Why the fuck is Sup Forums full of commies? No one is forcing you to play it, poorfag.
Why the fuck is Sup Forums full of commies? No one is forcing you to play it, poorfag
No one's forcing you to post here.
I thought it was that the products themselves are shit and people are eating it.
Is there such thing as "capitalism done wrong"?
I think this is it, OP.
If money means value, it onle goes to valuable stuff.
Because the world has spent the last 100 years apologizing for Nazism but not 1 day apologizing for Communism. We live in a world that is radically biased towards economic authoritarianism and people don't know any different.
reminder that we are currently being raided by paid shills, this is the fourth thread in the past 10 minutes I've seen that is calling us commies.
>apologizing for Nazism but not 1 day apologizing for Communism
You got that fucking backwards, holy shit.
>Marx was a jew
>Capitalism attracts jews
You're mistaking poor financial decisions with support of free markets. A well adapted person fit to survive in a capitalist culture would see the transparently poor value. You're supposed to create the wallet raping monetizing scheme not fall for it.
value is subjective and varies greatly depending on who you ask about it
also report and hide shit threads like this
>Because the world has spent the last 100 years apologizing for Nazism but not 1 day apologizing for Communism.
>but not 1 day apologizing for Communism.
do we live in the same world?
in capitalism value is based on subjective marginal utility where ever person decides for themselves what something is worth. the idea that things have some inherent value is Marxist dribble.
It really takes a special breed of retarded to think the creators of the show are endorsing the things rick says and not making fun of him with them.
you're what's wrong with capitalism you massive faggot
by sticking your head in the sand and discouraging others from being rational consumers you're only making things worse
Imagine being such a low class pleb retard that things you see on TV trigger you
People with no skills, no education and no discernible positive traits tend to think that other people should work to support their worthless existence.
If you compare like vs like, similar games offering similar content will have wildly different costs for entry. In the current year of video games fewer and fewer AAA games are offered and even the wide realm of smaller titles mostly fall into very homogeneous categories. While we don't find 'inherent' value, there is definitely comparatively value.
>know a product is shit
>buy it anyway
>complain about it
>wonder why the government doesn't stop me from buying it
>blame capitalism
>play game for 2 hours
>dont like it
why the fuck you crying like a bitch?
Actual Commie here, we buy all of our games because we believe society should be helping each other and artists are already exploited in a capitalistic society, why make it worse for them? Naw they ain't commies, they are just faggots.
pretty sure Family Guy is deeper than Rick and Morty
>In communistic society
barney is deeper then rick and jewdah
>Why the fuck is Sup Forums full of commies?
Gamergate and the Mootshelvek rebellion
shut up christfag monopolist cuck
stop gaslighting.
>talking shit but cries when assigned to clean toilets
Why does Sup Forums infest every other board?
Sup Forums was a mistake
he meant being genuinely sorry for, not being apologists
Why do you think the last century has been spent demonizing the third option?
no it's not you fucking retard.
>takes 100 workers and 12 days to make a boat
>takes 20 workers and 2 days to make a car
which one will cost more? hmm idk I guess we'll have to wait to see how the "consumer subjectively values" it in order to tell. we'll just never know.