Is the TMP the best gun or the worst gun
Is the TMP the best gun or the worst gun
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it's just middling and lame
red9/striker/semiauto is the best loadout
the blacktail is the best gun.
handgun best gun aimlets fuck off
Is it ever necessary to have a shotgun?
Blacktail, Stryker, Bolt Action m8o
not necessary but very useful in the novistador caves and that room where you fight three plagas knights at the same time. unless you saved all your flashbangs for those parts.
i would say... convenient
easier for melee
This nigga knows his shit
Only brainlets and faggots switch to blacktail and red9
>not switching to the free punisher
The TMP is great against Salazar, but then, you could just blow him up with the RPG.
I've played this game dozens of times on many different consoles, but I only realized that every gun has different advantages and disadvantages a few months ago. Up until that point I thought every new gun you get is a direct upgrade of the last one.
Red9 is the generic solution for most problems, Striker is just there for the ditman glitch
I wish more games put as much thought into weapon balance and upgrades as this game did.
I loved the idea that each gun had an exclusive upgrade that made them special. Only Dead Space and Evil Within seem to have somewhat copied that idea.
Dead Space had that? Been so long since I played them.
Mandatory in dealing with those shield fags. Also useful in knocking down guys with their head parasites exposed.
I have no idea how pistol only bros deal with that shit.
the punisher shoots through shields. if you're doing a handgun only run you should get the Red9 for bosses and use the Punisher for everything else.
first time play through I had a red9 and the first shotgun for most of the game. used the free RPG on you're right hand. had to pick up the semi-auto rifle when the black corpse fuckers started showing up but it was pretty good for the remainder of the game, probably should've picked it up earlier. picked up killer7 for the final boss and only used like 10 out of 50 bullets.
free isn't always better
>Not having that glorious crit shot that hits more than 1/5 of the time
I don't like it, mostly because enemies don't refund the ammo use for shit.
I'm sure some people can use it, but I'm more of a Red9/Striker guy.
I have found it useful on many occasions
Why is the shotgun so damn satisfying
Best for bosses.
It's useable, but I think the Punisher is a lot more useless.
For me:
>Red9 with stock
>Broken Butterfly
You don't need the rifle if you have the Red9. It can be used long range as well.
I dont think there's any worst/best gun, RE4 is pretty balanced surprisingly. infinite launcher/typewritter dosent apply
>all these striker fags who don't use the riot gun
I only ever used it against El Gigante, with flash grenades.
Not even the second best shotgun. The exclusive for the starting shotgun is way better than the riot.
So how come Saddler's army can afford modern clothes and a modern island base, but still use medieval weapons outside of a handful of gatling guns and rocket launchers?
Starting shotgun's exclusive is pointless because who uses shotguns at long range anyway? Riot gun is better at the things you actually want to use a shotgun for, so it's better. Though Striker makes both of them look pretty bad anyway.
Because Saddler and his followers are a bit slow. The only one smart enough to wonder what Saddler is doing is Mendez, and even he gets stupid when the plot demands it.
they stupid zombies
Why did Salazar install a turret gun in a room with no windows in his castle?
Have you seen them with rocket launchers? Like you can just aim a bit and you can kill anyone yet they kill more of their followers and themselves. Even dynamites throwers blow themselves up so if they have guns 90% of the casualty would be their own people.
Saddler has issues. His whole plan depends on Ashley getting back home, and he doesn't seem to notice or care that his people try to kill her.
Ah hell, Saddler's a fucking idiot Palpatine wannabe. His plan would've worked if he'd just taken a nap when Leon appeared.
Do you think Ashley was a virgin in RE4, Sup Forums?
It's shit for using as a gun, but amazing for stunlocking enemies to do melee attacks on them.
>not buying the punisher before you unlock the free punisher, so you can have two of the same gun
developer intent respecting brainlet
It's the only way to dual-wield.
She was raped by two dudes so no
It has a noticeable effect on the enemy. They will never admit it, but half the people on /k/ like their favourite guns because they were good in a video game.
Oh shit I forgot about that implied rape scene.
>infinite launcher/typewritter dosent apply
shit tier, you obviously never unlocked the handcannon
post inventories
Already got far enough to buy the red9 and you're still a caselet?
I'm hardcore bro I don't upgrade my case.
>Bolt action rifle
>Upgrade ammo capacity
>Get a full clip/mag
Gimme some other games that do this
>upgrading guns and equipment
why dont more games do this? its objectivly good
All set and ready to go.
>not upgrading your case
If you were really hardcore you'd have this by now.
/k/ommando here, can confirm that vidya has at least some effect on how much I like a gun.
Pic related jumped up a few spots on my favorites list once those grips came in.
Is there any point in buying the improved scope for the rifles? The zoom is ridiculous anyway.
yeah but where are the mods where i can replace the models of characters and enemies or even guns? checkmate saturationlet
maybe click link and read you mong
>just HD texturres
who cares, where is the anime babes?
Fuck are they moving on to separate ways ?
I cant believe they found those random rock patterns for the mines in real life.
Its bananas
Every gun has its flaws. In my first run I found the TMP sucked until I upgraded it, then I could fire just fine. At the same time, I could use the shotgun effectively since I had it. (I was 14 and sucked at games)
Also the shotgun has a shitty range compared to the TMP, and there's more ammo for the TMP iirc, so it's best to just learn to use several weapons.
Punisher sucked.
It's extremely useful for specific sequences like shooting the lock off the door when the Garrador drops in the cage in the castle.
As a weapon it's just ok.
The most truly underrated weapon is the Punisher.
I think I played this game weird. I always used up my precious ammo and stockpiled handgun ammo just in case I had to deal with a lot of enemies.
>Punisher sucked
>free upgraded weapon at the start of the game
>only non rifle ranged weapon with piercing
>can pierce up to five enemies at once
>can crit multiple enemies at once
>can pierce shields
Atleast you are not like my friend
2 handguns and no shotgun halfway through the castle, smallest case aswell
>not using the TMP to set-up your kicks
>not using the mine thrower
You don't even know, man.
Time for a professional run with the mine thrower as the main weapon.
Thoughts on the weapons in RE5?
Not as fun to play around with as the ones in RE4, but miles better than the shit you have im RE6.
It's actually easier than it sounds, at least for regular enemies.
Headshots still stagger like usual, just now when you kick them back into the crowd they all explode.
>shit tier taste
The ammo drops in such high amounts per stack yet a single shot still sets up CQC moves.
Anyone who has played Mercs as HUNK knows TMP is great for frugal runs.
This. It's the most ammo-friendly weapon in the game, capable of doing the most damage per bullet cost than any other weapon when using the stagger/finisher method.
>Not doing a no merchant run
It's like you don't want a challenge
All I remember is upgrading to the shotgun with a fucking drum mag and rushing fags down. It was brainless shotty action but it was fun.
>Buying any weapons aside from the Rifle
Shit, if you want to be real
>Buying the rifle
You can easily beat the game, even on professional, with everything the game gives you for free. Buying the TMP, Red 9, ect, is a waste of money.
The regular handgun or Blacktail, regular shotgun, and the Broken Butterfly along with a few grenades is all you'll ever need
Nigga i can finish the game knife only
>Not doing a knife only run
Nigga pls
Best gun depending on which version of the game you own.
TMP makes the game too easy honestly. It's ammo eco is so good that you can stock up on Shotty shells or anything else for the enemies you can't just 1 bullet + melee combo to death
Bolt Action Rifle has superior damage. There's no point in the Semi Auto unless you're shit at taking down regenerators.
>re4 guns
>heads popping off, bodies flying
>re6 guns
>fucking nothing.png
what a dissapointment that game was
Retard alert. Why the fuck would you waste any money upgrading the Riot Gun to the point where it would be "better" than the original Shotgun? That extra 2 damage isn't going to even show up in most situations. You sound like a guy who buys Punisher early and fully upgrades it.
>>upgrading guns and equipment
>why dont more games do this? its objectivly good
most games nowadays have some shoehorned in upgrading though
>buying punisher
Strinker's only strong point is the drum magazine. Original Shotgun lets you take on mobs from a safe distance and still do full damage all the while spending no where the same amount of money as you would have to on the Striker. And who the fuck is stupid enough to buy the Riot Gun at any point in the game when the original can carry you all the way to Striker
Reading comprehension isn't your strong point it seems
Playing through it for the first time in a long time at this moment and i gotta say Red9 > everything else
They do actually but it's often done terribly. With an excessive amount of upgrades for ludicrous amounts of money that do nothing except improve damage by a few percentage points.
One of the reasons I hated Bioshock Infinite was the shitty weapon upgrades. Oh boy, now my pistol has 25% more ammo in the mag!
Good luck ditmaning without the striker
Whenever I try to shoot the TMP it fires off more bullets than I want. Just tapping the fire button doesn't seem to help. What do?
It's also the smallest shotgun, freeing up inventory space.
And if you fully upgrade it it gets 100 rounds in the drum so you can essentially stack all your shotgun ammo in the gun itself freeing up even more inventory space and you basically never have to reload again
Honestly, the final attache upgrade gives you more than enough space unless you feel the need to keep all the ammo and herbs you come across. The Striker is obtained so late in the game that its benefits really don't make an impact and it doesn't have the spread of the shotgun or riot gun. I can keep the regular shotgun, max it, and deal more damage to mobs from a safer distance and reolading and ammuntion still won't be much of a problem because I'll kill plagas before it becomes an issue.
If you're at a safe distance why would you need to use a shotgun?
It’s great, but I wish there was more dismemberment than just blowing heads into bits. It was great in RE2 when you blew a zombie in half and their torso kept crawling after you, I can’t believe neither RE5 or 6 tried to do anything like that.
My biggest problem with the striker was the fact it was fired from the hip making head shots tedious as fuck
If it wasn't for the way handgun ammo drops even if you don't have one, you would have no reason to ever use a handgun over the TMP. It's perfect for setting up kicks, holds a ton of ammo, and tears shit up when upgraded.
It's best gun for saving ammo by abusing action prompts for kicking and suplexing. For actually shooting its mediocre until you get the final upgrade that increases its damage to something like 1.5, then its a beast against all living things