International version soon senpai
International version soon senpai
post more delicious brown
I don't want cropped shit, literally can't see anything. Post cute instead.
Who cares? The games themselves are shit. Just jack it to the art and spare yourself the trouble.
PLease source me before this thread gets deleted for the love of god
Brown and black girls were mad for white cock.
Naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 4
stop this
legend of ophelia i think
Who is this brown Hinata
lol in your dreams white boi.
>Bl*ck "men"
what is that supposed to prove? that most people stick with their own kind and asian women like white men the most?
Nigger Faggot
Legend of the Queen Opala Origins.
>dat asian women on black men rating
Yes. I don't want niggers.
However some other autist made this image if you prefer.
Maybe the Asian lovers are onto something.
You know you lost the conversation when you whip out Sup Forums infographs
Legend of Queen Furry Grinding Everyone Has Sex Except MC
>I'm going to ignore linked studies because they're presented in a format thats made to be easier to read and convenient for image boards
First game was okay.
Second is where the author went full retard with map sizes and enemy HP was so inflated that you needed to beat on normal enemies for like five minutes each. Didn't take long for me to edit myself the best weapons and armor.
wew lad that's still race mixing Sup Forumslack. but all you just proved is that asian men are the biggest cucks.
Please read what I said m80
No one wants niggers. Not even other niggers.
mate it seems to me that you're just inflating your own ego. some cherry picked statistics doesn't change the fact that everyone even blacks prefer each other. it's all a dick measuring contest.
U.S. doesn't account for the world population of blacks.
>Cherry picked
You're welcome to visit some of those one of which was a pew study. I honestly couldn't care less if black women like white men or not because blacks are fucking awful.
Clearly at least one nigger mod got triggered at the facts.
>Posting Sup Forumsnigger infographs
How the fuck did this turn into a Sup Forums thread?
>responding to obvious bait
by being a thread on Sup Forums
>So butthurt at the truth you delete it
Is that you redwood?
>how the fuck did europe get overrun by muzzies?
>by being a continent on earth
maybe it's because you're a shitposting namefag? go back to The Donald.
Who's that hime cut?
>mods allow anons to talk shit about every group except black guys
really makes you think.
>Telling me to go to the Donald
Oh you're very new aren't you sport?
I bet it's actually redwood.
right my bad. go back to Sup Forums then.
>Hating blacks means you're Sup Forums
Oh boy nu4chan really is something else. Kiddy blacks have been ridiculed since the dawn of Sup Forums.
>posting Sup Forums infographs
>not Sup Forums
Definitely not your sad excuse for one, though.
everyone still does. doesn't mean derailing Sup Forums bullshit is allowed.
You don't talk shit about anyone else.
got a thing for egyptian chicks but never played these they any good
>Derailing a porn bait thread where someone mentioned white boys etc.
Oh no
>Infographs are Sup Forums
Sup Forums infographs are Sup Forums.
>this thread is still on
Infographs in general are a fucking joke.
Look at this only played the second I liked it but it really does turn into a fucking grind and hp is inflated.
>response rate by race but not wealth
>blacks are overwhelmingly poor
But don't tell Sup Forums, those good goys need to procreate to make me workers.
it was cropped porn which is posted all the time. mods were retards for deleting it.
What is this? Porn game?
It's literally pew data in one of them. For fuck sake you people cry this hard that it's made easy to read.
Mods are retards period.
It's probably more education. I'd love to see the statistics on Indian response rates, probably not great.
And half the black OKcupid or whatever profiles are just "BIG COCK LOTS OF $$$$". Half of the secondary selection characteristics after "oh your profile picture isn't fucking ugly" is just whether or not they can type a fucking sentence without making a fool of themself.
They're pretty related, though I'd be interested to see which it trended more towards. Definitely doesn't help that their "role models" teach them to talk like fucking idiots, either.