Embarrassing, Europe

Embarrassing, Europe.

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you can only post ITT if your country qualified for the world cup. not so fast americans

>tfw you don't like soccer and live in soccerland

How do we stop fifa?

Oh no!

Any soccer game is the pleb-tier, lowest common denominator game over here.

I thought bongs were xboners.

>eurochad vs virginmutts


Fifa is a game that you can play with friends unlike the single player weeb shit you pedos are into

Indeed, PES is much better. WTF, Europe.

>FIFA and europoors are LITERALLY the ones floating EA and are responsible for the continual shitshows of each consecutive real video game EA releases

how do we kill EA sports?
how do we get FIFA/NFL/NBA to rescind their contracts with EA?

CHAD Europe
only buys yearly rehashes of FIFA
doesnt care
buys only obscure weebshit waifu games like persona and nier

>living in the UK, Ireland or the European mainland and calling football 'soccer'
Soyboys OUT

agreed, who the fuck buys an nba game

N-no hate pls

My ps4 is only used to play the occasional exclusive and games like these with my normie friends - I'm getting an Xbox one X soon too to play with another group of friends

>losing to Trinidad and Tobago

Reminder that this shit is the reason shitty soulless corporations like EA can flatout ignore PR and do whatever they want.

how can you even stand being around chavs? much less being "friends" with them?

Pretty sure we are only translating for the burgers. We all know how stupid they are.


what does that even mean?

>Fifa, CoD AND an Xbone X
sonybros have the worst fucking taste holy shit

In the name of spain, I apologize. My country is full of fucking retards.

m-maybe next time, again

>The rules of association football were codified in England by the Football Association in 1863 and the name association football was coined to distinguish the game from the other forms of football played at the time, specifically rugby football. The first written "reference to the inflated ball used in the game" was in the mid-14th century: "Þe heued fro þe body went, Als it were a foteballe". The Online Etymology Dictionary states that the word "soccer" was "split off in 1863". According to Partha Mazumdar, the term soccer originated in England, first appearing in the 1880s as an Oxford "-er" abbreviation of the word "association".

>he doesnt invite his friends over and have fifa tournaments between each other
go back "playing" your powerpoint waifushit "games"

Soy boy means soy boy.

Don't Americans buy Madden at the same frequency

It's a meme/conspiracy started on r/the_donald that quickly made it's way to Sup Forums that soy content in food is the cause behind the rise of "effeminate" men. If you see someone using the term, you can be sure they're a redditor.

90% of the population are normalfags and I'm just one guy.

I only play Monster Hunter

this is where you get called a cunt and laughed at

I can't stand them and don't have any chav friends. I prefer even roadmen over chavs.

Soyboy has been around since 2012 you stupid faggot.
Nice projection though.

There is a lot of normies here.

Can you guess how many STDs are in the picture?

This is the only good post I've ever seen on Sup Forums during the 10 years I've been browsing.

>search for the article
>first result is a thread on r/the_donald

Holy shit was right.

Please return to Reddit.


Okay kid?
Go back to r*ddit now.

>samefagging this hard

Europeans are Chads. Nothing makes women hornier than seeing a man dominate a sport.
Meanwhile, 56% Ameriniggers are too fat to even compete in anything that isn't rugby for nu-males

Sport games are games of choice for casuals in America too though.

Playing a sports game is not dominating it.

>Povertyball selling well in Yurop

Basically the same thing as every black kid on the playground dreaming of being in the NBA.


Ask the only Nintenbro in the UK anything.

>Europeans are Chads
top lel you're really not. you're massive betas. continue being delusional i guess

>Not a single mutt image yet
Come on, boys.

Is shit easy to find because there's excess stock, or hard to find because the stores never order it in the first place?

Europe: Chad wins a match at soccer in the actual playing field, flexs his muscles before the grills and get's a blowjob from them, after this, takes his friends home, plays a fifa game with them while the grills make them sandwiches.
America: user plays a game of dark souls, pants from the excitement and then faps to his animu posters while flexing his shabby limbs before them, then he eats a burger.

Because that will somehow change the fact that Europeans have a fixation on not only actual divegrass, but virtual divegrass?

ever played it in public? I've still never seen a switch besides behind the glass in CeX

I ask you to suicide.

The average white European is over six feet tall and fit
The average 56% white American is 5'9 and fat

>Americans hate grass

You can only post in this thread if people in your country don't care about the World Cup. Not so fast, Europeans.

>The average white European
Why are you bringing up ancient history?

We probably have less stock than NA and Japan but things are usually easy to find.
That would probably kill me, though.

Just sports that are so refball they reward acting like a pussy and rolling on the ground.

And you defend it because FIFA tells you to, whereas the only reason they care about keeping it refball is so games can be rigged.

Nintendo in uk is more popular than in mainland europe though.

>Caring about sports whatsofuckingever

Maybe in 2022, bro. Maybe. Trump has enough time to fix you by then.

EA bamboozled 60,000 switch owners.

Laugh at this loser.

I think you mean not so fast italians

Not even being edgy when I say we Anericans really don't care about soccer.

>Amerifat unironically says "Whiter than you, Muhammad."
You are so fucking stupid, Jamal Gomez

True, you watch pass the melon and hit a ball with a stick.

>strongarming a world cup for losers
Whoa, so this... is the power of... trump's america.

Nah, France and Germany likes them a lot more than us.

Rule 2

>even amerifat sports are violent

can't wait for america to collapse

lol, not an american

Embarrassing, consolefags.

Given all that padding it's about as violent as a pillow fight.

American football is just rugby for numales

Jesus, Americans are pathetic?

>even on the field, whitebois get ravaged by niggers
Is the us even safe anymore for white people?

>italy gets eliminated from WC
>family is literally mourning like a relative passed away
>I'm just sitting here playing video games
I don't understand

Loserball championship


3 and a half MILLION on ps4 alone, I would bet that the first week sales on ps4 is more than the lifetime sales of every other format put together. What a beast. Just shows how not having fifa really is a big deal (Sega Dreamcast)

Look up fights in rugby
also in rugby the ref actually demands respect

>live in alabama
>iron bowl (university of alabama vs university of auburn (which is also in alabama) in football) is coming up
>annual shooting as fans get into arguments

someone get me the fuck out of here

Idem per me. È bello non essere un calcio-cucco, ma ciò non mi impedisce di caccapostare per far infuriare gli americani.

Death or Dishonour

>allegedly shooting

how do you allegedly shoot someone? you either shot them or you didn't...

I mean its has been growing but getting your teeth kicked by tabascos & sauce, missing the world cup really hampered the country's growth in football.

yeah nah, getting tackled full force from the back can't be good for the brain

Because the man either did or didn't do it
It is unproven, but he is suspected
That's how allegations work, he is accused

Europe is blight upon the world.

Il mio passatempo preferito è fare finta di non capire le regole del gioco, scaturendo frustrazione generale. Merely pretending to be retarded.

Blame normalfags, they literally only and solely have football especially here in germany. There is literally nothing else they have.

It's funny. Yuropoors have always shit on Nintendo products for all of video gaming history and the reason has always been because they have the worst taste imaginable.

Fuck the EU.

If not for them Sony wouldn't support us so much and make great consoles.

Americans don't care about soccer. It's more funny to mock the Italians and their first miss in 50 60 years. Fucking hilarious.

Who would suspect there would be a lot of football fans in a nation with one of the top clubs, and top national teams in the world?

They care enough to start their own championship after being blown the fuck out for close to a century.