Reddit are doing their bit in the fight against EA, why aren't you?

Reddit is one of the most visited sites in the world and they are mobilising their vast resources, upvoting posts on r/gamimg, to really make a difference in the world. Just look at the stock market drop the other day, things are changing!

Why aren't we doing half as much to defeat EA and their greed for trying to make money?


youre joking, right

because Sup Forums is totally shit.

ea is shit and has been for years. if you're still buying ea shit you deserve to get fucked in the ass. i don't care enough. Sup Forums did its bit years ago and they didn't care then

>evil bigots are only voting ea worst company in america because they are bigots!
reddit then gives them their money

don't care

Sup Forums is full of armchair developers and literal children now, people that dont actually do anything but come here to talk about controversy, how shit everything is and get Sup Forums on everything, but not actually do anything, just talk back and forth about how its all shit.

Literally only come here for news, this place has fallen hard.

Because I do not give a shit

neogaf and redditors such as yourself have done far more harm to this board than Sup Forums ever did. this board is devoid of creativity and content

third post best post

I have never bought a western game in my life.
If you care about actual video games and not dopamine drop drama engines, the west should be irrelevant to you.

Because 2017 Sup Forums is Reddit

See reddit formatted comment here:

>Sup Forums bitches about the gaming industry for years
>never accomplishes anything despite that
>meanwhile Reddit saves gaming in a single day
Why are we so pathetic bros?

the best way to defeat EA is to act as if they do not exist
do not talk about them
do not buy or even pirate their games
do not associate with people who do any of the above


this format shit is stupid. Sup Forums was reddit seven years ago. now it's something else entirely. it's a cancer i'm not even sure where it comes from. i know neogaf is one of the problems, but it's also something more

Because making a difference isn't the fucking purpose of Sup Forums you faggot.

I already stopped buying EA games, acting like you give a shit now is a great gesture and all but thats all it is, half of you will still buy star wars 2 battlefield reskined, and you know it.

I'm doing my bit by not buying EA games

If reddit is doing stupid shit like this, I'll do everything in my power to shill Battlefront 2 and buy every microtransaction just to piss those retarded faggots off.

Why would anyone be stupid enough to pick a side and do anything?
It's a massive waste of time and effort and both sides are retarded anyways.

Just ignore them all and play videogames. I'm gonna buy Battlefront 2 because it looks like a fun game anyways.

you are living proof that reddit is superior

Go to reddit then if you like it so much.

Seems like shiteaters like you fit there better than Sup Forums. Go do your pointless "boycott" of EA while I actually have fun playing the game.

I want to see the western game industry burn.

Fuck off tourists

Link the fucking thread if you're trying to make a point.

>Go to reddit then if you like it so much.

i already do, reddit is for serious and intelligent discussions while Sup Forums is for mindless shitposting

>Implying upboats affect the real world
I know this is bait but you got to try harder


Reminder that it's reddits fault in the first place because those fucking sheep probably kept buying EA games after Spore.

>No true scotsman
>Implying Sup Forumsermin didn't

Because Sup Forums is full of no life autists that spend all day shitposting and trying to fit in.

Because I'm too busy playing old games and watching Netflix to not give shit controversy with modern games. Complaining all day is boring and pointless. Talking about loot boxes is already boring and repetitive as fuck. Just play some fun indies, old games and Japan games. It's not that hard.

rolling for idolmaster harem

shut up idiot

Why does Sup Forums get so triggered over Reddit?

Not like this place is much better.

My nigga, there is plenty of quality old games the only way to crusade against shitty new games is to play old games.

You are aware it was going to cost thousands of dollars in cash or years of your time to unlock everything right? Don't care about this reddit shit but it sounds like you'll just let any company that flashes colours at you sound your urethra and pull out your money.

>Not like this place is much better.
That is the problem, autists actually think it is.


I've been browsing both for pretty much as long as both have existed, I never understood why people would want to identify as a proud user of either.

reddit did shit, only after the Mouse raised its head, EA became scared.


because i dont do things just because everyone else is doing them


>don't buy EA games
>Don't care
>people scared of leddit coming in when they try to do this shit and jerk off thinking of the good old days
I'm fine watching it unfold


I'm only here to discuss video games kiddo, not your jerk off contest on an offsite

let's go

I don't know why it's hard for the angry kids in this board to play other kind of games if they hate new games that much. There plenty of options left to enjoy this hobby.

because were not autistic manchildren

It's not hard to see why, just read a thread bashing reddit and you get the gist.
>autists say this everytime and wonder why Sup Forums keeps going to shit
>this selection
It's fucking shit.

triple kill

They're not doing jack shit. Most of the people complaining the loudest probably still bought the game and the rest will forget about this in a week and find something else to be outraged about.

>Sup Forums elected Trump
>Reddit vanquished EA
why can't we do anything of value bros?

I'm doing it on Reddit because this place would probably just send death threats and the word nigger to them

fight against EA for what?

they changed the payment models all before the game launched

why theyre still crying like children makes no sense

t. goy

>I'm only here to discuss video games

Nice joke


Because reddit is filled with idiots and children compared to intelligent people on Sup Forums here who have far better video game discussions.

>why aren't you?
I did the best thing one could do against EA's practices, i didnt buy the shitty game.

I am, though, I haven't bought an EA product since Mass Effect 2.

>surely this bit of reverse-psychology will work
Nice try niggerfaggot. I'm still not buying your shit game.

>why aren't you?
I don't give them any money.

This thread is a prime example I see.

Because Sup Forums is a bunch of contrarian faggots who think the rule of the game is "if Reddit does it, do the opposite".

I don't like Reddit one bit, but it doesn't take a fucking genius to know that they are the ones in the right in this case. Being this unwilling to cooperate because of "muh reddit" is only gonna enable EA further.

Every last one of those faggots is going to buy BF2 and they'll piss themselves every time they get to play as LE EBIN VADER SO EPIC XD

It's the same shit as with Modern Warfare 2 boycott.

Watch for EA posting record sales in a few days after release.

I don't buy EA games so why should I care
