Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

dr pepper

This is why I'm glad the MGS series is over. It just kept building on top of more and more ridiculous shit.

No gun on earth will prevent you from catching on fire and burning to death.

A gun that shoots ice (aka fire extinguisher) will

this was literally the second game in the series

Keep in mind MG1 ended basically with you just blowing up Big Boss with rockets and then he just randomly showed up in the sequel with no explanation how he survived Outer Heaven blowing up in a Nuclear Explosion

That is what made it so fun though, it's so hilariously obvious it started in the japanese 1980's with names such as Big Boss and Solid Snake.

Have you never seen a film where the protagonist gets almost killed by the villain but manages to defeat him in an unpredictable manner?

At least MGS4 and V acknowledged most of Big Boss's hype was bullshit and anyone with the right training could do it, Big Boss just had the benefit of The Boss as his mentor and some super strength.

>how did big boss survive a nuclear explosion
bitch please he already did it once

twice if it was him on bikini atol, I forget if it was solid or BB.

The only problem I had with MGS was that it was made up as they went along, hence the OP pic seeming so fucking dumb, but true.

Kojima didn't know that that boss fight was going to be the titular character in like 2-3 decades, and you cant really blame him when the 30 year old game starts to counter act the current ones.

Kojima gets no sympathy or pity from me after the disaster that was MGS 4. He delights himself in making awful lore.

Why would Solid have been on Bikini Atoll?

Also are you not thinking of The Boss?
Like, the lady?

Fire extinugisers don't shoot ice, as rad as that'd be.
It's a chemical, I don't know the science, cunt.

because im shit at remembering small details about facts?

and no boss was the one who went to space and got irradiated in the van allen belt because "we gotta beat the russians".

Literally every story is made up as it goes along dumbass God didn't come from the skies and tell Kojima what to write you're so fucking retarded Jesus dude how the fuck can you live with yourself after making such an asinine statement?

>games cant be pre planned


Yeah, they can, and then you get a soulless commercialized trilogy where the first game is basically a beta of what the series is supposed to be like, and the third game is phoned in because there is no guarantee that the franchise will receive more funding afterwards.

>super strength
he doesnt

>BiBo sets Quiet on fire
>he also gets set on fire

Solid snake didn't kill big boss in mg1. It was revealed to be venom snake who filled in while snake defeats the real big boss in mg2.