Are we still excited?

are we still excited?

for gook garbage?

Honestly yes. If even a portion of the leak is true the game will be objectively kino.

I am berry excite.

leak? what leaks senpai?

>those leaked summons
>three "episodes" which are fully fleshed out games and all Kino in their own right
>all "controversial" scenes from the original game retained

Fuck yes.

It's too good to be true. Don't get your hopes up.

I hope I'm wrong though.

god i can only hope

Anymore screenshots?

What if it was just a CGI game play trailer like KH 3 first trailer

I'm cautiously optimistic,

We were never excited.

Only total assholes are excited for this garbage. It was one thing when it was just a remake, but now that they're spreading it out into three games that might not even release for this generation of console, only the biggest fuckstains are excited for it.

Seriously. Even if they fulfill their commitments to quality and everything else, shouldn't they have put that effort into a new game instead of rehashing the one everybody already fucking played?

>still no info on FF7 Remake
>still no info on FFXI mobile remake
>still no info on 2nd year of XV content
>FF 1/2/12 still not on steam
thanks SE

whats wrong with a remake senpai

>>still no info on FFXI mobile remake
At least we know it's still being worked on now

Eh fuck you buddeh. I'm a big fan of the FFVII world and I'm glad to be returning to it.

A version of FF7 that I can finally play without being bored to death from turn based combat? I'll take it.

already debunked, where have you been anons?

there's been 1 tiny new piece of info on the XI remake from yoshida on an XIV interview
they're tuning the battle system right now

It's objectively less interesting and exciting. You know the story, you know the characters, you know the game world. It's lazy on the dev's part and boring for the players.

Not to mention the fact that people will do full retard shit like only play the remakes while claiming that the original is shit.

Yeah, you and every other shiteating Square Enix fan. You realize you're a fan of the FFVII world because Square made you into one right? If Square had pushed any other Final Fantasy as hard as they've pushed 7, you'd be a blind fanboy for that game instead.

Knowing the story doesn't make the game bad. Anyone that played FF7 knows that Zack dies at the end of Crisis Core, and it's still a fantastic game that's fun all the way through.

what about people who are so interested in that setting that they just dont care to see anything else and wanna keep enjoying more 7?

I was never excited for this. This is a massive time wasting mistake. Nobody wanted FFVII remade in this sort of way. I would rather have FFXVI in a reasonable amount of time.

>you're a fan because someone made it.

I love your balls.

Aeriths dies

>You know the story, you know the characters, you know the game world. It's lazy on the dev's part and boring for the players.
I know the characters, and the basic story beats but I never finished FFVII because I hated it and this version looks more fun

i want it remade like this tho. i want 7 to remade entirely playing like 15

>Not to mention the fact that people will do full retard shit like only play the remakes while claiming that the original is shit.
People already do that except without the playing the remake part

Not really but I'll give it a shot once it releases. 7 has my favorite aesthetics in the series.

>Knowing the story doesn't make the game bad
It makes it less engaging.

>what about people who are so interested in that setting that they just dont care to see anything else and wanna keep enjoying more 7?
They're blind shiteating fanboys.

How about this:
>You're a fan because SE has done nothing but produce spinoffs and extended lore for this one particular game world.
It'd be pretty hard to play SE games during the past 15 years and actually manage to avoid being made into a fan of the FFVII world. They pushed it so fucking aggressively.

It's so much worse when there's a remake in the mix user.

>enjoying something makes you a blind shiteating fanboy

user pls its a good game and deserves its attention. its better than most of the ff games after it except maybe heavensward

But what if I liked cloud from the start?


Wow, can't square just give us classic 7 back with the new graphics? Nomura ruins everything...
He should stick to shitty KH games.

I think Square have found their way of catching lightning in a bottle
>Announce long awaited title
>Watch stocks surge
>Release snippets of development-level footage or material
>Get boosts in stock prices each time
They get all the benefits of slow burning a game.

not really
expectation is for it to be worse than XV, with a termination after the 2nd episode is released

>But what if I liked cloud from the start?
Good for you? Fans of Cloud should still want a brand new Final Fantasy experience rather than a rehash.

I'm not debating the quality of a given title user. I'm debating the merits of the remake of VII even existing in the first god damn place. Instead of THREE new full scale Final Fantasy games over the next dozen years, you guys would rather spend the next DECADE waiting for parts 1, 2 and 3 of a game you've already fucking played and beaten.

>a new final fantasy with cloud as the main character again.

Huh. I didn't know I wanted this.

because 16 17 and 18 collectively couldnt be better than more 7 dude

If the leaks are to be proven true then that's pretty much what is happening.

>because 16 17 and 18 collectively couldnt be better than more 7
This is why you're a blind fanboy shitstain and a total asshole user.

square should just stick to the shitfest nostalgiafag mobile games they're making and milk their money there

that's the stupidest thing I've read all week

square have failed to make a decent mainline game since seven, why should i trust them to make more now?

> why should i trust them to make more now
Why the fuck do you think VII Remake is gonna be any better than their recent releases? You do realize they're gonna fucking mangle the framework of the original in the name of their new ARPG gameplay right? The new one is just gonna be XV but with VII's characters.

There's a 99% chance that the original will still be better. The original has been available since 1996..ish? There are still shitters who refuse to play VII because "the characters look weird".

All of you are retarded.

cloud is just as bad as lightning.

If the combat is the same as XV no.
I dropped the game because of that clusterfuck, you dont know whats happening 90% of the time

sounds like you can't play a fucking game
you scrub.

maybe some of us already played 7 and would like to play a new game

looks more kingdom hearts

but 15s gameplay was 10/10, just the writing sucked

>15s gameplay was 10/10

Only if they release it on pc. I can see them being assholes and making the final episode exclusive to the ps5.

sounds like you need to get good and stop complaining you point and click casual

The combat is more akin to dissidia.


There's hundreds of games coming out every year.

>genuinely defending XV's combat
>honestly saying "git gud" in relation to fucking final fantasy

XV was garbage and the combat was a big part of that.

ITT oldfags butthurt that square dont do turn based anymore and underageds sucking XVs dick

it's gonna be shit

There's no denying that gameplay wise, the new FF7 is going to suck, and the art style they've decided to go with is going to clash with the tone of the content.
There's also no denying though that visually FF7 aged like milk and some of the mechanics didn't age well.

The game needs to be remade, SE clearly needs to farm it out to somebody else though. There's no reason that an FF7 remake couldn't simply play like the original with some tweaks, while having an anime inspired visual style that would mesh better with the original story.
There's a lot of development studios who could have delivered exactly that several years ago on a much smaller budget.

>not giving any reasons to why XV's gameplay was bad

turn based was a mistake, this is the future

>don't do turn based anymore
It's less that and more "they don't do good games anymore" or "they don't have any talent anymore".

You tried though.

>There's no denying that gameplay wise, the new FF7 is going to suck,
what do you base this on

a lot of people will defend XV because it's their first
just like everyone with VII

I'm not even uptight about turn based combat over real time. But if you XV's combat was anything but a bowl of hot diarrhea, you're an idiot.

The original plays like shit though

They outsourced the game to cyberconnect2 but then took the game back earlier this year.

>Still no real reasons

what do you mean? It was solid


Also no, it looks like FFXV 2.5 (ie garbage)

>FF7 aged like milk
It didn't. It's one thing to claim that, as an out of the blue example, Tomb Raider 1 mechanics are bad because then it's obvious that the person is just someone with severe ADD, but I have no fucking idea what to say when you're unable to get immersed in a setting that's presented in the same way as VII is.

It's unironically like you're mentally retarded or something.

It's all style and zero substance. It doesn't stand up to any form of comparison to other games with similar mechanics and gameplay. It's just a bunch of flashy "Press X to Awesome" bullshit.

after the mess known as XV?

not really

If you think they're gonna make a game where you pick menu options here, then you will be in for a disappointment.

>not giving any reasons to why XV's gameplay was bad

Literally zero challenge. Zero weight to any of the attacks, being able to warp everywhere makes Noctis retardedly OP. Game tries to focus on aerial combat, but you're just a fly buzzing around smacking things in the head - you can't even launch or juggle. The only challenging enemies are broken enemies with AOE thunder attacks, mainly the Coeurls.

It's trash, and only fucking idiots would disagree.

A lot of the people seem misinformed about the combat. It's not the same as ffxv. It's more like dissidia. Maybe that's better. Maybe that's worse. Alls I know is that it's not like ffxv

>press button
>attack happens

what more do you want?

Yes, but only if they get it to run at 30 frames MINIMUM.
I don't want a single drop wit the hardware they have to work with

I don't think they are going to make a good game, that's basically it.

>what more do you want?

A system that demands skill or finesse. Not for the game fucking play itself for me while I mash buttons.

Nah, I'd wait for some real reviewers before I get hype. Dunkey will probably have something to say about it, if not Shammy or Raycevick. Or Yahtzee.

and by good game, you mean menu options interspersed with cutscenes and nothing but? Am I right?

>mfw FF7R will crash and burn and make Nomura the next Inafune

what ff game has that? go play DMC or souls for skill
older ff has menus or hold/mash attack

You're being really naive if you think Squeenix will deliver a good game with VII's remake, that is what I am saying. It having ATB or not having ATB, or even being turnbased has nothing to do with it.

Did you at least play VII?

The team are aiming for a curayzee action style.

It's the dissidia team doing the combat.

>what ff game has that?
None of them. Because they aren't supposed to be ARPGs
>older ff has menus or hold/mash attack
Those menus actually demanded more thought and skill than mindless button mashing demands in XV
>go play DMC or souls for skill
Or maybe they could keep DMC/Souls shit out of FF and just avoid the comparison entirely. If you're gonna do action combat, you need to do it right.

>Game tries to focus on aerial combat

too bad you can't even do much shit in the air.

Not to mention not many enemies in XV fly

It did though, while things like the combat and the materia system aged really well other aspects of the game just didn't.

Like the god awful part where you climb the wall and have to time button presses to make jumps, or where you have to synchonize with the other characters to hit a button, or basically all the mini games (with the possible exception of snowboarding) really suck now if you go back to them.

Of course I did, but I fail to see how that's relevant. If we must make it personal then: Why must you be so determined to see it fail? What do you have to lose by looking at whatever they come up with with an open mind?

i wasn't and haven't been since they changed it to action battles
for fucks sake square i just wanted a remake with graphics that don't make my eyes bleed and a competent translation
not this shit, it's a totally different game wearing the skin of the game i liked

>If you're gonna do action combat, you need to do it right.

or give it to people who know how to do action combat. Like when they did the right thing with Automata and let Platinum handle the combat

>or give it to people who know how to do action combat.
Well sure, that works do. That's just another way of "doing it right"

They have zero remaining talent, i.e the people who were responsible for the original's success are either no longer at the company or have nearly two decades worth of misunderstanding the brand and generally being incompetent.

As such, they don't deserve to use a title like that to try and make money, it's simply a matter of being respectable. You wouldn't want the people who made Gone Home remaking Metal Gear Solid 1, would you?

And before you start, I get that SE is a big business and that it's slightly naive to expect them to act in a manner that isn't pants on head retarded and not geared for profit, but I don't really care. They're splitting the game into three parts which already doesn't bode very well anyway. You can only jerk nostalgia off so much.

He can probably just find a job at Monolith, designing characters for Takahashi.