How do you get a gamer boyfriend?
How do you get a gamer boyfriend?
an unsafe assumption
pic unrelated?
that guy clearly only uses a 360 to watch capeshit
I fucking hate myself I wish I was dead
this guy must be an amazing fuck
hang, gas, or otherwise execute all homosexuals.
damn spoke too soon
Why get a boyfriend when you can contemplate suicide while playing vidya alone
Starting to want to fuck this guy
he’s a model so you’ll be doing all the work
Sorry, keep your degenerate bullshit to yourself.
>chads are gamers now
its over for us, virgin genocide
>broke up with bf this week
>mfw he's blaming everything on me
>faggots are selfish faggots
oh no no how could this happen
lmfao everyone likes gorillaz
dont talk to the guy
is he playin borderlands *inhales* hahashjdahahahahaha
>college kid tier living environment
>cape shit
Waste of a body
btw isnt him in the main menu screen? what is he even celebrating? makes you think
Pretty easy I'd think
Find the guy wearing obvious gamer shit and go for it, there's a fuckton of them that aren't horrific looking if you know where to look
Including fat people but I'm not about to fuck you am I?
>mayday spider-girl
>not the dying meme spidergwen
What are the chances this was a conscious choice and not just an accident?
What's wrong with liking superheroes?