What games should I buy next, Sup Forums?

What games should I buy next, Sup Forums?

None. Sell your PS4 and buy a Switch.

After this sell your Switch and buy an Xbox One X.

Buy Order 1886, Knack, Killzone, Gravity Rush,Infamous SS used, they are dirt cheap.

Also buy FF 12 Zodiac Age.

Then sell your Xbox 1 X and get a decent PC.

LA Noire
I already played it twice and I don't regret buying it again and playing a 3rd time

Persona 5

Sell then your PC and get an Atari Jaguar.

After this sell your decent PC and buy crack

If you enjoyed Yakuza 0 buy Kiwami
They're both awesome games

Uh... t-these! yeah...

Since you like single player stuff go for Metro Redux, Exodus comes out next year as well

Play some Jaaaaaag.

The hunt will start soon....

He said he wanted games, Switch doesn't have games

>Also buy FF 12 Zodiac Age.
i already played it on the ps2, games like 100 hours long, and thats just the main quest, don't feel like playing it all again.

Divinity: Original Sin 2
Hollow Knight
Total War: Warhammer 2


you're missing KIwami

trade in/burn wolfenstein

The Last Guardian.

Gravity Rush