This is the best controller.
This is the best controller
>digital triggers
Yeah, sure. user-kun.
What's the last non-racing game you've played that actually used analog triggers?
Non issue
It isn't, the d-pad is unsuable. There's no reason to get this over an xbone pad.
got it 2 days ago
its not as great as you fucking shills make it look like
the c stick is pretty shit till you get use to it
zr zl are not as clicky as joy con
overall joycons are better
Sm4sh though it's not really required. I play on PC and have small hands so it's not the best to me.
In an all-around grade, I wouldn't say it's the best.
this controller and the joy cons will not be compatible with a lot of gamecube vc games
They honestly aren't really necessary for racing games either. You can just change gears instead.
>That god awful d-pad
Close but no cigar.
Some are faulty according to shit posters. Most work just fine.
>be retarded
>call other people retarded
Which ones? The only one I can think of is Sunshine, but they can just map R and ZR to different thresholds.
l m f a o
Good thing GameCube controllers work on the switch then isn't it?
racingtards need to be gassed, digital is way better than analog
>He thinks Switch will have a GameCube VC
No they can't.
Sunshine is literally unplayable without the Gamecube triggers.
How so?
THIS *clap* This right here is the future of controller gaming. You can either accept it or be on the wrong side of history.
>Make average product
>Charge extra for it
>Mouthbreathing fanboys think it's special
The apple of gaming
The face buttons have almost no feedback and the bumpers are awful, clicky garbage.
>Few games use it, so it shouldn't be a feature
Few games also use a d-pad and the clickable sticks. Not including industry standard features in your controller is just a bad idea in general.
Agreed. It would be perfect if that d-pad didnt feel so stiff and clunky.
I don't like the rumble on it.
The wrong side of history then, got it.
If the vast majority of games use analog triggers as digital triggers, then the triggers should be digital because they'd be faster to press and more responsive.
Its alot more sensitive then it is clunky.
Sometimes it I press left or right it instead goes up or down.
>tfw replaced my xbone controller analogs with aluminum ones for 5 bux
Fucking nice, no more dust from where the stick gets scrapped by where its housed. Retard design.
No, since you already have two perfectly fine digital shoulder buttons.
Hell, you could go the PS2/3 route and make the shoulder button analog, while still feeling like regular, digital ones. I don't think majority of people even knew that L1/R1 had analog input as well. It was rarely used, but it was there and it was a great feature.
So are you saying that you will rewrite history to pretend you're 100% right even though the facts are that you're it
>subjective opinion
The kicker is you probably think you're smarter than his bait
>plug in ANY controller to a PC game
>xbox one buttons pop up
checkmate kiddo
Every button except start and select were analog on the dualshock 2
>plug in DS4
>PlayStation button prompts
>MicroSoft developed OS
>Has MicroSoft icons
What the fuck?!
There's no way mine is faulty, its just designed like shit. No good tactile feedback, clunky, and too sensitive.
What about L3 and R3?
You're right. It's easy to forget those exist.
Why the fuck is it so expensive?!
Are there any alternatives?
Because it has gyro features. That's it.
meme rumble and amiibo scanner.
lol no
DS4 also has gyro, and additionally a touchpad, headphone jack, lightbar, speaker and its like 40 to 50 dollars
Odd. Mine is great. Feels just like the wii u pro with more of a responsive click
$10 more than your average controller isn't very expensive. Also if you're looking for an alternative I would suggest the wii u pro.
Do Sony make a profit off of it though? You can sell a product at a loss, but Nintendo tend to keep their prices high to avoid it.
I have trouble justifying my purchase because I could buy a fucking game with that money.
>wii u pro
It works with the Switch?
How is that relevant to the consumer? Can you be any more of a corporate drone?
Who fucking cares when you can just use a Gamecube controller for those instances where you REALLY need analog triggers.
It is most comfortable but not having analogue triggers keeps it from being optimal. Lots of games have vehicles in them that aren't racing games. If any genre of game suffers because of the design, it's a flaw. Simple.
I'm an Xbox and PC guy through and through but I've had Nintendo fever lately. I can't decide if I want a Wii U or a Switch (I'd say Switch flatout if it already had Smash and Animal Crossing.)
I played Pokken on a Wii U in my university's gameroom today and I really like the gamepad, but it does throw me off having the face buttons where the analog stick is on Xbox controllers.
What the hell are you being so defensive about? We're talking about the price of a product and I'm bringing up a perfectly valid reason why one could be cheaper than the other.
How is this being a drone in any way?
The kicker is that you're wrong,
There is such thing as objectivity on the quality of a controller.
I know that might be a foreign concept, since this is video game board and we mostly talk about an entertainment medium that cannot have objective variables that can measure it's quality, but we can come to a objective conclusion on a game controller.
more like
>start DS4Windows
>connect DS4
>look for button icon mods
>pray that they work for the current version of the game
>play the game regardless of whether they did or didn't work
>just use a gamecube controller
defeats the purpose of portable gamecube vc
Rocket League.
I can't wait to play Terraria with this thing
I own a Wii U and kinda regret it. The switch looks amazing and it gets like 70% of the Wii U library ported to it as well.
Because everyone else makes decent controllers and sells them for $50, nintendo is just raising the price for a higher profit margin
I'm gonna cum
Like I said, if it had Smash and Animal Crossing I'd be picking one up this weekend. I'm a huge animal crossing fan and I want to start playing Smash but simply don't have a console for it and don't want to start with Brawl.
I feel like Nintendo kinda has the market cornered for good 3D platformers.
>nintendo is just raising the price for a higher profit margin
That's exactly my point.
The jocks at my school beat me up when they saw this picture on my phone
This, it's a bad controller if katamari isn't intuitive on it
point and laugh
Makes no difference.
>Arguing about asymmetric vs symmetric as if it made any difference
I love this meme, but not as good as skub
How is there no way you got a faulty one?
Skub is such a dumb argument. We settled it years and years ago. Skubfags are objectively wrong.
>(you)r post was made by a
>*R2 breaks*
Thanks sony
Works for me
Explain to me how symmetrical sticks are better
Doesn't for me, my brother, or my roommate. Nice 1 to 4 success ratio.
I have 4 DS4s and all of them work fine and get plenty of use so that means 100% of DS4 work fine :)
anyone who says nintendo has good controllers is a retarded little baby
>Works on my machine!™
>Doesn't work on my machine!™
>mad sonyger
>Pyra's colors
>massaging her nipples all day everyday
I'm gonna buy that controller, and none of you faggots can do anything to stop me
gyro, hd rumble, nfc
Not if I buy every copy first cuck. She's claimed as mine.
then dont get it, get the wired 30 buck controllers that dont have all the extra shit
Anyone buy the Pokken pads for the Switch? Those Hori ones?
Do they work on PC, and do they feel gud?
>wired 30 buck controllers that dont have all the extra shit
anyone have any experience with this?
sm4sh doesn't utilize analog trigger for shield.
>literally every controller not Sony is not good
>even the shit fest DS4
Well that settles it, the pro controller better be worth the dosh
What's wrong? Too much of a little bitch to Topple and Daze them?
The vibrate feature is more than worth it user.
How well does it work on Windows?
Not true. It adds nothing to the games.
It does for us.
wii u pro controller best and most durable regular controller with no frills on the market if you're not playing racing games
like an 80 hour battery life and it uses regular bluetooth if you don't feel like using a mayflash adapter (which translates it into xinput really well)
D-pad is great, buttons are great, sticks are well made. Only complaint is that even though the bumbers are also well made, my left bumper seems to activate halfway through the press rather than all the way through. This is after years of abuse, though.
Wii U Pro just werks on PC? Neat.
No. You need to get some unofficial driver and that's if you're using bluetooth. It won't work wired.
i played all of sunshine and metroid prime on dolphin with a wii u pro controller. L and R are 90% analog, ZL and ZR are 100% analog. Z goes to - and the games are fully playable. If anything the fact that you don't have to maintain a very particular level of force to keep the correct input makes it less of a hassle to play.