>Even the Washington Post is reporting on EA bullshit
How fucked are they?
>Even the Washington Post is reporting on EA bullshit
How fucked are they?
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Sup Forums please go home
You're very nice right now but I know you will wear out your welcome within 3 posts.
Fuck off kid
EA deserves this. They made their bed, now they can sleep in it.
stay mad soyboy
How was his post even Sup Forums?
what the fuck are you talking, OP is talking a fucking game with gambling mechanics. seriously
don't care, fuck off
They're not, millions of people bought the game, and they're still going to put the microtransactions back in. It's all 3D chess and you're all failing spectacularly by thinking that anything will happen to DICE/EA besides making a shitload of money.
This post is a Sup Forumstard falseflagging.
Yeah, they will make cash, no one is denying it, the point is that they are severely huring the Star Wars franchise, fucking Disney told EA to fix their or they would lose the Star Wars license.
>faced charges
i mean it's true
>A mainstream newspaper has run a headline containing the words "Star Wars" and "Promoting Gambling"
I get hard imagining how hard the Mouse is gonna fuck EA over this shitshow.
citation needed
Is ”Sup Forums please leave.“ the ultimate way to derail a thread right now? You just make one post and dozens of people will shit up the thread for you. Talk about convenience.
Disney called EA and told them about it, rumors is that they were threatening them of losing the Star Wars license.
This is based on reports that Disney called EA's CEO over this. We'll never probably know what the conversation was about, but Disney sunk 4 billion into Star Wars and they wont let anyone ruin it for them.
you said it buddy
>when even Disney thinks you business practices are too scummy
>a literal who clickbait site
>Sup Forums falseflagging
How can they be so desperate?
>clickbait site
You must be over 18+ kid to post here, anyway, there are multiple sites reporting on the same thing
Pretty much.
Just mentioning Sup Forums with no context will instantly turn any threat into a shitposting mess.
/biz/ would have been better but I get what you're going for
>people really think disney is some sort of "good guy" in all this
Of course not. They view it as the bigger fish fucking up the big fish fucking everyone else over.
There's always a bigger fish...
Nigger who's bigger than disney?
the irs
I imagine Disney having a "little talk" with EA right now
I want to FUCK Mako!
EA is fucked
I am pretty anti-Sup Forums but I don't think OP is Sup Forums. It depends how you interpret "even the Washington Post". Like "even a newspaper with as little integrity as WaPo is calling out EA" or "a newspaper as prominent as WaPo is reporting on it". I think OP meant the latter but I could be wrong.
Fuck off, yid.
they are pretty autistic about their family friendly image tho
>WP is happy to report about a company more evil than themselves
WaPo is a company with integrity though.
what the fuck is a soyboy?
Eat shit
soyboy detected.
The product of too much soy consumption.
The Trademark symbol should morph into mounts for bondage equipment
/biz/ is for shitcoins
>Sup Forums sharing the faggot post
Kike detected
even if the outrage doesnt fuck over microtransactions the controversy alone will be enough for Disney to terminate their contract
Star Wars will finally be free
I'm really annoyed that the ESRB had a chance to stop this but shirked the responsibility.
Now the chance of government stepping in to regulate vidya and protect muh kids has skyrocketed all because the industry couldn't show a little restraint in their Jewish strategies.
This isn't good.
lesser of two evils user
What do you expect from the board that has the most tourists, newfags, queers, closet queers and bitches that usurped Sup Forums as the defacto normalfag and shit board? Telling people who are retarded to go back to Sup Forums is no different than telling the same Sup Forumstards to go to Sup Forums from before; from one cancerous shitstain board to the next.
if they were smart they would get EA the fuck away from star wars before they wreck it any more
Sad but true
t. nods head in your direction
Why can't the gameplay at least be good? All I want is a dumb action multiplayer fps to play and even call of fucking duty managed to fuck it up. Why is this so fucking hard?
Do you think he put on mickeys voice when he threaten to fuck him up?
They'll give some free shit and everyone will forget about it.
Political activism?
Jootbox lover detected
>Star Wars will finally be free
>gives the license to Activision
Lawful Evil is still an improvement from Stupid Evil.
Any post that isn't accompanied by a picture of the poster swallowing a black dildo, with timestamp, should be considered a Sup Forums post.
The enemy of my enemy...
Expect more Disney meddling in the future, much more. EA has become Disney's biggest bitch.