Who's going to setting their GPU on fire next year Sup Forums?
Who's going to setting their GPU on fire next year Sup Forums?
think i'll be buying a vega card next year; so probably not.
Will my 1070 even run this shit xd
It's getting a multiplatform release so I doubt it'll be setting anything on fire besides PS4s.
much like the first two metros, by the time i actually get around to playing them i'll have upgraded by then because my backlog keeps getting larger.
Those games fucking stink
Man I hope the levels are open like STALKER. They won't be and it'll just be a thin corridor like every other METRO game where the only path is forward. That worries me. In the first two games its excusable. Hell its a selling point. You're in a metro. Of course there's only one path to travel.
Now you're not. What will the developers do?
[x] Same shit they've done for like 5 years now
[_] Something new
Play your backlog right now instead of posting about video games
you fucking stink, I can smell you through my monitor you sweaty nerd
What's a good replacement for a 970? A 1070?
Not enough of a performance jump to warrant it, and the price of a 1080 is still a bit much for upgrading from a 970. Best waiting on the next generation of cards.
After LL and then Redux I have no faith in this.
It will be even more of a casual console shitfest, probably with quest markers and some form of batman vision now.
Unless you want 4k or constant 144fps than there is literally no reason to upgrade any card past 970 or 1060.
4k is a meme on desktop PCs.
Only worth it if you sit far away from your display.
Although 144 fps is noticeable its not mandatory to enjoy games.
Its harder to notice a difference between 60 fps and 144 fps t than between 30 and 60 fps.
Normies don't get to have backlogs. Play your shitty round based PVP games instead, you enormous faggot.
What he said. I went from a 560 to a 1060. The jump is there and noticeable but it doesn't make a game better. Upgrading more often than every 4 years is a waste of money better spent on at least different components.
>listening to a R6 player who has been banned multiple times for hacking extol the virtues of his 144hz monitor
After reading 2035 I honestly can't wait to see what this one will be like.
No clue since I rarely buy AAA games anymore
>Open world meme
Lost all damn interest
the real upgrade is CPU and SSD
video can be tweeked and Ultra high always almost unnoticeable
I thought it was just large open levels not open world
it's not open world
>jumping on openworld=bad bandwagon
your loss m8
I have three SSDs and an i7 already.
>like every other METRO game
there is only two METRO games
>In the first two games its excusable
hmm ok then