Name a game with worse combat
Name a game with worse combat
Gothic 3
Witcher 2
Monser Hunter World
>Literally any bethesda game
Legend of Zelda 2
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Witcher 3
Witcher 1 combat is unironically the best casul filter ever created in gaming.
Witcher 3
Xenosaga Episode 2
it's really amazing isn't it. it kicks the shit out of everything cdpr did after and everyone hates it
only correct answer ITT
Dark Souls
Literally any MOBA
the elder scrolls
t.didnt play on hard and never learned double stacking potions
I unironically love the combat system of Witcher 1 and wish it was even deeper.
hurr durr only casuls think that witcher's 1 combat is boring and dumb
go fuck yourself fucknut
just spam igni
Not him, but yeah, only filthy console-peasant Gen-Zedder casuals ever complain about Witcher 1's combat. They just can't handle it.
Witcher 3
W1 at least had the rythm aspect of a fight. It was the fighting styles that were fucked.
W3's combat is horrible, boring and unlike in case of W1 does not engage the player. In W1 you at least cared about the cursor. In W3 it's all roll spam, shitty hitboxes and chaotic shitfest.
it was at least twice worse in the 2nd game, which I assume you (rightfully so) skipped? 3rd one's practically "TW2.5: open world boogaloo".
Like all the witcher games duh
The best combat in all of them is the first 1 , the rythm shit isnt even near the abomination of 3 and the eldtrich abomination that is 2
nah w2/3 are spam quen.
I agree 1 has the best combat though because of the preparation and commitment to potions and shit
I can name quite a few. The potion system and magic in Witcher is the best ever for roleplaying purposes. I don't know any other game where potion works for the whole day (in game), but you need ingredients to make it, so you plan your day ahead so you won't waste it.
Alchemy is fine in 2 , except for the insane restriction of "cant take potions during combat"
Who thought about that? Is there any other game that has that? I really want to know the thought process
At least all of them have that god tier levels (in athmosphere) like the visions of the white frost in 1 , the battelfield in 2 and the other worlds in 3
I have to admit that I played W2 for few hours. Can't say much about combat except that it was difficult. I remember that arena was constantly fucking me up. But shit got easier later on.
I liked W2's world far more. Open world kills me. I don't have a time to watch horses back as %30% of "gameplay".
> "cant take potions during combat"
this was the best part of W1's combat, you had to prepare and commit to your choices. W3 shat all over it
Witcher 3
no, it is essentially boring, only the combat system is enough to make the game fucking skippable, it's not a fun combat system at all
Are you confused or did I read wrong?
You can take potions during combat in W1, its just that the toxicity usually requiered you to take some potions and then rest 1 hour and take the others
>You can take potions during combat in W1
what? unless my memory is super fucked up, you had to meditate to drink
Shadow of Mordor
I liked all three combat systems that the Witcher had.
Fight me.
Nononono, you meditated to skip time and make sure toxicity went to 0, it was the way to take Maribor forest + Petrhis philter or w/e and then rest and take the others , since those 2 lasted 8 hours
hold up im about to boot up W1
what game is this?
Nope. TW1's is fun as fuck, and literally the only enjoyable fighting system in the whole trilogy.
Besides, if you are playing Witcher(s) just to kill stuff, you really need to reconsider your gaming choices.
oh shit yeah you can map potions on the side, I got it confused since I only ever put swallow there. The commitment aspect still applies though, you arn't chugging like in W3
ironically enough i care more about story than gameplay, and even then i couldn't play the game because of the combat system, well, different strokes for different folks i guess
>he was too stupid to learn how Witcher 1’s combat works