Hey Sup Forums Just finished Zelda BOTW and Mario Odyssey at 100% and it was tons of fun

Hey Sup Forums Just finished Zelda BOTW and Mario Odyssey at 100% and it was tons of fun.
But now i feel empty and need something to overcome it.
Should I bought another game for switch even if its an indie of eShop?
Or should i buy Pokemon USUM to resurrect my 3ds?


wait for xenoblade

Steam world dig 2

I have the first one and droped it before 10 hours, worth to give another try?

100% Kingdom Battle or Shovel Knight

>buying chaaaaaaaarge simulator 2017

absolutely yes,

Thats a movie not a game.

I completed shovel knight and dlcs 100% on pc
Hours of kingdom battle?

splat 2?
kingdom battle?
I'm assuming you don't have a wii u since you got botw on the switch
dual audio

Now you've used your side platform you can return to you main gaming system is it PS4 or PC? Surely you didn't think you could main a Nintendo console?

Stardew Valley is ultra-comfy in handheld mode.

Already have splat2, pokken and Mario kart, im asking for 1 player deep adventures

Xenoblade 2 is coming out soon.

then kingdom battle might do you, or like others said wait for xenoblade

>im asking for 1 player deep adventures
Then definitely give Xenoblade 1 another try. That's easily a 70++ hours single player deep adventure right there

>main platform
For playing Knack 2 and SJW Zero Dawn?

Op here, after your advices i think i will retry Xenoblade 1 because im in need of rpg and then ibuying xeno2
Thank for advice guys!!

wait for Xenoblade 2 ™

Call me nintenfag, but any vidya of PS4 hasnt give me the awesome and beautiful fun of those two gamesof switch

Hollow Knight when it's finally done.

For playing all the third party games, if you're confused those are games that don't have 'Mario' 'Zelda' or 'Pokemon' in the title.


Get top times for the koopa races in SMO. I am trying to get in atleast top 250 for each level and the whole process has taken me atleast another 10 hours.

Yes, because sony cant handle making original and fun games

I feel overwhelmed by japanese levels of skill, and i tried in first kingdom, it was boring

once you come to accept you cant beat the japs, its less intimidating. Cap kingdom is awfully boring and tedious, cascade or wooded is a great one to start on.

Horizon is fun
Uncharted is fun
Rachet and Clank is fun

So anyway, now you have played your two games what will you use your Switch for? Maybe you lads will get another Virtual console so you can buy Mario World and OoT again. Fuck year the 90s! :^ )

>Maybe you lads will get another Virtual console so you can buy Mario World and OoT again.
it's weird you say that after listing R&C, literally a remake.

I mean its not like Sony to make remasters and sell them to the consumer this late into the consoles life. Ah, they never did remasters just churning out new IPs.
#4theplayers, amirite o|o

Not him but you must have not played throughout the last 2 gens I guess. Sony is the only one among the 3 that shit out a bunch of new IPs every gen.
Each gen since the beginning has had their own iconic games and characters.
You can't pull that card.

Splatoon 2 is great too

I have a PC for that and don't care for PS4 exclusives mainly because they suck ass.
Uncharted is a cinematic experience with as little actual gameplay as possible.
HZD is yet another boring open world meme game.
And don't get me started on Bloodborne, silky smooth 20fps grimdark edgyness Sup Forums would've laughed at a few years ago.

The amount of Switch owners ignoring Xenoblade doesn’t bode well for its sales. RIP MonolithSoft.

The emphasis here is on "shit out", please list some IPs.
Infamous, Uncharted? Knack 2?

Maybe they should have toned down the weebshit and I might have been interested

Ratchet & Clank is a movie though.

I mean I'm also looking forward to yakuza, dragon's crown, the legend of heros 3 and Ni no Kuni 2 and Guacamelee I guess your right those games are great IPs sony made. I'm looking forward to ps5 and what new Ips they'll make next

I don't even know what we're talking about anymore. I don't have a ps4 because the only games I want are uncharted, until dawn, bloodborne and yakuza. Also Nioh, but I got it on pc.
I'm waiting for more exclusives to drop as well as console only exclusives next year before picking one up. Games like really dumbass really 2, KH3 and yes even games like God of War and the last of us 2. The trailer that recently came out for tlou2 was clean af and already has me interested.

Isn't dragons crown an old game now? The chick with the huge tits?
I also didn't know Sony made guacamelee, I saw it on my wii U I think.

>tfw curling up in your bed during the winter with some blankets while playing Stardew

Xenoblade 2 looks like garbage though and the voice acting is horrendous.

Horizon is literally a better game than Zelda.

Sorry everyone isn't content to keep replaying games from the 1980s

Your post proofs that even opinions can be objectively wrong.

Sorry I forgot it's an old Nintendo Franchise so it gets 4 extra posts 10/10 I mean it even have VOICE ACTING for specific important scenes, so epic!

It's the best Zelda (APART FROM OOT OFCOURSE!) until the next Zelda comes out

How is that worse than the subpar story and forced stronk womyn tropes in HZD?

>subpar story

Sorry it was a good story with a great lore and aesthetic.

>stronk womyn

Bitter virgin poltard, if metroid were made today you'd be crying that your badass robot was a woman to appease 'THA ESS JAY DOOUYA YOOOOZ'

Return it if its under 15 days you'll get your money back. Zelda is a decent game. Not 400+ dollars decent. I couldn't give a shit about mario or splatoon. That is all thats ever parroted. Anytime I typically voice my opinion that switch is not the greatest fucking thing I get called a troll/shitposter by what I assume is fanboys/paid marketers.

Its a good system, I liked it. Just didn't like it enough for one game. Now I am stuck with zelda and a pro controller but better than being stuck with a 300 dollar zelda tablet. I also returned a xbox one, I couldn't even play the fucker without logging online.

golf story(fantastic game)
fast rmx
strikers 1945 (play in tate in tablet mode!)
xeno 2 soon
splatoon 2 is neat

Come on user, not Skyward sword or other zeldas had reviews like this, and its because the game delivers.
Is a real emotional and huge adventura with a lot of balance, possibilities and exploration. The first game ever that made secondary missions fun and aesthetics. Took a really old franchise and made a perfect game with hours and hours of content and fun.
Horizon Zero Dawn was only a mediocre game. Small map, small possibilities, poor storytelling. Just fun for the week

Buy Nioh.
It's a decent timesink and Team Ninja need the love.

Skyward Sword has a 93 on metacritic, that is a legit bad game but hey. It is a Nintendo Franchise, not just a Nintendo Franchise one of the ones they've been milking since the 80's! 93. Classic. Legendary. Waggle. It innovates it even had real instruments playing the music rather than Midis!

I dont enjoy FPS, will I enjoy splatoon 2?

If you don't like the online console FPS/TPS experience Splatoon 2 isn't going to change that

the games not about getting 420noscope headshots. you can just run around and splat the area with ink. killing dudes just stops other team from controlling an area for a few seconds. it's a really charming and colorful game. nice single player content too. and the wave defense game is really fun for co-op. i didnt expect to like it as much as i do.

Why is it always switchfags who open these threads? Are they this desperate to get some use out of their 2-games machines that they need to ask for which inferior last gen multiplat to get after finishing the inevitable Nintendo rehashes?

You seem to enjoy grinding.
Play monster hunter, it has about 8 times the playtime of those two combined

>everyone I disagree with is a literal nazi
Nice try tumblr, now go back to your Gaystation 4 and rewatch Nathan Drake getting curbstomped by a nigress for the n-th time

>10 hours of gameplay streched thin to 500 hours

Great argument, now call me a cuck before going back to pol.

same with Mario Odyssey and BotW desu

Why nobody mention disgaea 5 ? Is it that bad and not worth played on handheld ?

It's good. I always assume that people already played the ps4 version. It's worth it for sure if you haven't before, post game will keep you busy for a bit.

Buy Kingdom Battle and Try Xeno again then.

This is Sup Forums, and not an accurate census of the average switch owner.