>WoW >in 2017

>Cross realm battlegrounds
>Updated graphics option; original on by default
>Mercenary Mode

Are these acceptable additions to WoW Classic?

Other urls found in this thread:


post feminine penis

>that shirt



I want someone to break into her house and rape her just as she is taking a picture with that dumb bitch look of a whore that she is.

Who is this bitch


Not even a straight forward answer since cross realm bgs are technically from Vanilla.

I'm here just for the source.

What was her name again? I forgot.

>i like basic as fuck tumblr users
el o el

Bella delphine boys

Literally takes two seconds with reverse image search. kys

>That white coating on her tongue


Get that gremlin out of my face OP

That's a Tumblr user? I figured they would be fat and self-hating.

are ironic weebs the niggers of white people?

>Best guess for this image: JPEG

Fuck off you stupid cunt

This game needs updated goblin models so I can erp more.

>ahegao is now a normie meme
normies are coming for your anime, good luck

>no porn
I am angry but I will still masturbate

Nice bait OP, now go fuck yourself and return to /wowg/

It's like Sup Forums has never seen a /cgl/ whore before or something.

there are NO acceptable changes to Classic WoW with the single exception of Battle Pets

But for real. Cross realm bgs were added before TBC. This is a valid question.


>cross realm bgs
Guess it depends on how populated Classic servers are. I'd say off by default with the option to turn it on later if it turns out not enough people are queueing for BGs.
??? Like your battle.net friends shit? Yeah, thats probably inevitable.
>updated graphics
OK with new textures, apparently theres a bunch of chinky-dinky new combat animations in Legion or something, leave them the fuck out.
>Achievements and Mercenary mode
Hard no.

I really wants garrisons on classic wow

anyone feel the same?

Do they and the worgen look that dated? I assume the only reason they didn't update them was for being added in cata. I'm all for it though. Maybe more Horde will roll goblins.

But all of those are great, are you gay?

They said they will in BfA, but not at launch. I think Worgens have a lot of bugs with gear anchoring to the wrong spots, yeah. I don't play alliance much though.

Com'on now.

What's wrong with achievements? I guess it does at times change how people play and would technically affect everyone by extension. But the earliest achievements in WotLK, especially for vanilla stuff, included things you should already be doing or things the playerbase ought to try (city raids). So long as they leave out awards for it, and only include the bare minimum, I don't think it would be a problem; just window dressing to record your milestones.

>Fake orgasm face, a fetish surrounded by normies and ironic weebs
>Freckles are disgusting, especially when they're so fucking apparent in that image
>Tits are the main appeal of women, liking ones without a decent pair makes you the gay one
So great right?




I guess Star Blazers, DIC Entertainment Sailor Moon, KidsWB and Toonami doesn't count.

Class balance, by that I mean strictly a number fix, is the only thing I can get behind.

>ahegao is now a normie meme
>ahegao is now
>Star Blazers, DIC Entertainment Sailor Moon, KidsWB and Toonami

I get what you're saying, but there's a difference between watching dragonball on saturdays and knowing ahegao


They need to do a long beta or wait a good while before trying that imo. It's hard to trust a playerbase the will likely compose of people who never played vanilla and a team who never worked on it.

Well, you said "coming for your anime." when you really should have said "Coming for your hentai." two different things user.

the only other one I saved

but hentai is anime

What if they start Classic in it's beta?

Why did you post an image of a literal retard? That has fuck all to do with your pointless post.

no I need to wakfu off my dick!

I don't know man, I liked knowing the same people and having a meta game with them in bgs.

not thicc enough. can anything be done about it?

>start in beta
>take the game in a totally different direction

literally the best timeline

Can we stop with the thicc meme?

is she, dare is say, /ourgirl/?

Mercenary mode might actually be fun like that. Might be needed depending on sever population too if I'm being honest.

It will have Battle.net 2.0 integration though, that goes without saying.
Updated graphics toggle ala SC Remastered seems very likely, too. Achievements? Nah, SC Remastered doesn't have them so this probably won't either.

Still outdated old shit that was never good.


It's not a meme. Thicc only gave voice to what guys have always been attracted to

You chubby chasers have got a little uppity, i don't like that

>Website dedicated to trash talking attention whores.
>6 pages detailing events in her life.
>Everything is slanted negatively.
>Watches her facebook relationship status, then goes back to the forum to report.
These kinds of sites are all so weird. They obsess on hating people. I wish there was a way to kill everyone involved with those kinds of sites. Wastes of humanity.

Check that bulge.

I'm convinced a third of those who want Classic really just want a reset button so the devs can make WoW2/their ideal WoW.

classic wow shall fail


The single best ahegao I've ever seen. This is some top shelf quality here.

I noe rite?

pretty low tier 2bh

i really fucking hate this face, it's so fucking stupid looking

>You will never spread her legs apart and stomp on her fake bulge

>getting fucked stupid makes you look stupid
I think you're onto something user

did she shit her pants and the turd scooted up to the front?

Mods can fix most if not all the issues I have with UI.

Updated graphics (realistically, only the new character models and animations.) are a must.

I'd argue stuff like races keeping their new class combos, but I'd live if they didn't.

I never got this either. Obsessing over some chick to the point of documenting events in their life and discussing it. Get a fucking life, holy shit.

It's different when it's some universally known lolcow like Sup Forums. This is just some random ho who dared to post dumb pictures of herself dressing up and making slutty faces.

The only good elf is a dead elf

t. stupid

Stuffed with a sock because she's cosplaying this girl (male).

this post is so devoid of self-awareness and irony that i think i came while reading it.

>only the new character models and animations
god please no, can barely look at them

Looking like a brain dead retard isn't attractive. Fuck off.

>Sup Forums
I meant Chris-chan, shit.

The people who post e-celeb shit here should be banned, make no mistake.

purge of this degeneracy when?

Even with Chris-chan, there's a whole flock of people who constantly report sightings of him and follow his antics religiously. As amusing as he is, I don't think it warrants having someone go through the burnt remains of his house and fish out old homework.

Its actually a real female pretending to be a male that pretends to be a female.

Someone do the makeup remover app on this.

It's pretty sad that people think Blizzard can just copy paste code from Legion or something. MAYBE they might do battle net, but that's it.

Everything that matters is already done by addons that didn't exist in Vanilla.

>universally known lolcow like Sup Forums
Well you're not wrong desu.

You didn't need achievements in vanilla because you could tell at a fucking glance what someone had accomplished based on what they were wearing

If WoW Classic is kept 1:1, it'll be interesting to see how people respond to vanilla Naxx.

The forums are going to be filled with people bitching and demanding things be nerfed.

Her name is Belle Delphine/Kirchstein. Enjoy

>girl who condones and helps you fap to traps

Sounds like gf material.

I think there's too much makeup. The app has it's limits.

It's still pathetic when it's Chris Chan.

Context: Only 1000 people ever beat vanilla Naxx.

I'm just curious how it'll turn out.

I am expecting people to have bigger egos this time around because they cleared it before or had a decade of time to read up on classic WoW's finer details and thus think everyone will be better at the game this time around.

People or parties?

Probably made by jealous bitches.

1000-1200 people. Something like that. It was ridiculously hard, and then TBC was announced and most raiding guilds said fuck it and never bothered. And then it was removed.