Does Sup Forums have any celebrity browsers?
Does Sup Forums have any celebrity browsers?
Ask him about Spikat haha
no way
Last year Gamefreak had promotions for Pokemon’s anniversary
Some Football player posted on Twitter that he’s ready to fight people
/vp/ like the little shits that they are decided to aggro and got the guy to fight a bunch of them
Majority got their asses kicked by his Fucking honchcrow and still feel buttmad about it today
what the fuck
zelda williams used to
I dunno, but I think you should post more Blamus.
Never 5get
I think I remember seeing some screencap of Trent Reznor posting on Sup Forums.
I wanna smell black samus’s asshole, repeatedly
I want sweaty shygal to force me to lick all the sweat off her body after she is done exercising
Motherfucker needs to make another Quake soundtrack, and a sequel Quake 1 for it.
if shatner is monitoring this thread, i want to know what his favorite video game is please
one of the guys from the band protomen goes here, i remember there being a protomen thread and he came in the thread talking about the new album and proved it was him on twitter
He probably only browses Sup Forums, the poor man.
he's most likely on Sup Forums or /x/
he browses Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and sometimes /x/
>pokefags physically fought a football player over a pokefag disagreement
wat, this sounds just like my japanese animes, and not a very good one
I dunno about Sup Forums in particular but I know Andrew WK, Robin Williams, and Taylor Swift are/were celebanons
He's a Sup Forums and /x/ poster. Basically boards that are ironic and not attached to movements.
>86 years old
Quality plastic surgery is a gift from god, it should be mandatory for all oldcels and ugly people in general
Sup Forums is literally the most influential board on Sup Forums
When I decide to tank my career, I'll tweet about how much I love Senran Kagura.
No no, in game.
why is samus a black people?
she was always black.
BLETROID: Starring Blamus Blaran
wait whats so bad about this? Wouldnt you want to challenge a celeb to a pokemon battle?
>what is Sup Forums
do you have a link to anything relating to it?
It isn't the 2016 election anymore.
>Taylor Swift
I want a black girl to sit on my face
It's been an open secret for years.
And people say devs don't shillpost here.
It's okay when they're completely up front about it and come to interact.
that's hot
>Sup Forums
>not attached to movements
oh child
You're not real!
Everybody loves SK, user.
Is Samus Negro stronger than Samus Blanco?
I never even played it
Not entirely true, both Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the two most Sup Forums infected boards outside of Sup Forums. While not necessarily attached to a movement, we sure are having shoved in our fucking face on a constant basis.
I want a black woman to stomp my nuts into the dirt while calling me a white cuck and taking my money as reparations.
Neither have I, but the devs like T&A and they made a game about it, so fuck it.
I just respect that.
Can i just put on a dress and put on black face and do it? I'll gladly take your money and call you a faggot.
Post more chocolate.
na nigga
Wew everyday you learn something new.
Well unlearn it.
Sup Forums is more Sup Forums than fucking Sup Forums they were using soy boy as a buzzword insult before Sup Forums even was.
I like Total War.
This thread is a social experiment to determine where the discussion goes when provided two possible topics at hand: posting brown vidya girls or celebanons.
I want him to know that he's a better actor than people give him credit for, and that its unfortunate he'll only get his due after he dies like what happened with Adam West.
>3 years ago
Damn, time goes by quickly
well, there are black people in Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey, and brown people in ARMS and Splatoon, so anything's possible now it would seem.
I want to play as a black Animal Crossing villager who mugs the friendly animals, does home invasion robberies, and rapes the women.
damage control. you wouldn't want your sweet innocent-looking artist (read: cash cow) to be associated with the bottom-of-the-barrel social rejects, nah?
>moot running interference when his site would only benefit from the added foot traffic
Trevor Moore from WKUK goes on Sup Forums.
>he thinks I'm black or give a shit
Oh user, you're so offensive! I'm deeply cut by your edge!
>3 years
>coulda had a new Kamiya game by now if microsoft hadn't ruined everything
my dude brennan
also he's a pro wrestler now
wow what a dick namefags should be permabanned and wtf kind of newfag name is "moot ## amid" anyway?
I don't get how people use WE WUZ KINGZ nowadays. Originally it was used for faggots who believed niggers were Egyptian kings, but now it seems like another insult for niggers.
white supremacist take any representation of PoC and their mere existence on the same planet as them as a personal attack, I am serious look up "white fragility"
every meme will evolve if it lives long enough
Goodness who on earth is the devil that made these things.
I had 10 lines in Mr. Robot. Does that count?
That show sucks.
Nice try, falseflagger.
I'm not sure "shouting it whenever it's remotely relevant" is the same as evolving.
Sup Forums constantly tries to infect Sup Forums, but to no avail. Sup Forums is easily manipulated by Sup Forums
too much boobs, but 10/10 butt
why the afro, afro are so fucking stupid
If he was paid a worthy enough lump sum I can see him doing it.
> that one time deadmau5 posted on Sup Forums
>knowing and caring about celebs
Normalfags please go away.
I love afros and find them sexy.
Fite me.
True. But the odds of average anons just being fucking liars is much, much higher.
Sup Forums is full of australian shitposters and will immediately pretend to be SJW lefties whenever they see a Sup Forums poster
This is true.
Fantastic. I remember when DSP was playing one of the DaS games he got invaded by a bunch of /dsg/ guys over the course of a day. He beat about 90% of them, hilariously.
What does Sam Esmail smell like, haha
Multiple Kerbal devs used to shitpost here and likely still do.
we wuz space bounty huntaz n shiet
>He beat about 90% of them
this is bullshit
Sure, but if you're going to blacksploitation them up, more curves helps sell it.
Hilarious and original
did you blow Spock?
WE WUZ doesn't even apply for just black people anymore. Go on /his/ and see how many white people (especially this Polish guy who thinks he's an Aryan) unironically WE WUZ ancient civilizations that aren't Greece, Rome, or Crete.
Man that was a fun thread. I miss when Sup Forumsingos were a regular thing.
>a black person's natural hair is stupid
That's not very nice. While I prefer braids, dreads, and the occasional female high top fade/mohawk, Afros have their place.