ITT: Weapons you always use if they're available

ITT: Weapons you always use if they're available.

Any sword that includes a blade grab attack.

scimitars do this a lot

Probably a basic bitch choice, but I can't not do it.

Halberd is the best weapon in Exanima






Any sword that resemble the gladius.


Big ass pistol
non-letal methods
Shield + sword if I can play it "knight-like"

Or any spears really.

I love spears they are so cool and practical.

Pile bunkers

Or anuthing that rebounds in run-and-guns.

Bonus points if you can set the environment on fire

the specs on this gun are amazing,every test its been put through,all the bullets,the mud,the snow. need to replace a part? boom 5seconds

fuck video games,most guns act the same but this one? ooff



rapiers are the best. If I can get a long sword that's not a 7 foot long slab of metal that's my next go-to. Martial combat peaked in the renaissance.

the cool terrorist feel of the ak47 with the gangsta feel of a uzi


It's sad so few games get flamethrowers right

I love axes in games in general. Swords are overused.

name one (1)

Assassin's Creed.


Two handed sword, preferably "realistic" size with a good swing speed over enormous, slow great swords

I wish I had someone to play MTG with me.

yeah same

Sword & shield

good taste

I don't care if the damage is crap, I'll look for any excuse to whip one of these out and plink the shit out of everything, it tickles my autism in all the right ways

I have/had friends to play with but I had all my cards stolen last week so I'm never playing again

surely you guys can find a discord or something


You guys will shit on me for this but I like scimitars.

>thread is about posting your favourite weapons
>post favourite weapon
>expecting anyone to shit on you
Is this what Reddit really thinks?

I love slower-firing weapons with good feedback. Bonus for explosions. Grenade launchers, autocannons, battle rifles, charge lasers, things like that. Stuff that allows you to savor each shot.

Which one? Cause i wanna play it

I was expecting someone to call me a sandnigger or something.

Phantom Wail

If a game has any sort of wheeled vehicle - car, truck, tank, jeep, Warthog, that fucking Bobcat thing from the Battlefield games, whatever - I'm usually in it trying to run people over at full throttle. It's rarely effective but damned if it isn't funny.

>inb4 ebin Dodge Challenger/box truck edgelords

Double barrel shotguns, even my Fallout 4 experience was improved when I did everything in my power to use a double barrel shotgun and nothing else.

And when it is effective they tend to punish you for using it, e.g. no XP.



Hey, i drive one of those.

that's a polearm tho


>slow greatswords
made me chuckle

>spears are not polearms

single shot grenade launchers
AK-47 (actually a 47 not 74/akm and so on)
old rocket launchers
robust utilitarian weapons in general

unarmed strike

Go big or go home

Zweihander with full plate, muskets be damned

What kind of rims are those? Look neat.

War hammer

ss13 :^)

Any multibarreled shotgun

>Bonus points for more barrels
>Double points if all barrels can be fired at once
>Triple points if it causes ragdoll on death
>Quadruple points if it destroys the enviorment
>Quintouple points for different ammo types like dragon's breath or explosive rounds

Because i'm an edgy piece of garbage and I like the aesthetic.

Forgot pic

Dual SWORDS (not knives)
Or some giant sword that the character shouldn't even realistically be able to swing.

You aint a sandnigger for liking a weapon, same as I can like a rapier and not be called a baguette fuckboy. Culture and good inventions are seperate user, nobody here is that stupid.

Farm equipment is the best.


if you so insecure, roll with sabres

slowly but surely

curved dick sandnigger detected

*Teleports behind you*
*unsheathes katana*
Pshh... Nothin' personal, kid.

I'm with, rapiers are awesome. Real rapiers, not dress-swords and small-swords, I want to poke from a distance.

Also pikes, pikes are cool. And Bec-du-Corbins.

A Lance, peasant.

Any appreciation for the falchion?

s a b r e

both on me and my enemies

Spear, preferably with a large square shield and a sword for backup.

Cool magazine clips, bro.

Lever action rifles. Bolt-actions are also fine in games with primarily modern automatics too.


bolt action rifle is also an acceptable answer

Enkei EV5

Flintlock pistols or rifles
Pile bunkers

my nigger

Revolvers, especially old ones like a Colt Army, Navy, Walker, etc

I like bows and sniper rifles.


The generic, middle of the road, average ass weapon. All these niggers going and looking to be a special snowflake are faggot. I'm going to learn to use whatever the standard is like nobody else.

Civ V if you don't care about not actually having it.

I recognize that bulge


Dagger, but not dual wield, no shield, just a single dagger. It's surprisingly rare for one-handed dagger to have satisfying gameplay.


best sord coming through
if it's an fps any bolt action rifle will usually do

Final Fantasy 14 has a bunch.

>stabbing peasents and crushing dudes with armor with it
Literally perfect.

1handed sword with no shield for the evasion/mobility/speed bonus. If there's no bonus for not using a shield then the game is objectively shit.

sword and board
I love me some shields

The most V E R S A T I L E melee weapon ever made.

lawbringer go home

