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Video Games #3972
Video Games
Tips on emulating this game well?
How bad did I do?
How do you eat while you play games
If you were going to make your own Zelda game, what would be the story about?
How do you guys like the switch so far?
Childhood Vidya Scares
VR already years old
"hey user did you enjoy cuphead?"
But it's ok when japan lock content behind monetary RNG system
Name one (1) good thing about MGS V besides Quiet
Nier: Automata
Darkwood Thread
You know how this works Sup Forums post em, rate em
Webm thread
I AM FULLY CHAR-*gets headshot*
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
What games feature deep chemistry-related mechanics?
>WoW >in 2017
What's ol' Lucifer's end game for EA?
How much are they all being paid to play this shitty game?
Anyone else play Phantasy Star Online 2?
Weekend Jackbox 3
Is it possible to name 5 exclusives for this console not on PS3 worth owning aside from the Onimusha series?
Who wins in a fight Mr Halo or rinehard from overwatch ? In a 200'x200' arena
Kill Paarthurnax
Any JRPGs with a protagonist older than 13...
Working on that gamer body Sup Forums?
Who is still rocking the Vita in 2017?
Reminder: You will never relive the golden era of mods
This is currently the best looking game on PC. Say something nice about it
When was the last time you died in the first level of a video game?
Is it safe to say Capcom has the best selection of girls from the video game industry?
Gravity Daze / Rush Bread
Lootboxes are gambling CONFIRMED
I'm buying one of these one black friday, what games should I get for it?
Don't you have art skills to make your own game?
Home alone on a saturday night playing video games
”I only buy Japanese games!”
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Do you guys think PUBG will be bigger than halo 3 in terms of online for the xbone?
Just finished Yakuza 0, and Kiwami, moving on to 2
Best weapon in the game is at the very start
Finally get around to buying this
I want to teach youngfags about Ecco the Dolphin
What did they mean by this?
You lose all your progress when you die
Even the Washington Post is reporting on EA bullshit
ITT: Post your Gunfus and others recommend you games that has them
Choose your slav
Scenes women will never understand
Better music
American level
Recommendation thread?
*takes a deep breath*
Seriously, what the FUCK were they thinking?
What would you consider essential soycore?
Is this game good? is it worth it to install uplay to play it for the free weekend...
Making enemies that deal more damage and have more HP is not true difficulty
What the fuck kojima is doing in Sweden?
What's the most honest fighting game, Sup Forums?
ITT we discuss lips
I don't even find D.Va attractive. Is something wrong with me? Give me a Mercy or Ana any day
What are the best co-op games?
What happened?
ITT: GAMES only you have played
Sega should make controllers again
>le hill climbing simulator 2017
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Filename Thread
What games will you play tonight Sup Forums ?
What are some games that can make somebody smarter? You know like brainage?
Have to dance with this jackwagon again every time you want a rematch with Radiance
How do we fix the horror genre?
The family members have tears in their eyes when they welcome Kaim back to the inn from his long journey
Debate this
How hyped were you before this game was released?
Valkyria Revolution
ITT: Movie tie-in video games that were actually great
Church is introduced in a game
Can someone explain to me why this is still exclusive after all this time? Sure...
Dark souls
Dead Space
We ODST now
Did you build your own PC, user?
Paradox game
Why do Halo weapons still use present-day ammo?
It's great
So how hard will they try to make fun of trump in gta 6?
How can we make Ace Attorney great again?
Do you think this could mean anything, or is it just coincidence?
Character Names thread
Which way would you go, Sup Forums?
This is your WIFE
I'm on Zoloft. What should I play?
Name a game with worse combat
You coming back to For Honor Sup Forums...
Sup Forums mens apreciation thread
How is such a shitty game so good?
Dad walks in
Bullshit plotholes
In philosophy
Thoughts on Warframe?
Female Jetstream >>>> Hackerman >>>>> fapbait
What kind of games do only niggers play?
Do you miss anything about the old days of gaming, Sup Forums?
Literally betrays the Empire she has served her entire line after three missions
When should I be using the handgun?
Will the next expansion finally have a decent story? Havent had one since WoTLK
Are there any good cooking games or they all dumb garbage like Cooking Mama?
I am having the comfiest weekend with Skyrim® Switch®
How is this game so bad?
Oh shit, Tyrant Overlord Laharl has invaded the universe of the last game you played
Monster hunter thread GO
What does "Games as a Service" mean?
What is the video game equivalent of this webm?
What went wrong?
What is the "why didn't they just fly the ring to mordor?" of video games?
Now that the dust has settled, what Sup Forums thinks about him now?
Are there any good anime styled MMOs?
Your Neopets are 18 years old now
Game has mysterious things with no purpose
Why did Nintendo fail in Poland?
The last game you played now has its player character coming after your current player character
What the fuck went wrong?
Honest thoughts on Bloodborne?
Should I buy a Nintendo Switch?
Crisp 4k gaming
Fire Emblem
What are your top 3 games of all time?
BITCH what you need?
Why did the Vita fail?
People here actually think Kimahri is useless
How is it? Heard bad things about this, can anyone give me some insight?
Literally undertale with cute anime girls
It's fun!
Will you buy her game?
Unreal or Quake?
Show me a vidya girl who’d give an actual look like this in game
What seperates from generic video game reviews and critical analysis?
Are these games art?
Wolfenstein 2 A Massive Failure
Best final fantasy game
ANYOne want to be my friend on nintendo switch?? :)
I will only mention Unannounced titles here
How about one of these?
Team Dark
I'm a cheap bastard and I'm looking for free games that can be played on my piece of shit $300 laptop...
A Hat in Time
Worst Castlevania ever
What's a good Yu-Gi-Oh game that doesn't have bullshit microtransactions?
Yesterdays halo thread was good, let's have another
ITT: vidya that flooded Sup Forums with shitposting
I think we can agree this game had one of the comfiest sound tracks
How do we keep the normies out Sup Forums?
Trails in the Sky
I bought pic related what should I expect ?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Was doing some research to see if I would want to get Shadow of War and came across this gem
Wtf happened to ANGRY JOE?!?!!?
In defence of Chrono Cross
The ps4 sold 7 million units in it's first 6 months
Are you gonna buy their game?
You have no excuse not to pick up Siege this weekend
Dragon Ball FighterZ
So now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that The Wolf Among Us is Telltale's undisputed magnum opus?
Now that Disney is involved I think it's over now guys
The best background in .hack//G.U. Last Recode thread
Roll has something to show you..!!!
Are we still excited?
Be indie dev
Hey user!
I don't understand the appeal
This is the most beautiful piece of gaming hardware I've ever owned
ITT: red flags
Soyboy games only
You can only get the Altair outfit if you have played several ass creed games logged in to the ubisoft club and have...
Rey's first line when spawning on the battlefront is:
Covenant vs The Empire
Volition added Kinzie to Agents of Mayhem. Will you play it now Sup Forums?
How do I fix this?
Your'e getting better, archer
Is it worth buying a Switch for?
It's a swamp/desert/water level
TES 6 might not have alchemy or enchanting
Pearl is best girl confirmed
Why is Twitch chat such a pathetic cess pit?
*headshots you across the map*
Amerifags, sell me on your state/region/city as the location of the next Fallout Game
Holy fuck it works like ABSOLUTE FUCKING SHIT with such huge FPS drops every fucking 5 seconds
Hello where is the screenshot thread
Does you take stimulants to enhance your gaming experience?
How do I get good at arena shooters? Or fast-paced FPS in general?
Why is sub-saharan Africa incapable of creating any video games?
Doom Marine in Smash 5
Default outfit is cooler than unlockable alternate outfits
Give it to me straight, Sup Forums
Why does Sup Forums hate lol, asking for a friend here
Is this the worst level in nintendo history?
You held on to her didn't you Sup Forums?
What Civ game is definitively the best?
Why do people play FPS games on consoles?
Do people really take gaming """journalism""" seriously?
When did you realize that this is the best Zelda game?
Will they ever be able to reattain the level of greatness of this game?
Show me your wargear Sup Forums
"yo sup bro, turn on your mic bro"
Did you buy her new game?
Is it safe to get an xbox one s now ?
Can we all agree the first Silent Hill movie was good?
ITT: Games you thought were bad but ends up surprisingly good
Alright fuckers, we're heading to Oregon. First five posts decides names and occupations. GO
Would you pay for steam?
How many scamiibos do you own?
Worst games of their respective series
Elves, dwarves, giants or human females?
The longsword is sturdy and blunt, but the katana is fast and sharp!
It's his birthday today
Thoughts on this?
Is this the last good BioWare game?
Which button is jump?
Why is the xbox community so much better than playstation?
What's Sup Forums's gamer fuel of choice?
How would you categorize lootboxes and microtransactions in this analogy?
Do you play video games with your girlfriend Sup Forums?
I haven't played any new game since MGSV disappointed me. Prey and the new Deus Ex caught my interest...
3rd person game
Lovecraftian final bosses and 'lore'
Anyone else playing Final Fantasy XI?
Your thoughts on him?
Why do we get a ton of indy 8 bit and 16 bit homages but nothing similar to the ps1/n64 era?
Do you think games would be better if women had more realistic body types? Or would that make the virgins here upset?
It's a comfy autumn Saturday, anons. What are ya
Numerical review scores
What the fuck was his problem?
New to gaem, get tablet
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Original 2 Mega Man games imply that the boss characters are construction workers or designed to help society in a...
How do we prevent casuals from continuing to ruin this industry?
Defects your path
Is Mario human?
Elf level
Can we now agree that this was better than odyssey?
Report in, squids. How are you doing in the Splatfest?
WHAT ARE SOME GAMES that let you play on a shittop and still remain FUN! (for reference my shittop won't play CSGO at...
Star Wars babbies think their gay Empire can withstand the Covenant
"Ash... I'm fucking dieing"
Driving with friends to Costco
What do I buy
Is there a better video game composer?
What the fuck, I thought Billy was our guy?!
For me it's pineapple the best darksouls
ITT: We post GOOD EA games
Touhou on Steam
Is this the best RPG ever?
Almost 3 millions players on at the same time
Who is better?
What went so wrong?
This is the comfiest way to play Skyrim. Also fuck you the motion controls are fun
People are always fighting between Aeris or Tifa
*Geoff Keighley takes the stage*
Coworkers start talking about video games
Whos your favourite video game videos maker?
How do you get a gamer boyfriend?
Tfw you played vidya for 8 hours straight
Minecon Earth
Did the aliens lobotomize her?
VR thread
Game of the month
Does Sup Forums play fighting games?
Sup Forums Buyfaggot Thread
Why Does The DLC Not Being On The Disc Matter?
Video game related comics
Why are developers so afraid to give women muscle?
Your opinion on Doom 3?
"w-when can I stop laughing Mike?"
THAT song
Name ONE (1) alien race better than the Elites from Halo. Protip: you can't
What are your thoughts on the Altmer from the Elder Scrolls?
How come Overwatch has lots of memorable quotes but TF2 doesn't have a single one?
Do you clap at video game endings?
I don’t enjoy PC Gaming anymore
Misunderstood genius or talentless hack?
Brother broke my $400 shitbox
What games have decent character customization AND good gameplay?
Which one is the best, Sup Forums?
Taaaake thiiiiis
What are you playing this weekend Sup Forums ?
Man i am so fucking sick of anime cliches in games
We have physics engines for water, collapsing buildings and sand
Who was the worst new character?
What does Sup Forums think of witches in video games?
Why do the most badass vidya character always have beards and are tall, Sup Forums?
Get an IT job in a massive office
Why do all these games have so much damn superfluous audio? Does anyone even listen to these?
Native 4K@60FPS on Xbone X
Ubisoft says that the second part of the DLC coming in early 2018 will include “an exclusive world featuring a new...
Draw a scene from a video game from memory! Other posters try to guess what video it's from!
USUM rating in amazon
This game is legitimately fun, especially the multiplayer...
Can you guys recommend me some good RPGs that have an interesting story, a nice gameplay...
Be honest. How many times have you bought my games
What really does DMC3 have over DMC4 other than boss fights...
Does Breath of the Wild have the most interesting world of any open world game?
So... basement dwarves from 4chin and Reddit managed to bomb the user score and remove the micro-transaction...
“I used to think this was just ‘Smut for losers who can’t get a real girl,’ like most people,” she said. Now...
Fuck Sup Forums and its retarded opinions
Why is there no game where mutants (not just human with superpowers) are the good guys?
Kingdom Farts
Humble reminder that Rogue/Thief was the patrician class
Why the long pause?
Prove me wong
Have graphics gone too far? What will happen when we can't differentiate between real life and video game anymore?
Which vidya girl would you treat to a relaxing foot massage?
4k Vidya for only $500
Valkyria Chronicles
Where is the Stardew Valley thread?
What is the point of the blue shell?
British Isles
Already dead
Naughty Vidya Secrets
How did it go so wrong?
Filename thread
New Titan Quest expansion
What's the Sup Forumserdict?
And at the end, Sonic Mania won, and Sonic Force lost
He doesn't pirate video games
What's a really big budget game that had bad graphics?
Death Stranding is Metal Gear Solid
Why don't we have a Dark Souls thread guys?
I fucking hate normalfags
Play on a Sup Forums server
Plagiarism in video games
VGA is a joke
You could either play and earn your in-game skins
When was the last time you actually had fun playing video games?
Embarrassing, Europe
ITT: Games you know are bad, but you enjoy them anyway
A bloody Xenoblade 2 thread
ITT: How the fuck was I supposed to know that?
How the fuck did an unfinished game become the GOTY for PC?
Reading old gaming forum posts
Your favorite game on each system you've owned
Friendly reminder that if you've ever bought amiibos then you've lost your right to whine about lootboxes
Final Fantasy VII remake thread
It’s 6:58 AM, raining outside and I just beat Silent Hill 3 again for the first time in a few years
Find a flaw
Black friday steam sale soon, fellow stalker
Lol lets make a boss that stuns you any time she hits you, basically making it a one hit kill
There's no God
What games are we all playing today?
So has Nintendo already made up their mind about if this is the same Donkey Kong that threw barrels at Mario...
What are the games of 2018 you're most looking forward to?
Remaster of this and sequel of this soon, r-right?
Soundtrack thread
You are getting your star wars titan xp right? You arent a filthy casual right?
Lootboxes is not gambling, it's actually something much worse
Who's going to setting their GPU on fire next year Sup Forums?
Is the DLC worth it?
First Ocarina of time playthrough
Party member dies and there's nothing you can do
Why is Samus's butt so big?
Is it even okay for Sekai Project to release Maitetsu in English? Think of the porn scenes with loli heroines...
Reddit are doing their bit in the fight against EA, why aren't you?
Is this, dare I say it, kino?
What am I in for?
Do celebs lurk on Sup Forums?
Sup Forums thinks the ruse isn't real
What games should I buy next, Sup Forums?
Have you ever been the best in your country at a particular video game before?
Will you play it?
Play Crysis without any mods at highest graphic settings
Holy shit lads Titan Quest just got a new DLC update 11 fucking years later how hype are you?
Mods are asleep, quick, let's have a favorite vidya titties thread like the good old days!
How do you like your female versions of alien races to look: like replicas with relative differences or basically just...
Whats the appeal of ARPGs?
ITT: We build a 97/100 3D Sonic game
Well Sup Forums?
Be honest: how many times did you summon for bosses?
This is a japanese shrine maiden
What games do you like to play with your sister, Sup Forums?
Isn´t this the same as lootboxes?
Playing Battlefront 2 online
Cyberpunk 2077 will include online elements to ensure long-term success, says CD Projekt
Weekend Jackbox the 2nd
10/10 character designs. Post 'em
Game and occupation!
Webm thread?
The best Quake game. You know it's true
What do you guys think about the current state of TF2?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
ITT: Weapons you always use if they're available
Lets do it
Why did you give up life for the virtual world?
Did you feel bad for him at the end of Odyssey, Sup Forums?
On your behalf
Whats your opinion on tekken 7, Sup Forums?
Did Randy Pitchford deserve this?
Skyward Sword: 4 million sales on 100 million install base
Horizon Zero Dawn is GOTY. Vote for it
Broken Difficulty
Hey Sup Forums Just finished Zelda BOTW and Mario Odyssey at 100% and it was tons of fun
Post vidya screenshots
What's your favorite pokemon?
Whats your genuine opinion on swating Sup Forums
Pillars of Eternity II - Deadfire
Battlerite is saved
STILL no information about DLC pack 2
On the verge of losing my job because I keep on calling in sick so I can play Binding of Isaac instead
Elder Scrolls
What games have the best animal companions?
Any tips on finding a lost 3DS? It's in my house somewhere but I can't remember where I put it
What's the One Punch Man of videogames?
We need a little more positivity and a little more solidarity to this board...
Is it worth playing any of the lisa fangames?
The Great Debate continues
The Switch now has the definitive version of BoTW, Mario Kart 8, Sonic Mania, Doom, Skyrim, Snake Pass and L.A. Noire...
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that this is the least flawed game released this year?
Lilly is the perfect girl, the perfect girl to bully. I'm so sad she isn't real...
How bad is this really?
Is the TMP the best gun or the worst gun
I think this looks great, fuck Digital Foundry
Wolfenstein 2 A Massive Failure
Are there any genuinely good female protagonists in vidya?
ITT: buyers remorse
You should really STOP doing this!
If A Hat in Time was a Mario game, everyone would be sucking it off
Be slav
See constant threads defending EA
There was only one ship
Hope you're doing OK Sup Forums. Love you
You'll never see a game like Titanfall in VR because traditional gaming locomotion causes over half the people that try...
LawBreakers of Sup Forums! Get hype because Patch 2.1 is coming!
Why does this game feel so soulless? What went wrong?
Is it good Sup Forums?
What games have comfy crafting?
The game is fun. If it's not fun, why bother?
When will "devs" stop trying to shoehorn their own political ideology into games?
Were they any good?
Protagonist is black >Everyone on Sup Forums cries about it
There have never been a good game. Everyting is mediocre
Are they fucked? Ea has shut down other studios for far less
Can we have a thread for this game? Anyone playing it for the first time since the sale this week...
Clad in his grandfather's armor
Gets called sensitive
Games where i can play as a badass nun?
What's Sup Forums's favorite Mega Drive game?
You picked the control ending didn't you
What went wrong with WoW?
Power Rangers
What would your parents, friends, and relatives say to you if they walked in/ watched you play the FF10-2 intro?
How the fuck can anyone defend this shit?
Does this ever actually become a game? I've spent three hours having a conversation simulator, cleaning a room...
Forgive me father, for I have sinned
So George, you have come this far and still you understand nothing. Every light must fade...
Thoughts on Rimworld?
Japanese developers believe bodybuilders are all homos
Did you ever hear the tragedy of battlefront 2?
Trap thread
What's the Evangelion of video games?
Video games are better now than ever. Agree or disagree?
What was Sup Forums's first Video Game?
Would Metal Gear be successful as it was right now if Big Boss never had the eyepatch from the beginning?
You literally have no good reason to not pick up Siege
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Randy/Battleborn/Lawbreakers thread
Except for cheating, is there any actual reason someone should be banned from an online game?
Game is super mediocre
Drama aside, loot boxes aside...
Will anything good ever come out of VR?
Why are people so threatened by a strong female lead character in a game?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
What is your favorite female name and have you ever used it for a custom character?
Its okay when Nintendo does it
You have 5 seconds to tell me a game you're excited about right now
A major female character in the last game you played gets fatter as the game progresses
There will never be a game that features a final battle as good as the final fight in the Gurren Lagann movie
New WoW expansion
What did Nintendo mean by this?
Find a flaw
As someone who is a legitimate, un-ironic fan of the original Bubsy game, this is fucking garbage
Worst games of their respective series
EA's best game in 7 years?
Whats is your favorite Resident Evil Game & Girl?
Titan Quest: Ragnarok
ITT: 10/10 OST
Who is the best Persona protagonist?
You only have 2 corks Sup Forums, how do you contain the garlic smell?
Reminder that humans are the best race
Why is she so trashy?
You have 10 seconds to describe your social life with a video game screenshot
This is for you The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
EA's back at it again
Say hello to the GOTY
Last game you played
ITT: Weapons/items that trivializes the game
Well then, where do you want me to break you first?
Itt: early leaks that turned out to be real
Is this game good guys? normalfags love it, but I don't trust them because they are retarded
Mother 4 head composer Shane Mesa left the project and released 60 of his songs that were going to be in the game
ITT: Vidya characters who get a lot of unjustified hate from "fans" who missed the point. I'll start
International version soon senpai
Why can't I find a fantasy game that's just dark enough...
Worth getting 30% off?
Somebody articulate what Sup Forums considers to be bad taste in vidya
Congratulations on winning GOTY, Link
Sup Forums is a lying sack of shit
Mary Sues
3x3 Thread
Uncharted 1 is apparently 10 years old, where did the time go guys?
Tfw you will never play through it for your first time ever again
Yet another "critically acclaimed" "AAA" game that I have never played
I exclusively listen to videogame and anime soundtracks
Reminder that the true Nerevarine is an Altmer, the race that most closely resembles the Chimer
Which Disgaea has the richest post-game?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Pokemon ultra sun & ultra moon
Why have all the recent space sim games been so shit?
Is Bayonetta good?
What Ys do better than Zelda? In my opinion script and music
Now that the old curmudgeon is gone, is the door FINALLY open for truly great Lord of the Rings games?
Well then, where do you want me to break you first?
If Blizzard decides to make Warcraft IIIIIIX...
Taunting = Bullying
Why is it when Sega makes a 3D beat'em up that relies on sex appeal it's the greatest game ever but when Compile Heart...
Name a better video game soundtrack
New Valkyria Project
Do you do anything special when you buy a new game you've been looking forward to?
Top winston player in the world gets banned for using the report system in the middle of a ranked game
Do Americans seriously eat burgers in the pub?
Games for depression
Nintendo, if you lurk here, I'm going to give you a billion dollar suggestion. You see this game? Make a new one with
How big is your vidya collection? Is it greater than your amount of steam friends?
Splatoon 2 Splatfest
What is the worst boss fight you've ever played?
Find a flaw
Why is Toriyama so good at creating semen demon?
I've never used the mage class in any game, because ranged is for faggots...
What went wrong?
Hardest Mario course?
Touhou 16
Until Dawn
Video game mysteries thread
I need a Saints Row thread
World of Final Fantasy
Games that easy to learn hard to master?
I think this game is soulless
Is it true that smaller dev teams produce higher quality work?
Play Overwatch free weekend because why not
Choose wisely, Sup Forums
I just can't think of other two platforms that complement each other so perfectly as the Switch and PC do
TFW I drove to my local Wal-Mart at 11:00 PM to get a Switch at midnight
Is it just me or has 2017 been a good fucking year for vidya?
Remind me, Sup Forums. What's so bad about playing as female characters?
You can now get banned for reporting somebody
Everybody saw it as the nose right??
Does Sup Forums have any celebrity browsers?
Did anyone else get it for their Switch...
Vidya music that is so nostalgic it hurts
Well that's gotta count for something
So she was just Shuichi's cock sleeve
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
It's fun
Name a better game
Are you excited for Black Friday?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...