.

The gameplay was undeniably trash. And that's talking about the 50% of the time where you're actually playing. Weak gunplay on easy difficulties, repetitive strangle simulator on harder ones.

And when you're not bored by the gameplay, you're bored by the other 50%: walking and talking simulator, and the two gimmicky "puzzles" they included that were already boring the first time