>a thread died for this
A thread died for this
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It’s a speedrun, do you speedrun on your first playthrough?
That's only 1 minute less gameplay than super mario odyssey.
game is literally 30 seconds long
people pay sixty hundred bucks for this shit? fucking lmao
s a g e
It's soyboy communist propaganda. They fucking retconned the main character's background to be a jew despite being a perfect Aryan in the previous games. Completely missed the point of the Wolfenstein series.
Who gives a fuck?
>the point of the Wolfenstein series
What was the point of it, exactly?
Because all Wolfenstein has been is be one generic and personality-less shooter one after another.
Only Wolfenstein 3D did something, which was being the first FPS ever, but that's all there is to this worthless franchise, the same with Doom.
Everyone associated to politics is a numale.
Being a idealist scum is the latest passtime for manchildren.
what new terms are you kids using these days
what's a soyboy?
A feminine man.
Soy consumption triggers estrogen production.
>Only Wolfenstein 3D did something, which was being the first FPS ever, but that's all there is to this worthless franchise, the same with Doom.
So, you think you know the most about series you never even care for.
Good fucking job, for invalidating your own point.
Nigger, I've been drinking soy milk since I was young because of lactose intollerance, and I'm /fit/. Never heard of this rumor. Fucking hell kids on the internet these days.
I played every single one of them except The New Colossus, so yeah, I think I know plenty of it.
It's a completely generic shooter repeating over and over again the theme of the nazis having advanced tech and, in some cases, paranormal shit.
You shouldn't drink milk in the first place, it has no benefits.
people have been saying soy isn't meant for human consumption for years.
Except for preventing your bones from rotting, but who needs those, am I right?
>is a literal soyboy
>too weak to even handle milk
No wonder you lift weights to cover your balding and weak genes, how short are you?
I'm 185cm, don't know how it translates into your faggy measurements. I also have a healthy head full of air. Fight me faggot
>king of the manlets
>I also have a healthy head full of air.
Yea, we're aware of that.
>Sup Forums is still this buttblasted
nothing went wrong shit's still comedy central
>uses cuckfag European measurements
>calls other measurement faggy
Yeah who wants unbreakable bones? Amirite fellas?
This should never be used as an argument of game's lenght. Just look at fucking Mario Odyssey, another recent release.
>amerilard in charge of calling others faggy
Keep trying, fatboy
>I also have a healthy head full of air.
how old are you?
I'd fight you but I'm scared you'd break your wrists.
>Sup Forums pretending to be manly
This is so fucking pathetic.
>sips soy milk
>They fucking retconned the main character's background to be a jew
More like they retconned the father to not be a jew.
I love how they gave some of the generic Nazis personalities. Made them so much sweeter to kill.
What else did you expect from that garbage commie "journalists" site.
explain the point, because i thought it was just about killing nazis?
Next you'll bring up the whole race and women power shit despite the fact it's about right for that time period.
Yeah, we all know true men spend their time in a videogame forum meant first for anime, right?
>*peddles moronic broscience*
>section F level
>hear two nazis chat
>the younger brother is frightened about the terrorists and the older one is reassuring him
Fuck you nais, have an axe in your skull.
Go drink some soy milk, soyboy.
Never had it, is it tasty?
The whole point is that numales and soyboys make Sup Forumsirgins look manly. It's that bad.
That one in particular was sweet because if you kill one mid-conversation the other reacts like "oh my god that was my brother!" Almost felt sorry actually. Almost.