ITT we discuss lips

ITT we discuss lips

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Architecturally engineered for literally sucking mad spikey ding dongs.

why nintendo add the best lips to their princess?


>lips nearly as wide as your head




What do you want to talk about?


show me better lips, you can't



>Strikers Daisy

My peen can only get so erect.

Why is black (and blue, and white) lipstick so fucking hot?

nu-lara was the best lips out of any vidya woman.

games with good lips.
>skyrim with mods
>honey select
>black desert
>mario games

someone post toobie's lips

ultimate power


lips are really underappreciated


>white lipstick


>itt: we discuss lips

>liara has the best lips and no competition can rival her


Its kinda rare. Hot when it happens, though.


why do i have a boners those lips are lewd as fuck man

i want to kiss kate marsh red lips

>Outta Sync



what about Max?

this image make boner i have kiss neck fetish
no thanks

I don't have Hilda.

Nah, it's awful.

>tfw you can immediately tell if an artist draws porn by how he plump and juicy he draws lips
yen has the best lips in any western game desu

How did they get away with it?

Yen is from an eastern game. Do you mean "non-nip game?"

those lips are made for marriage kiss

Part II


>for marriage kiss
Didn't she fuck the whole football team in the game?




OP image made "CHYNA" immediately pop into my mind


There was no actual sex in the video. She was basically just super drunk/high and people were touching her tits.

What I wouldn't give to kiss Morrigan once...

>and that one that says lipstick is for
>making your lips look more
>like the lips of a happy vagina
>since I read that I can't
>look my great aunt
>in the eye


She'd fucking kill you


in the winter, mine dry up like the dickens, and i just can't help peeling the skin off of them and eating it.

that aside, they're pretty normal.

Yes, and?

Poland is the pinnacle of the West and the rest should aspire to be like it.

False, faggot.

shit character and shit character design, shitty half-assed character made by ignorant japs

Hey, I don't bash YOUR waifu.

look at those beautiful fucking lips

>firefox just updated so the addon doesn't work
>haruhi is down

A shame SFV is such a fucking abortion, Chun Li and Cammy have never looked better.


why is shrek blue? I thought he was mean and green

>shitting on an iconic character who's design is likely older than you are

Talk about shit taste.


damn, max looks like THAT?!

Bring her back.

You really don't need the log in plugin anymore if you've had your account long enough. Get rid of it and access exhentai properly and at your leisure.


Did you say lips?

I jerked off to her so many times



Talk about being wrong about everything.
>fighting games
>relevant at all

I would honestly buy something like this.

God damn that's an oldie at this point.

Morrigan's design is iconic to anyone who wasn't born after 1995.

Wait, whats wrong with the fighting games part? Thats what she's from.

>Chris and his meat

reported for cp

>that filename

Wait, thats...uh oh.


goddamn sam's beard is shitty

What about them?

t. child born in 2000.

The loack of Hilde is disheartening.


>not vidya

Jyn Erso is in Battlefront 2015 so vidya


I was playing games before either of you kids were born.
the point was fighting games aren't relevant at all

If that was true then you would know the impact fighting games had especially Vampire.

Ryu, Chun-Li, and Sub-Zero are some of the most famous vidya characters you nigger

i know it's not vidya but i seriously like the mouth of girls sleeping

>says he's not a child
>Says fighting game characters aren't iconic
What do you think defined arcades in the 90s you massive faggot? Hell not even just Arcades everywhere that had arcade cabs had at least a SFII cab if not more. They were all over the place. SFII was one of the games responsible for making the SNES as popular as it was.

Just because the design is old doesn't mean it's good. It's also not iconic at all, it's a complete mess only excused because Skullgirls was Babby's First Monstergirl Fetish Simulator. Basically Skullgirls 0.5.