post mods that make skyrim into a better game.
Only include gameplay modifications such as lighter potions or two handed rings, sensible shit not big titty dragons and furry companions
post mods that make skyrim into a better game.
Only include gameplay modifications such as lighter potions or two handed rings, sensible shit not big titty dragons and furry companions
Other urls found in this thread:
And be sure to play special edition
it looks better even by default and MOST mods still work for it and you no longer need those stupid patches that made the game even more unstable
oh so all mods and mod managers still work with special edition? i'll download that instead then
yes they do
not sure about MO though as i switched back to Nexus mod manager
>Schlongs of skyrim
No, they don't. Mods have to be converted to work with the game's 64 bit architecture, and the list is still comparatively dry.
Enjoy your lack of SkyUI too, by the way.
The Elder Scrolls games unironically do not need mods to be great. Modded Skyrim is a meme.
if the females in game can be nude why not the males?
t. console player
actually the mod managers DO work you've clearly never even fucking tried nigger.
so gimme a tiny rundown on these mods, i cant tell what some of them are, and most of them are obviously graphics.
>paradise halls
>dd enhanced blood
you know as i read these it seems like most are just graphics and others are silly shit (shlongs, hothtrooper armor)
which ones of these are good. immersive citizens seems interesting
If the females in game can be nude, why not put dicks on them?
if i use mods they are going to be through nexus mod manager. does it work with special edition or not i need to know what to download here lol
if you're playing without mods the only way to play is stealth archer, because all melee is the same, destruction magic is trash, and there is no point to heavy armor, and i could list even more. the base game is shit. what makes skyrim great is that it can be modded into a masterpiece.
What's best slutty adult mods for this shit game
>Schlongs of Skyrim
hothtrooper armor is the mod immersive armors but the dumb nigger named it after his nexus username
paradise halls is a slavery mod
inigo is a follower
and icepenguin is a worldmap mod
make your own threads this thread is for good mods
No, really. Just go to MizzBonjovi's channel or similar shit, more fapping material with less time/effort involved.
use nexus mod manager
I personally always liked turning Skyrim into a survival game, Realistic Needs & Diseases, Wet & Cold, Frostfall ... there's probably a shit ton of similar mods.
Ultimate Combat + Attack Commitment No turning during attacks + TK dodge
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
Realistic Ragdolls and Force
because im not a degenerate like you!
Didn't mean to quote but whatever
Fuck off, Squege.
Morrowloot Ultimate
Immersive Creatures+Revenge of the Enemies
Alternate Start - Live Another Life
Better Fast Travel(use the MCM to disable Fast Travel) orComplete Fast Travel Overhaul+iNeed
Combat Evoledand/orDUELand/orUltimate Combat
Deadly Dragons+Dragon Combat Overhaul
Immersive Armors+Lore Weapon Expansion+Lost Longswords
orLore Weapon Expansion+Lost Longswords +Warmonger Amory+aMidianBorn Content Addon
Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade
Trade and Barter
Legacy of the Dragonborn
Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim
orSPERG(be sure to raise Armor Skill by running rate from 6 to 12 in MCM if using my Uncapper settings)
Complete Alchemy and Crafting Overhaulwith compatibility patch
>play modded Morrowind
>no problems
>play modded Oblivion
>no problems
>play modded Skyrim
>now game won't launch
>fix problems
>game now randomly crashes
>fix problems
>game now has audio bugs
>fix problems
>now game won't launch
Consolefags have the same mods we do since the script extender is never going to work for special edition.
>realistic ragdolls and force
this is one thing i would never change, i love my ridiculous ragdolls
you can already download the alpha build script extender for the special edition
>Things keep going wrong
You aren't fixing the problems
And it breaks every time Bethesda changes anything because when Bethesda does change any little thing it alters the exe and makes the extender useless.
should i download an overhaul such as requiem or a bunch of small mods
you have no idea what you're on about
Even with that mod you will get crazy shit, they are just rarer than they are in vanilla settings. Recently I got shouted by a dragon and turned into a beyblade, spinning horizontally like crazy all the way up a mountain, then all the way down to my death.
Tfw want to do the lover lab mods. They never work and I'm too retarded to figure shit out. I just want to fap damnit
thank Todd
Tell me why it still doesn't work after this long then?
Special edition has creation club tied to it and it alters the exe every time it's updated.
Mod Organizer 2 works (sort of).
You need to dump the esp and esm files directly into the game folder though, and if you use FNIS you need to do the same to all the animation files and FNIS tools.
but it works, sky ui works perfectly fine with it already
it takes time to develop because of the new architecture, this has nothing to do with the game being updated on occasion
Hopefully you're right but I'm pretty sure Bethesda is doing it on purpose. I don't think it takes this long to work something over to 64bit.
alright boys i appreciate the help but i need a decision
normal skyrim with nexus mod manager?
or skyrim special edition with an apparently shitty mod manager?
I am an autist when it comes to grass in games.
What mods will make foliage appear as far as the eye can see and as dense as a forest
I personally love the realvision EMB pack if you have the horse power to run it at full.
Does take time to install all the mods to make it look as intended.
Nexus Mod Manager is the shitty one. Use either Mod Organizer with Wrye Bash for patches, it just Wrye Bash for everything.
best mod here.
I am going to rape you, not because i am gay but because i want to scar you for life!!!!!!!!
It reminds me so much of my home town.
Skyrim Flora Overhaul and INI tweaks ("grass" section).
Is that truly the best? Im looking at some of those screenshots and the textures look really awful
this is becoming too much work for my idiot brain, i just wanna play skyrim but better skyrim
Combine it with Verdant mod.
now i just want this thread to die so i can make a thread asking for the best nexus mod manager mods
There is a babby's first modding guide on reddit with all the tools you need to avoid conflicts. have some cool recommendations.
Making shit work in Skyrim requires time and a bit of dedication. Even with all the automatic tools and patches you will probably have open TES5Edit and solve each line of mod conflict one by one, or enjoy random crashes and broken mods doing jack shit. Even completely different mods may have conflict issues (some weapon sound effects mods will have issue with weapon stat mods, for example).
That's a pretty nice semen demon.
My game always crashes 30minutes into playing for no reason. Just a black screen and then the game instantly closes. I'm again playing the Special Edition and i have 8gb of RAM with an i7 Processor and a GTX 970.
Does anyone know the issue? I'm getting no errors when starting the game or loading a game but it just randomly turns itself off for no reason.
Here are my mods, or some of them
Mod list?
yeah, i didn't want to commit that much dedication. time to just delete skyrim again because i'm too lazy
>Nexus Mod Manager
Here are more mods, will post them as i scroll down.
And more
maybe i'll just kill myself, i won't even dedicate any effort to enjoying vidya on a day off
damn i'm bumming myself out with how pathetic i am today
>Constantly not uploading image
kill me
One more and i'm done.
Your mods hate each other and the scripts are out of control.
Follow the basic steps: use LOOT to organize your shit, make a batch patch for leveled lists with Wrye Bash, make a merged patch with TES5Edit and solve all conflicts manually. Use save cleaner to kill some broken scripts and try again.
Or uninstall all that shit, your choice.
Try running LOOT.
help everytime i try open skyrim it just says skyrim has stopped working what do i do ive unistalled and reinstallled like 3 times and it still does this
No idea how to use that stuff if i'm being totatlly honest except for LOOT.
at least you're trying to help by posting mods I can't even put forth the effort to find good mods for myself
Also Nexus Manager sucks dicks.
I'd rather use Mod Organizer 2, as broken as it is, over Nexus Shit Manager.
This is the last lot.
And yeah most of the mods i linked are great. I don't install shitty 'sexual' mods, just graphical, gameplay and immersive stuff. You'd be surprised how some of the mods are fantastic, such as the werewolf mod that no one talks about;
>Also Nexus Manager sucks dicks.
I honestly completely don't care. I've always used it and haven't been autistic enough to find or learn to use anything else. It's far from great i'll admit but if you're going to suggest something better to do or stfu.
Read all this shit or uninstall your mods.
Cheers for the link, will check it out now.
Tbh i don't mind starting again as long as i've got the nexus mods there to recall what i had.
>It's far from great i'll admit but if you're going to suggest something better to do or stfu
It's almost as if every time someone says "Mod Organizer" you temporarily go deaf.
No matter what the fuck i do i cant get fucking breast physics and clothes scaling to work in this fucking game ALL I WANT IS BIG FLOPPY TITS FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
>It's almost as if every time someone says "Mod Organizer" you temporarily go deaf
I didn't even read the thread and i didn't see that guys comment. No need to be a prick about it but then again you've gotta fit with the board i guess.
I'll follow this guys link since he managed to provide something.
my mod is pretty good
HDT won't work with special edition until regular edition version gets updated.
I want to basically spend the first few months of gameplay hunting animals for fur money, mining and doing other odd jobs. I also want to be able to have girlfriends and visit brothels and have sex with girls. I want the sex to be as realised, controllable and with the sexiest girls possible in the most fleshed out system possible. I want to have hunger and thirst like F:NV hardcore mode. I want scavenging things to matter and to make sense. And I want the game to progress otherwise as normal but at that pace.
Best mods?
>I want to basically spend the first few months of gameplay hunting animals for fur money, mining and doing other odd jobs.
I should mention, I want to be forced to do this as attempting to progress faster would mean almost certain death.
Go for SSE if you want stability. Go for original Skyrim if you want better looking ENBs and a higher variety of mods in general.
Though pretty much almost everything that matters is already on SSE or will be ported soon now that SKSE64 was released.
Don't listen to this guy, he doesn't know wtf he's talking about.
Either way, you'll want an ENB because vanilla Skyrim looks like garbage even on the SSE version. What ENB you'll like it's completely up to you. Search for a youtube channel called Hodilton, there is a shit ton of ENB vids there.
My personal favorites for the original version are Elder Blood ENB, Dovah Naakin ENB and Tetrachromatic ENB.
Rudy ENB, Mythical ENB and Phoenix Vivid ENB.
With the ENB out of the way, your game will already be looking a lot better. Besides ENB, look for texture mods. But keep in mind that too many texture mods will fuck your game if you're playing original Skyrim. You don't need to worry about this with SSE, you can install a bunch of texture packs and overwrite everything if needed.
Also look for overhaul mods that will affect enemy AI, perks, level system and basically everything regarding the gameplay mechanics. Look for Ordinator, Ultimate Combat, Wildcat, those sort of mods.
Other mods that you might want to look up are
UNP or CBBE for body mods.
I really like Fair Skin and Eyes of Beauty for face/skin mods.
Convenient Horses
Deadly Dragons for better dragons
Immersive Armors and Immersive Weapons
Interesting NPCs for more quests
Immersive Citizens and Realistic Dialogue Overhaul
Frostfall, iNeed or Realistic Needs and Diseases for immersion
Sacrosant or Better Vampires for a better vampire gameplay
TK Dodge
When you begin the game, if there's something bothering you, look it up on Nexus. Because really, someone else probably thought the same and there is already a mod to fix it.
A shitload of mods that will work for 5 hours then crash your game non-stop. Hopefully you will get bored of them after your first fap.
Try Frostfall, Realistic Needs and Diseases, Scarcity, Hunterborn, Hunting in Skyrim, etc.
For girlfriends, Amorous Adventures will set NPCs to lover rank after you complete some quests for them and give all benefits of it without marriage process.
For whores, pick some random whorehouse mod.
a ton of devious devices related mods
beeing female
Gary's horse pussy mod.
i swear sometimes im the only one who uses no skyrim mods
Im not even trying it on special edition. Im a fucking retard apparently.
Read HDT's page again and make sure that your body/clothes mods actually support it.
Dragon Crown's Sorcerer outfit mod is one example, and a very easy one to test.
Install SKSE
Install XP32 Extended Skeleton
Install a body mod that supports HDT Breast and Butt Physics
Install HDT Physics
Install HDT Breast and Butt Physics
Sort your load order with LOOT
That's it. Read the mod's description page on the Nexus, they tell you exactly what needs to be done.
>there are people who unironically play Skyrim for some purpose other than fetish mods
Is there a mod for sex with Draugurs?
sexlab defeat or something like that
Anyone have that patch to make lolis work?
Can I have little girl romance in this game and marry a little girl?
Maybe downloading SKSE from steam is fucking me up and i havent been doing the last thing