How bad is this really?

How bad is this really?

I played up to Revelations and all of them them were alright.

Very boring protagonist and shit story with bland environments.

Not half as bad as people make it out to be.

Ass Creed 2 felt like a boring, check-everything-off-the-list open world game to me with a shit story, shit character models, and shit mechanics. Everyone loves that one though, for some reason.

This one is all of those things but from what I did play of it the story was at least enjoyable and it didn't look like bloomed out shit. I didn't stick with it because I think Ass Creed is kind of a shit series, but I would sooner play this one than 2.

>People collectelively agree that this is the worst Assassin's Creed
>I never got why
>tfw it was one of my favorite AC games

Also Connor was cool as fuck

I just wish there were more rpg games set in colonial America, the setting was neat. I don't think the game was as bad as people made it out to be.

The American revolution setting was dank as fuck. It is a setting that isn't ever really explored in other games. It also introduced the core naval gameplay of IV.

if you plan to play it
enjoy the fun game

Yeah, like it or not it was Ubisoft's first big move in the series, you can tell they tried new things, it's not perfect but i liked it a lot
like the new animations, new gameplay features, etc

But what if they unlock really cool stuff this time?

And I'll add that imo Revelations is the worst AC game, it is way more boring - or just plain bad - than 3, and it even fucked Altair's story since you now know the legendary Altair spent all his life hiding like a loser, before coming back suddenly and taking back the throne of Masyaf

>hiding like a loser
He studied the apple, invented cool shit and stopped the Mongols. I think.

The setting was cool, yeah. The problem with the game was Connor. His only motovation to do shit was "MUH REVENGE GRR I AM ANGRY AT HAYTHAM." Connor does not give a rats ass about being an assassin. None of the side characters were memorable even in slightest, even the black mentor who seemed cool as fuck was left justas a skeleton of a character. In ac2 you have Da Vinci, Mario, La Volpe, Florenzo Medici, the Borgias, all fleshed out characters that feel like they matter.

Even worse, you start up the game playing as Haytham who is cool as fuck. The reveal in the meeting was a real moment to remember.

Ezio was a cool young suave as fuck italian ladies man who grew up to be a wise old mentor. I actually care about wha happens to him. Connor is a whiny bitch from start to finish.

This and Black Flag are the best AC games.

The only thing bad really is the story. And even then I wouldn't say bad just depressing and joyless. Other than that I would say it's better than AC4 if you don't give a shit about pirates and care more about assassins.

>Connor does not give a rats ass about being an assassin.
Well, to be fair, the game was never really about being an assassin. I'm pretty sure this is the AC with the least Assassins content, and you don't meet any other Assassins besides Achilles (not sure, haven't played since when it came out), which all bothered me a lot in 3, but at least it explains a little why Connor doesn't care.

Connor didn't give a shit about being an assassin because unlike the others he was the only one left in the colonies. Also he unlike the others he was told as a child that the world would end if HE didn't stop the Templar. Connor is an unlikable asshole because he had way more shit to deal with at a much younger age. No other protag had to carry the weight of the assassin order, his people and the world and be aware of it. Ezio spent his whole life wondering if his actions mattered. Connor spent every minute knowing that his very do and there could be no mistakes.

Its flawed in the sense that Connor is divisive because the writing was obviously rushed, and because they completely failed any kind of transition for Desmond from plot device to playable character.
Also, Haytham was given most of the best lines because the entire point of the game is that both sides spent thousands of years pettily bickering with one another rather than doing anything with the time they had.

So Connor is kind of off because he has to shoulder being the player POV as well as the Assassin's POV. Plus the fact it was rushed out the door because of December 2012, and you get a game that has some pretty interesting ideas on paper, but uneven execution.

Its really not that bad.

I loved how violent and ruthless he was
When the first trailer came out I remember feeling like "Shit, this isn't Ezio. This guy isn't fucking around"

Don't forget that the game baited you with a 10/10 gentleman protagonist only to fucking trick you and push the little annoying cunt for you to play all the while waving the cool character in the background.

Protagonist and story are garbage. Combat is way too easy. Other than that, the visuals are appealing and the climbing has been improved.

And that was the problem, seeing how the game tried to still sell the "templars are bad guys and want to controll us all" plotline. I always liked the two forces counterbalancing each other.

If they had at least made the opening sequence have one memorable and likable character from the village die, I could have an actual reason to want to kill the bad guys. I really could not care less for Connors village or tribe, seeing as there was no one there I cared about.

Thats the point. The Templars are the easy, seductive way. And they are, after a fashion, the right solution to the cataclysm problem.
Meanwhile Connor is being manipulated by the only person who knows what's actually going on and who can solve the problem, but at the expense of perpetuating the conflict.

the city sections are a lot smaller and less interesting and the wilderness parts aren't well done
a lot of people didn't care for the mc either and i don't blame them
to be fair to the devs they were obviously trying out some new stuff, but it didn't really work all that well

The first part isn't bad. then you get the twist. After you become conner the game just sort of becomes dull as fuck.

Of all the shit parts about AC3, the one that gets me the most is Desmond's weird hump on his back.

It looks disgusting, wasn't there previously and clips through his bag. There was nothing wrong with his older models and they fucked it up in the one game he does something.

Would you kindly provide an image user. I was too busy trying to escape the desmond sections and I didn't notice.

It's alright, my biggest issue with the game is that Connor is not an assassin. Just a angry kid Achilles used to kill his enemies when Achilles himself was the problem

>even the black mentor who seemed cool as fuck
Shame that he isn't anything more than a giant fuckup as seen in rogue

Got it for free so it wasn't too bad for me

Yeah me too. I knew ubisoft was going to tame the MUH people route. I like connor, mainly thanks to the homestead missions but it would have been smarter to go the quiet protag route instead. If Connor was like Kenshiro and barely said shit and just came in and do his badass killing he does, people would have liked him more.

Bland second protagonist (which you'll be playing most of the game), bugs and glitches, very few positive changes, and some negative ones (like sync points not revealing the full map).

It's mediocre. Ships were the best part.

Connor and the story are the worst parts about it. You start off as Haytham which is fine because he's awesome, but then as soon as you get to have fun suddenly you're thrust into Connor and everyone you just met as Haytham is a complete and unrepentant asshole despite all the reasons they tell you throughout the course of the game and their entire goal of being there in the first place. Connor is just an asshole to pretty much everyone he meets be they Assassins he's supposedly friends with that he recruits or people literally helping him out in some way. He even has the gall to bitch at Achilles that he never did anything for him after he not only sheltered and trained him for years because he requested it but he also helped him find out exactly what he was looking for. He's also shoved into every historical moment of America and anything you could care about him with is cut or in Forsaken. Desmond's side actually had promise and then they messed everything up with the ending.

Naval gameplay is amazing, it's far more fun than Black Flag's was and it felt way heftier. If we could have had legendary ship battles like that in Black Flag and Rogue I would have been much happier because everything felt more hefty and weighty in comparison. The Homestead is also great, you actually learn to love the community and Connor is actually friendly and caring during those portions.

The underground crypts idea sounded fine on paper but in practice it's just pretty boring and everything feels the same with tons of dead ends. The change to the fog of war map system that they instantly reverted back with Black Flag is also one of the worst decisions they ever made for the series and I'm glad it's gone, the Frontiersman final tier requirement made me incredibly pissed off since you just spend ages running back and forth across pieces of land you've already covered just to uncover some of the fog.

>Connor goes around literally yelling at every British person he meets, "Where is Charles Lee?"
>Doesn't really have an agenda of his own, just gets pushed into doing things other people want.

>Setting is kind of cool, but doesn't lend itself too well to the usual Assassin's Creed verticality. Wide streets and two story buildings aren't great for the usual Assassin's Creed formula that wasn't really mixed up at all
>Guards patrol in packs of a literal dozen, making being spotted or enemies on alert turn into 10 minute long chase sequences every single time
>Homestead is a sprawling, boring piece of shit
>Buggy as fuck

I never finished it.

I liked Connor, but I'm a sucker for fish-out-of-water clash-of-cultures noble savages.

It was refreshing that it wasn't AMERICA FUCK YEAH like everyone was worried it would be, too.

Would have been better if we could have played as the British.

God damn fucking colonials.

Daily reminder that the American revolution was unjustified and illegal.

i liked the altair bits because he always came off to me as an arrogant prick, and his older version came back a lot wiser and more mellow
it paralleled ezios arc in a nice way since (iirc, it's been a while) he was starting to slow down as he got older and wasn't quite sure what he was doing anymore
for all the (correct) complaints about gameplay i thought they wrapped up 2 and 1 in a pretty satisfying way
ezio breaking the 4th wall at the end was fucking stupid tho holy shit

>spent all his life hiding like a loser,
He Spent his life fighting the Mongol horde

I liked it, the setting is pretty interesting and is a breath of fresh air honestly.

The hunting and the homemaking is probably the best part of the game. Going around the area finding animals and skinning them and then helping people along the way is very therapeutic and fun.

I didn't play at launch though, so i never got those game breaking bugs.

It happened more than two centuries ago don't be bitter about it. But you're right, alternate history on that setting would be great and I don't think it has been attempted on an action game.


You aren't welcome here

The gameplay is good except for the change to the viewpoints, the story and Connor himself are awful. You might as well just skip 3 and play Black Flag and Rogue

I never played rogue because I saw it as a low budget spin off. How good is it?


A more condensed and refined version of Black Flag, It's also nice to play as a Templar for once

its not a terrible game, the main strike against it is the tutorial is just way too fucking long, especially for the fifth game in the series

I was really enjoying the game until you had to play Connor, it all went downhill from there

Main story is incredibly short (We're talking like one or two missions each sequence and there's only five or six total sequences), the entire heel-turn feels completely unbelievable, they make the Assassins out to be assholes and they all act like assholes towards Shay while the Templars are saints who can't do any wrong instead of continuing the whole thing about making it gray, and you never really get to like Shay since he doesn't really feel developed at all. Boat mechanics are improved, the small islands especially in River Valley feel way more unique than any of the small islands in Black Flag, Puckle Gun is great, it has the best (If a bit unfair) Legendary ship battles, and it has some great alternate costumes. Modern day is a pretty cool follow up to Black Flag as well.

My only real complaints are honestly how they drop the ball on the heel turn, how everyone is just comically assholish to make you hate them, and the reworked notoriety system for ships since it's a pain in the ass to escape without zoning out. Oh, and icebergs every two feet causing your men to stop singing. I don't think I ever heard even half of a song in 40 hours.


I was looking forward to the Revolutionary War, but all of the War segments are boring tiny skirmishes where you scream at small units to fire. The only good one was where you didn't even help the rebels and just did sneaky stuff in the middle of a huge town siege.

How does it handle enemies? As a Templar, do Assassins come after you and try to fuck your shit up?

Franchise killer level

You get altair outfit

jesus... he is serious.

>do Assassins come after you and try to fuck your shit up?
Yes, there are hidden assassin enemies all over the place that can ambush you and deal massive damage . Ship battles are great as well, fighting and beating the Storm Fortress was challenging and really fun

>The change to the fog of war map system
Thank fuck it never showed up in the later games. Having to manually scout the area yourself was utter shit.

>As a Templar, do Assassins come after you and try to fuck your shit up?
Yes, and it's infuriating. If you're in a major town random yellow clothed grandmothers will continually just try killing you (If you've played multiplayer on any of them it's like that when an enemy is tailing you you start hearing whispers) and they don't even hide, they're always in plain sight so they just rush at you. If you kill them in self-defense and a guard sees it you'll now be chased for ages, and there are a decent amount of collectables in towns. Outside of towns on some of the bigger islands you'll occasionally have them spawn there as well, but when on your ship you only really get attacked purposely if you gain notoriety by their ships.


Connor became likable in his monologue after you kill haytham and when talked to achilles grave. There was another monologue wich was cutted from the game wich redeemed connor completely. You can find it on youtube


>Connor and the story are the worst parts about it.

>Lee killed my family
>No, he didn't
>... Anyway, I want revenge

>redeemed connor completely
You are trying too hard to justify yourself. It was your first AC, right?

Believe it or not this was probably my second favourite.

Hunting in the wilderness was comfy as fuck. Stalking deer with your bow and climbing trees.

plus you still had Boston (and I think another city) thrown in plus naval warfare. And the Haytham bit was great especially crossing the Atlantic in a ship with fights and shit breaking out. (pretty sure that ship had it's own little economy?)

Also yes Conor is boring (I think Haytham made up for it) but there's no doubt he'd fucking ream every other protag in a fight - including Altaïr and Ezio

this. Neither do I

>but there's no doubt he'd fucking ream every other protag in a fight
None of the other assassins would even get into a melee fight with him in the first place, Connor would easily lose from a stealth kill from the other protagonists considering he stands out like a sore thumb

I played every game except origins so far.

In short: The Ezio Era was too good (not without its faults of course)

Wall of text: You have to understand the time when these games came out. It was very exciting new consoles and most of the developers shat out new and exciting IPs like a maniac. AC1 was breathtaking when it came out even if it wasn't good gameplay wise. But Ubi did his homework and reworked the entire formula in AC2. AC2 is not only good because made AC really enjoyable but fleshed out the base mechanic and the protagonist was great. Brotherhood made everything even better and while I was a little diappointed with Revelations (especially the dlc reveal) it built a really good world and a spooky story about how the world ends. After this, AC3 had a really tall order:
- invent the game again, like in 2
- have a good protag
- a better era
- keep the interest in the present story
Ubisoft wanted everything but ultimately did nothing right. They failed in every single part.

1, The reinvention failed, most of the new mechanics weren't that good or useful. Since they made the world really big the pacing really suffered. They put so many things in, it is like Shadow of War where you feel they threw every idea in the basket and took none out. Yes you can do a lot of things but after a certain points it becomes just too much and bothersome.
2, Protag is shit. There I said it. Absolutely uninteresting after Ezio and maybe the worst protag. At least Altair was the cool silent type, Connor is just there.

He wasn't really breaking the fourth wall, the concept of the entire series is a already a fourth wall breaking thing with you playing a character inside a simulation.
I think the concept of the characters in the past becoming so knowledgeable about the mysteries of the series that they realize they're being watched though the simulation is a cool way to take the concept further and add to the mystery aspect of the story, but it was executed poorly and seemingly forgotten by the Devs because it's never a plot point again.

3, Maybe interesting for americans but the general public - including me - didn't like the colonial era. Previously I had to explore giant beautiful european cities and now I'm running in the mud scaling the same wooden buildings everywhere. The wilderness was absolutely bothersome.
4, The present story wasn't much (not to mention if you only played the games, you didn't understand a lot of things) but the ending was terrible. Not only it was revelaed the big spooky background story is meh, but what they did with the hero of the present is completly unfuckingbelievebly shit. The series still can't crawl out of the dead end of AC3. Literally Twin Peaks where they revaled the killer mid season and they never could follow up with anything to make the series interesting again.

You can feel how much hype this game carried, and how butthurt people still are.
Connor is the best protagonist the series has ever seen.

good point

I think my favorite part was when Haytham tried to kindle a father/son bond with Connor and tried to win him over. Like he genuinely felt sorry that he wasn't there for him as he grew up and wanted to make things right, but still adhere to his duties. He probably could have, if it wasn't for Charles "Where is he" Lee apparently burning his tribe and pissing him off.

They need to stick with older time periods, they can keep with the completely open world aspect like Origin. Cities become too large the closer the timeline moves to modern era.

The saddest part is Forsaken covers a lot of Haytham's grief over that. The sole reason Connor survived the hanging is because Haytham cut the rope after Achilles only nicked it.

You should play ACO when you have the chance. It's probably the best one after AC2 and Black Flag

AC3 was so shit they instantly remade it into Ass Creed Rogue which was a vast improvement on story and characters

I wish the majority of the game was Connor and Haytham together. Like trade off and come back together. Their dialog was great and so was their chemistry.

Lore wise there is no reason for Connor to have survived as long as he did, Shay could have taken him out at any point simply because Shay knows who Connor is and Connor doesn't know who Shay is

I think that they tried to make a templar version of AC4 not AC3 for all the poorfags to play. Then they ported it to pc because it was better than their main ass creed that year

More like Rogue was a ramake of ac4 with actual good assassin segment gameplay.

Anyways Rogue story was really stupid. Shay was anakin skywalker dumb and the assasins were Jedi council levels of not caring. But that ending tho. It was a great surprise for us AC Unity fans.

Black flag was the best

besides connor being shit, a lot of it had to do with butthurt britburkas mad as shit that the game was about slaughtering lobsterback cunts

Shay himself was fine, the Achilles went full retard and decided to not listen to Shay.

>playing more than one ass creed


Connor was brutal as fuck damn

black flag was superior to rogue and rogue was superior to ac3

rogue gets extra points for all the blatant callbacks to the other games

I will eventually but I don't like paying full price for buggy games. I play most of my games when the GOTY comes out a year later, fully patched and with every dlc. Just finished Syndicate a few months ago.

I really had my hopes up in the first few missions, I have a sister and the bantering between Evie and Jacob brought back fond memories. Too bad there wasn't really a follow up and just like in most ACs you get breaks in the pacing. First few missions are great, then suddenly they solo everything and angry at each other. The final bossfight was the best in the series IMHO.


>which was a vast improvement on story and characters
>Only developed characters are the asshole Frenchman, that one friendly Templar when Shay first turns, and Shay's best friend which is incredibly arguable since he's barely in the game.
>We learn more about Achilles in 3 than in an entire game where he's a leader of the Assassins.
>Let's send one of our best Assassins to grab a Piece of Eden or at least get information about it which means he'll be gone for potentially years since he has to travel by ship and then as soon as he comes back visibly shaken and completely pissed trying to explain himself not only does the man who sent him to do just that bring up rank as a way to shut him up but his best friend and love interest (?) shoo him out of the room and never talk to him despite not seeing him for months if not years immediately after that and no one wants a report on what happened for more than 8-12 hours of his arrival.
>Lets somehow all know Shay is going to betray us as soon as he gets back by having every single Assassin on our compound in the bushes ready to kill him as soon as he leaves his room.
>Have Shay kill Assassins we saw in the background of a scene or we were introduced to for less than a minute and then grovel and break down having a guilt trip despite the fact we do not care about anyone he kills, even his best friend or his love interest chick.
3 may have its problems but Rogue only really had that fantastic Adewale assassination and that's only because Haytham was there for that great exchange with him, the Puckle Gun, the legendary ship fights, and River Valley, everything else was a disappointment, especially the story. Unity mission was good though.

Is Unity good? I want to play it co-op


The gameplay was good, and I enjoyed the setting, especially in Winter, but Connor is such a boring protagonist.

I never did finish syndicate because for me, just like Unity, was boring as all fuck.
How they managed to make all these key historic figures boring is beyond me.

The animations were great in 3, maybe because you had a lot of weapons to play with. I especially liked environmental kills. Liberation got a lot from the AC3 combat system. Funny when you smash guys into things with the little girl.

It's not as buggy as it was at release but it's still got some bugs. The main story is awful and Arno is the most boring character they've had in the series as a protagonist, but the actual gameplay is pretty fun and France is pretty cool to wander around. If you don't like collectibles you're probably going to be bored out of your mind though, and it tends to feel more repetitive than the previous games. Co-op missions are pretty cool but that's the only time you can do co-op if you were for some reason expecting to be able to co-op the main story.

pacing is awful, and it has a tutorial after playing for 2 fucking hours
Haytham was pretty cool and the combat was a big improvement.
I also liked how they improved the puppeteer in after 4 games of ac1 puppetering

Why are the Brits always the bad guys in these games?


fuck u can only do co-op missions co-op, dammit.

Ac4 has garbage assassin gameplay. It's all tailing, boat tailing and eavesdrop missions. Rogue is way better if you actually care about being an assassin, like I do.

they are historically the evil empire

Thankfully upgrading and progressing with the collectibles is much easier in Syndicate, it is much shorter as well. I liked most of the side quests. The DLCs are terrible as always. I don't think there was ever a proper (not cut mission/tomb) good AC dlc.

Because they are an empire and empires are always "evil" in stories

the story was better for just the betrayal aspect alone compared to "grrr revenge for some reason"

one criticism of rogue is that the story was far too short compared to all the boring bullshit collectables which is why there were hardly any fleshed out characters. achilles was an ac3 character, not a main rogue character. same thing with adewale you're just supposed to already know who he is

the game is good enough for assassins creed although I missed the stuff that was in revelations like the hook and explosive making

but the ending is on par with mass effect 3, which is to say, wtf are you doing. honestly dropped the series at that point and have only played newer ones because friends own them.