What's the game with the most replay value? I'm looking for games to sink a 1000 hours in

What's the game with the most replay value? I'm looking for games to sink a 1000 hours in.

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The answer is going to be highly subjective.

I sank over 1000 hours into Factorio, but didn’t waste 2 hours on Stardew Valley.

I dont care, give it all to me

why not just learn a musical instrument ffs? 1000 hours into guitar or drums would get you comfy af. much more rewarding than vidya

Music is for fags

Kill yourself you disgusting subhuman normalfag.



I've replayed every year for 9 years in a row

Team Fortress 2

people routinely have thousands of hours logged on that game


Write down some goals for yourself, monuments and stuctures you want to make, and see how big and beautiful and interesting your city can get. The music is great also

Depends why you want to replay it

DMC, Bayonetta, Shmups


fighting games, mmos, csgo, mobas

Isn't that Ian Watkins? The dude who raped a baby?

I've already played Minecraft back when it was actually good.


If I had 1000 hours and I could only use them to play video games, I'd probably either finish games from my childhood (and there are dozens I never got around to finishing) or I'd put use them to practice difficult or complicated games.

I'm awful at Rogue-likes but I'd probably be pretty decent at Nethack after 1000 hours. Shit, if I ever bothered to put just 20 hours into it I'd probably be better than 90% of the people on Sup Forums.

He tried to rape a baby, but he didn't actually do it. He did rape a teenager, and he did have a lot of child pornography.

>would rather sink 5 hours a day into mindless vidya than labor to create art and beauty and meaning in the lineage of all great men who preceded them
it does not get more numale beta than this

Umm... No he literally fucked babies. Multiple times

Nigger you'd just be playing an instrument is all. Your shitty hobby is no different than vidya. Get over yourself you dumb asshole.


back to neofag soyboys

>create art and beauty and meaning
>implying 99% of people who learn instruments dont just play songs they like once in a while

What board do you think we're on you retarded faggot frogposter?

Battlefront 2

You can put in 1000 hours and not even see half of the content

If had 1000 hours I would learn to shitpost.

the virgin board, user. defending 1K hours into a game is simple and clear faggotry

Fucking casuals like you should get out

Hey fucko

>P said “the good thing about babies is put anything near their mouths and they start sucking it”. She went on to talk about both her and her baby sharing Watkins’ penis with their tongues.


Yeah man, it's pretty fucked up.
I'm looking forward to the day I visit my family home and happen to see this chick I went to highschool with.
She used to go on and on about how this cunt changed her life and shit, so I have to ask her how she feels.

>The paedophile rock star Ian Watkins spoke to a female fan from prison the day after admitting two counts of attempted baby rape and said he was going to issue a statement when he was sentenced saying it had all been "mega lolz".

People in this thread right now are going to read this and masturbate.

woops meant to reply here

I would, but my cat is sleeping on my arm

>ctrl+F Rimworld
>0 results


developing a game i respect. putting in 2-3 hours a day is fine most normies do more than that with social media whoring or netflix all of which are on average much bigger wastes than vidya. a binge here and there also fine. anything more is cuck escapist behavior that will fuck your life up. defending it or wearing it as a badge of honor is autistic and gay as aids. it produces faggot adhd socially inept clinically depressed chansurfers who get btfo by muh real world, by women, by normies, by literally every non-vidya obstacle they face.

You've been on Sup Forums for at least half an hour today buddy. Shouldn't you be out securing a future for white children???

>trying to validate your shit life this much

>unironically defending addiction
>imply they live a 'good life' and people who are not vidya addicts are white nationalists
what did Sup Forumsirgins mean by this?

What I meant was, you're just mad that you're unhappy with your life and need to take it out on us.
Why us, specifically?
I couldn't say, maybe you just want to play more vidya but your life choices restrict it.

I hope you find happiness, user.

>not being a white nationalist

>Why us, specifically?

To be fair if all the people on Sup Forums were gathered into an IRL crowd and you threw a stone into it at random you would have a pretty good chance of hitting someone who deserved it.

That's probably why most of us stay inside all day.

huh? 1000 hours of life could be better spent than playing vidya. it's a lot of time user. it isn't healthy.

Life is pointless no matter what you do. Whether you get carpal tunnel from beating drums or beating your meat either way you're stuck with a fucked up wrist.

>1000 hours of life could be better spent than playing vidya
If you value whatever else you're doing instead, then of course.
If you'd rather play vidya, then it's spent better than something you'd hate doing.

What would be better?

>it's a lot of time user.
Uh, no it's not

>1000 hours

Nigger, that's only a week.

replace playing vidya with shooting heroin and where does your argument lead? by the time you are putting 1K hours into a game it is a sort of escapism/addiction and will slowly begin to fuck up your ability to handle what life throws at you

1000 hours is almost 6 weeks

>6 weeks

Alright whatever, that's still only half a fucking month.

Paradox titles, Crusader Kings 2, EU4, Victoria 2, Hearts of Iron 3.

Are you ok

Yes thank you I'm fine.

Vicky 2

Replace "better spent" with binge drinking with friends and where does your argument lead?
A lot of people consider that a better use of time because you're being social, but it'll fuck you up way faster than vidya.

Besides, who really cares if it fucks up my ability to handle what life throws at me?
I'd rather enjoy my life than do shit I hate just because some people consider it a better use of my time.
Even then, I chose my way of life, so really, it's not going to fuck my ability to handle what life throws at me because I've set myself up so that I'm not getting shit thrown at me.

playing vidya a couple hours a day and otherwise building yourself via reading/exercising/art/travel/interacting with each other irl
many of you faggots unironically think games are superior in plot and craft to something like a Hemingway novel. it's just a lazy cope. and either way why not experience both?

dorf fortress
civ/EL/ES/total war
torchlight and d2
simcity and cities skylines
just cause 2 mp

Why experience anything. Who are you trying to impress?

>why not experience both?
What if I'm just not interested?
Should I do it anyway just because it's something you life?
See what I'm getting at here?

>say the Sup Forumsirgin

that's because those people are normies user. they are beyond help. you are not.

>Besides, who really cares if it fucks up my ability to handle what life throws at me?
i care because it is natural to care about your fellow man's well being and our society is faggotized to the extent where it's weird to do so.

This but unironically

Why the fuck would I want to read a book? Shit's boring. "Self improvement" is bullshit that only faggots care about. The only real improvements are monetary and unless Hemingway novels have the secret to being a billionaire in them I don't give a fuck about it.

I work 40 hours a week and play vidya the rest of it, if that's not good enough for some people then they can suck a dick.

Mountain blade

after the first 500 hours, start playing mods

Any game, really. You just need to be autistic.

I like you.

the reason you are not interested in other things beyond vidya could be because you are addicted to the vidya dopamine hit and general comfiness of not having to face anything, which is unhealthy. does that make sense?


How do I get autism.

I already had the MMR jab and it didn't work.

If that's the reason then reading is very unlikely to produce positive results or a change.
Reading books is still escapism, unless you're actively educating yourself.

You saying that video games are unhealthy doesn't make them unhealthy you retard. Just because you like to waste time reading books doesn't mean we have to.

>they are beyond help. you are not.
That's incorrect.
I'm 100% set in my ways.
I've been at this for the past 20 years and I'll be doing it for the next 20.
I do do other things besides vidya,
but it does take up most of my time.
>i care because it is natural to care about your fellow man's well being and our society is faggotized to the extent where it's weird to do so.
That's very kind of you, but you're not going to have much success here.
Most of us are either like me, happy with what we're doing, or retarded kids who'll fuck up their potential just to be contrarian.

You can think that all you want, but it's not true for me.
It's definitely true for many people, but some people just have a chosen hobby.
People get the same shit from movies, books, music, etc.
Vidya really is no different if we exclude the games that intentionally try to fuck with people like that, but they're all F2P garbage and are a normalfag thing anyway.

>calls others autistic
>throws autistic fit because people choose to live their lives differently

battlefront 2

If you can get into some of the many games that have been mentioned here you can pretty much experience what is like having it.

>he fell for the stay-soyboy meme
>he thinks wage cucking and playing vidya is a life well-lived and is proud of it

>he fell for the stay-soyboy meme

wtf are you even talking about?

Nioh if you like the combat and loot grind.

700 hours on PS4, doing it all again on PC

I read a lot, it's the perfect hobby for the chronically lazy man. And for reasons unknown lying in bed all day with a book is seen as a 'good' use of your time.

Crusader Kings II
Europa Universalis IV
EVE Online

lmao that's a good analogy. Probably true.

that god damn spacing

Excuse me???

its some new shit meme people have been pushing i have no idea what the fuck it means so i just ignore it and hope it goes away

I didn't mean to reply to that post.

this meme needs to die

It's no meme

I wish I was autisitc enough to stick to one game but I always have to move onto something new. The most time I have in one game is 150hrs in fallout new vegas.

Killing floor 2 if a co-op fast paced fps wave game suits you. About a 300 hour grind worth of leveling as well.

It's not a meme. When the format of your posts conform to the culture of another shitty website it's fucking cancer. kys