Were they any good?

Were they any good?

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Lel what's with the Zelda ocarina's Link copycat

dark cloud 2 is my top favorite game of all time, dark cloud 1 is very good but it gets annoying having to switch characters constantly and raise 6 different weapons

dark chronicle is great, the first game has a lot of issues

If you like a sort of mishmash of Zelda and Harvest Moon you might, or so I've heard at least.

I only played the Dark Cloud demo, I thought it was neat how you could build the village. But now I'm afraid to play the full game because I'm scared to lose the warm memories of the demo if the game actually isn't as fun as it seemed back then

First game is kinda spooky.

>Hino's been open for years about wanting to do a DC3 if Sony are willing to pony up the cash and fund it
>Sony aren't willing to commit to any big-budget console JRPGs anymore after WKC2 bombed

Shame it had to end like that.

Might sound autistic but what's with the Dark Cloud threads lately?

Are shills gauging interest on 3? If so fucking make it you cunts.

Some of my favorite games ever. Haven't aged super well, but I would love to see a similar concept in a newer game.

Yes, especially Dark Chronicle, it's one of my favorite games of all time.

Ever Oasis on the 3DS is heavily influenced by the Level-5 games done under Sony, so give that a try.

Yes, very good. Some of if not the best ARPGs on the PS2. Dark Cloud 3 never ;-;

Town crafting is a great feature.

The Ni No Kuni sequel seems to be adding elements from the DC games, so that's probably reinvigorating most of the interest.

I've played Rogue Galaxy, how does Dark Cloud compare to it? I know they were both by level 5 games.

Perfect handheld games that arent on handhelds. Theyre great to pick up and put down. I really saw this as a genre when I first played in on PS2 and Im still kindof disappointed it was never a thing.
>dungeon crawl to collect items to build towns
This couldve been a whole thing.

yeah great agmes man

at least they were when i was 15 or w/e

Solid early PS2 game, fun enough combat and story. Personally I love the mix of dungeon crawling and village building, kinda nice to pace action with little breaks. And if you don't like building you can scrape together a town with minimal effort to move on.

Some of the best games I ever played. Both of them. The Georama system and Dungeon mechanics are truly astoundingly different from everything else.



The Georama system, sure. But the dungeon system was pretty standard roguelike/dungeoncrawling stuff.

>quadruple bank off of a pig's tit and a palm tree to nail that gravity hole
>as the wrong color
>shoots off into orbit

Spheda is great.

They're great, it has some flaws here and there but otherwise it's a solid game. Dark cloud 3 when?

Yeah. I meant the combination of the two combined really. Made for quite the pleasant experience

Fair enough. I figured that was what you meant after I posted, and I agree. It has some dumb stuff like water being simultaneously pointless and a nuisance, but on the whole it got more right than wrong.

*Ruins your good time*

This was the most frustrating thing, but super satisfying when you completed it. I remember my hands were always sweaty when it came down to the last few strokes.

Some of my favorite games.

I tired Dark Cloud. Got bored. That whole "don't control one character" and "character progression is weapon levelling based" just turns me right off.

I lost in the final dungeon, and with it, about 6000 gold, because of this guy. I know it's my fault, but I'm still REALLY sour about it.

The fact that you had to drink water while in a dark claustrophobic dungeon or else you would die of thirst made it more intense and a non casual experience in my opinion. I liked it anyways. I never beat the game because the last 100Fl dungeon got tedious.

>Completely fuck up last shot during a Chapter 3 dungeon.
>It bounces off the very edge of a bridge right into the hole
Spheda was fucking fun, but fuck trying to get it completed for every dungeon.

Should I play Dark Cloud, then Dark Chronicle? Or am I fine just playing Chronicle?

I thoroughly enjoyed the second game. Recently played the first on an emulator and enjoyed that too. They're pretty good.

I adored Dark Cloud 2 as a kid but it's absolutely a game that i could never go back to now.

Game was amazing because there was so much fucking content, which is great when you're 12 because you couldn't afford many games; as an adult that sort of thing just becomes too much.

>get new character
>find them a good weapon to replace their terrible starter
>think I can handle one more floor no problem
>next floor is new guy only, weapons lose points and can't be swapped, and all the monsters are rock/metal
Fuck you, game.

I want to fuck Monica.

Both games have separate plots but there are some things from the first game that make their way into the second like some characters and the Atlamillia bullshit

You're fine playing Chronicle by itself.

Is there ANY other game that has anything like the weapon upgrading/augmenting system of Dark Cloud?

That shit was like Pokemon the way they’d become more powerful and evolve

I tried playing again on an emulator but seriously the gameplay is just mashing square/B

Cheers, mates.

It's funny how some random obscure weeb game managed to get so many high profile voice actors.

When me and my brothers were young we got this ps2 with that orribile spyro game and a demo of dark cloud. We became so fucking addicted to it that we managed to arrive to viper boss, even if the demo was timed. When dark chronicle came out, we bought it instantly and we played it Like straight for fine years non stop, it was so fucking big, so much stuff to do. Today i've emulated on pc and enjoyed it so much once again. I could buy a ps4 just for it, and playng with some guide for minmaxing makes it strangly satisfacting

>when Monica disappears for part of that chapter and you can go forward in time without her

I almost thought I broke the game when I was a kid and I'd have to start over.

I honestly enjoyed Dark Cloud 1 more. Don’t get me wrong I love Dark Cloud 2 (Dark Chronicle) but the 1st one felt like something truly memorable and mesmerizing. Gah I loved them both so much

I luf u

>Grind out those ridiculous challenge medals until the fifth dungeon
>Finally unlock Monica's sexy leopard bikini
The frustration was worth it. I'm pretty sure it was the start of my fetish for animal prints.

I hated those stupid paws she wore though. I would have preferred bare feet.

Reviews on both by /ourguy/



The dungeons are a bit repeatitive.

>Snake QTE from the second village on the timed demo
I don't believe you

>uses memes
>uses them wrong
>fast cuts to himself trying to look funny

I've never played Dark Cloud, but from what I've read about it there's really no point playing it as it seems Dark Chronicle just fixes a lot of what was wrong with it. In regards to Dark Chronicle I've replayed it so many times as I absolutely adored it as a kid. The music, the setting, the story. There's something so simple but so magical about it all.

The town building was one of my favourite features, I loved the progression for upgrading your weapons. Spheda was both a very fun and very frustrating feature, but I'm glad it was included. Its such an easy game to get lost into. I'd give anything to be able to just play this endlessly as a kid again.

I honestly don't understand the appeal of these games but i hate the level-5's repetitive, monotonous game design in general.

They're pretty standalone and the second is an improvement across the board.