>so wacky xD
>so original xD
>collectin and jumpin so fun xD
>vicariously relivin muh youth xD
So wacky xD
Other urls found in this thread:
imagine being this scared that you might enjoy a video game for once
I like that it focuses on Mario's hat
Are you ok there?
epic, nintendiddies completely owned you tell them bro
video games are a mature medium
for mature people
such as myself
good thread
Waaah waaah why won't it win GOTY
Imagine being this bitter
yeah man, fuck having fun
OP is more for dark and edgy games that look mature.
its bad, but its not as bad as pretending something is amazing when its just the same re-hashed IP over and over
keep owning bro fuck nintenpoopeepees
There's honestly nothing wrong with making a game with nearly identical mechanics if you give the player a new way and new environment to use them in. Nintendo usually at least does that aside from the occasional straight remakes. If using those same mechanics again results in a really fun game, does it matter if it's a sequel or not? I don't think it does. The loser here is the little guy that has to compete with the big names, I think, because A Hat In Time is a lot of fun too and didn't get nearly as much attention.
What were you trying to accomplish with this post?
>the only true perception of fun is what I perceive to be fun
State of nintentoddleryearolds
Because Zelda will. Nintendo still wins ya simp.
being a faggot
Uh I don’t think you know what vicarious means OP
Meanwhile game series like
dark souls, every fps ever, assassins creed, MGS and countless fighting games all rehash almost 100% of the time and it's perfectly ok.
Imagine waking up every morning just to be mad at absolutely EVERYTHING
>good morning user!
>'le gud morning user xD' FUCK YOU
Name 20 new ips that came out this year not made by nintendo and not E for everyone.
if mario odyssey is "fun" you might as well just go to the fucking backyard, throw a bunch of coins on the grass and jump around like a retard you fucking manchildren.
>same re-hashed IP over and over
last sandbox 3d mario was released 15 years ago
Well, if Odyssey did one thing right it's that it actually gave Mario a personality.
>somebody doesnt like game
>therefore they dont like anything and are devoid of happiness in life
Like you could jump without blowing out your knees you fat faggot
I don't get the joke?
Can I control inanimate objects and sentient beings in my backyard?
I know right, we should have a mature Mario videogame where Bowser rapes Peach on front of Mario and then he does mushrooms and kills everyone with a gun on a sepia palette
Well if you only hate the game for not being grim dark fantsy shooter then yes.
congratulations this is the most retarded post I've ever seen on Sup Forums
>If Call of Duty is "fun", may as well join the military
>If skyrim is "fun", may as well learn how to become a smith and make swords, then go around killing people with them
>If Dishonored is "fun" you may as well get yourself framed for murder and go on a revenge killing spree
You could apply this to literally anything outside sports and it'd be just as retarded if not moreso.
Look at OP's """"""complaints"""""" and tell me with a straight face that autistic screeching means anything.
All he's doing is staying the obvious but adding it between "Le" and "XD".
what is this mongoloid even talking about
why is it that nintenbros get so defensive when their games are called out for being repetitive shit that panders to nostalgia? No other fanbase gets this assblasted over people not liking plumber jump #352
Friendly reminder that xD posting is the sure sign of a mental midget.
Ah yes I see, a very good sentiment.
I might actually buy a switch for that if its in FPS
>>'le somebodi dont like game >_>'
>>'therefore they dont like anythin' and arent any happi xD'
that would be more interesting than Mario 64 on acid
>how to trigger a nintenbro
>step 1: say something
>step: 2 there is no step 2
le shitposting derpina me gusta irony.jpg
>how to sell something to a sonybro
>step 1: spend all your funds in marketing instead of the game
>step 2: there is no step 2
why do people think mario is a yearly series?
I mean I never heard people complain about asscred, CoD its like expected for those franchise to have yearly releases.
I think OP is having a stroke or something, but I see an Odyssey image and I'm almost done with the game (two unique moons to go) and I can safely say it's the most fun I've had in years. An actual masterpiece.
>literally no one mentioned Sony or PS
>b-b-but muh Soneeeeee
So...this is the intellect...of Nintendies...woah.
>Xbots are extinct and PCbros are beyond consolewarring
Gee, who else is left?
lol this is an anonymous image board user
people can mention whatever they want at any time
I fucking hate you, this schtick is so goddamn old. The show isn’t even relevant anymore.
Could you at least use a word that makes sense
you can't relive your own youth Vicariously.
You can relive someone else's youth, not your own. By definition doing something Vicariously is seeing the world through someone else's eyes
>most fun ive had in years
>actual literal masterpiece
this is why we cant have nice things
They do it vicariously through Mario
and Mario does it literally by mind raping the inhabitants of the mushroom kingdom
Glad you enjoyed it
nintenbros spend hours making these because they barely know how to work a computer in the first place
>spent almost ten minutes thinking of a reply.
Maybe for a dumb Sony chimp, but really all you need is photoshop and 10 minutes of free time.
>the city of sonyfags
Ok I lol'd.
With Mario, there is only BING.
>The Sonyjew is immunized against all dangers: one may call his console weak, gameless, cinematic, or inferior, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Sonyjew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out >b-but muh sony.”.
>fun is for cretins
but odyssey is a nice thing
All of your examples have grave consequences attached to them, making it pretty damn dumb to realize them in real life.
This one doesn't, making it a perfectly viable alternative to playing Odyssey.
>nintenbros will try to deny this
Didn't the last 3D platform we come out 5 years ago?
XD me like poopy Sony game lOL xdd horizon good game XDD PERSONA Epic FTW XDD NINTENDO IS KIDDY LOOooL xdd
Which one of BotW and Odyssey will trigger the sony negroid the longuest?
I personally was certain that sony niggers would get tired after 6 months of BotW existing, but clearly i was underestimating their assblast induced rage.
Jesus is the average Sony fan really this child like?
one of the best games this year, t bh
not until the next 3d zelda and 3d mario games come out
user, you need to unironically swing your arms from side to side. come on, lets do tha mario.
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn’t he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Odyssey hate thread up and choose the captcha. Or maybe you don’t even choose the captcha. Maybe you’re such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Sup Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The “epic” Plumber guy, isn’t it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it’s ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that’s right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she’s probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Sup Forums posting about a fucking banana. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Sonyfag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can’t even try to talk with you because all you say is “BING BING WAHOO.” You’ve become a parody of your own self. And that’s all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he’s done a million times now. And that’s all you’ll ever be.
I unironically agree. Also the soundtrack is godawful.
I loved this game, and the ending was literally 10/10 didn't see it coming
I really wonder what goes on in a person to make a thread like this
Usually some variation of “oh boy I’m sure this’ll be in a screencap”
"my console isn't getting any new games until next year, I'm so bored"
This argument was viable when Sony wasn't in the rehash business.
Want a uncharted rehash, a sotc rehash or a souls rehash?
Because people parrot dumb shit all the time.
accusations are from a time when Nintendo was the only dev who had enough of a legacy to actually do sequels.
Now it turns out Nintendo innovate the most with their sequels, while the others just recycle superbad
>"I'm 13 years old and in my edgy contrarian phrase."
Consider suicide.
It will still be valid until Nathan Drake has been in 200+ games.