I exclusively listen to videogame and anime soundtracks

>I exclusively listen to videogame and anime soundtracks

Other urls found in this thread:


>i listen to music

>I listen



>Listening to music is my hobby

Does anyone actually do this?

that chair legit looks comfy as fuck


is that egoraptor

he fucking wishes he could grow a stache like that

>I exclusively masturbate to fictional characters

that pic looks comfy as fuck

Sup Forums doesn't do that they just listen to shitty hip hop and power metal

>not exclusively listening to C64 music


>I listen to many genres

>someone says they listen to everything
>they really only listen to top 40 singles
Every time

>porn stars are actors playing fictional bimbos
>unless you masturbate to people you know you're always wacking it to fictional characters

Does anyone even watch professional porn anymore? Go to any site and there's like an infinite amount of amateur stuff.

Besides, egoraptor is not even close to that thin, or has any tattoos.

Amateur stuff is hotter.

No, Egoraptor does not have that nice of hair and is still chubbier than that guy. I think that might be a young Post Malone. Looks like he is chilling out, maybe about to vape in the back of an Office Max / Depot while leaning back in one of their nice as fuck Custom Comfort Office Chairs.

>terrible sound quality if there's sound at all
>blurry camcorder video
>terrible angle where you can't see anything besides the back of the woman and all of the man
>average or small dick

>the musician's work is denigrated if they composed audio to go along with the visuals of a video game

is that a Battery Tender t-shirt?

>he doesn't start every day waking up to GROOVIN MAGIC
plebs, go fuck off the plebit

I exclusively listen to Video Game music and High Quality rips.

>terrible sound quality if there's sound at all
Worst if its music
>average or small dick
>>being gay

Yes, I do.

How does it feel living your life wrong?

>tfw i do this
What's wrong with it?


Wrong, I also listen to Eurobeat and Jpop