Why don't we have a Dark Souls thread guys?
Why don't we have a Dark Souls thread guys?
Other urls found in this thread:
How about no
Nothing to talk about man
My build is better than yours
Dark Souls is shit lol
Dark Souls 3 is the best one.
1 >= 3 > 2
fully irrelevant now thank god
Lets talk about trump and why he is the dark souls of presidents
yep but its more like this
demon's >= 1 >= 3 > 2
I don't see how the second half could get worse
1 = 2 > demons > bloodborne > 3
this is OBJECTIVELY correct.
Because of this
Why is Dark Souls so shit?
I'll call you a filthy casul no matter what you do because I'm much better at overcoming clunky game design than anyone else.
>Why don't we have a Dark Souls thread guys?
Because the souls community is a bunch of brainlets who are only capable of such discussions
yes we do . New lore
Made by a company who's mostly known for mediocre at best shovelware who tried to bite more off than they could chew.
>tfw no Souls game that takes the best elements of DeS, DaS, and BB
>it will always be one step forward and one step back
>next Souls game will probably force you to sit through two loading screens to level up, again
Two loading screen? Why not 3 or 4? Sky's the limit.
>Souls game that takes the best elements of DeS, DaS
That WAS Bloodborne lol
Literally the only bad thing about Bloodborne is the Chalice Dungeons
pvpfags fucking leave
sounds good to me
>threw out the perfected healing system that is Estus Flask
What the fuck are you talking about
>give me free stuff
The only bad thing about vials were that you drank them in a splitsecond which makes PvE often easy.
I know that they are ounishable in PvP but with From's netcode a bullet is not likely to parry the heal.
>give me free stuff
Why should someone have to farm for healing supplies? Estus Flasks did the same job, but better.
One thing Bloodborne did get right is backstabbing. It has always been far too abusable and visceral attacks are far more satisfying.
And here we go. This op is why we dont have dark souls threads
>you will NEVER EVER NEVER enter Anor Londo for the first time again
People who are shit had to farm for vials because they didn't just bought them with the leftovers after leveling up or simply using the rally mechanic instead of sipping.
If people didn't have to farm, then Vials and(Dark Souls 3, bc of the animation speed) Estus are almost the same, except that at low Estus upgrade it heals less than Vials and at higher upgrade Estus heals more.
>invade someone
>get Dorkmoon niggers dropping in 10 seconds into the invasion
>host immediately summons phantoms
>they're all swinging ultra greatswords
>host barely even takes any damage from my attacks
DS1 > BloodBorne > Nioh > Demons > Shit > DS2 and 3
>play ds3
>its just watered down Bloodborne
Bloodborne doesn't even have magic
>Be invader
>Probably have cheesy fuckboi PvP build
>Go into someone's world to kill them
>Complain to the internet when they cheese back
If Demons Souls was too hard for me, should I try this instead?
Oh fuck I read
>who would even have to farm for farming supplies
my bad.
But to the question why someone would have to farm for it. To literally get good and learn that BB isn't meant to be played like a DS game. You don't passively hide behind your shield and use infinite consumables. You play aggressive and when you lose HP you rally it back, that's what the very first non optional boss teaches you, if you play passive on Gascoigne he'll just wack you (except for cheesing him with the tomb stones), if you play in an aggressive manner like he does you can stagger him and get him go fall back. Trick attacks (L1) and viscerals encourage this even more as they have high rally potential. A visceral rallies 100% of the HP you just lost.
So it's just telling you to stop hiding (and use your bloodechoes effiently).
DaS 1 had something similar where you had to buy these cursed hands to actually fight the ghosts.
I'm running around in the Shadow set with an Black Blade, Eastern Set with an Uchi or Jailer set with the Soldering Iron. The people are just autistic.
Hasnt gotten past first 5 hollows
you havent tried an arcane build
Demon's Souls is the easiest Souls game, Dark Souls 3 is probably the hardest. The enemies are exponentially more aggressive and faster.
>why am i so shit at dark souls
Wasnt that big of a deal the first time
.>immediate defense is LE GIT GUD XDDD
The absolute state of Soulsfags
That makes sense, I guess I just prefer the slower thought process of DaS. Personally, I never had an issue with blood vials 'cause I just spent like a full 60k on purely blood vials and never had an issue again.
I also tend to get aggressive on slower bosses like Rom and Church-Dog-What's-Her-Face, but faster bosses like Orphan makes me back down. Maybe this is why he gives me such trouble?
It totally does. It's still magic, even if it's used through activated items and it uses bullets
>mediocre with enormous flaws but beloved by 14 year olds on the internet who don't know any better
Damn that was an astute obsv. user
Demon's was pretty easy, as was BB, save for some of the DLC. In DaS 2 and 3 the difficulty comes from learning the game's mistakes mostly, like enemies attacking through walls and no poise. DaS 3 feels like Disgaea of souls games, as in it has inflated HP, but it doesn't matter, as each enemy deals 10000000k damage.
I despise you all
DeS is arguably the easiest so no. Souls games aren't particularly hard they just don't hold your hand so it's up to you to figure out how to make your character appreciably stronger. Obviously there's simply leveling up and equipping the gear with the highest numbers but there's usually more nuance than that. People who know these games can be broken af like 1 hour into any given game, try more stuff on more enemies and pay attention to what works.
For instance, if I were to play DeS right now I'd shit all over Phalanx with fire and head over to the VoD to pick up the free blessed mace and then put that mace to the skeletons at the SoS to get the adjudicator's shield and just like that I'm really hard to kill and will only get stronger. For DS1 I'd rush the gravelord sword, IIRC I can get to it without killing any bosses. DS2 would probably be the fire longsword or chaos rapier, DS3 would be a heavy Exile GS.
I've started playing it recently for the first time and it's very cool. I'm still pretty early into the game (I assume, I've only rung the first bell), but I'm having a lot of fun, even when I die. I wish I had cooler looking equipment though.
theres never gonna be darksouls/bloodborne threads user
this place has been overrun by neogaff faggot normies who cant get past the first stages
as you can see with the ammount of them here screeching "its shit"
You know, I have been thinking about ds 1 lately and I know a lot of people want fromsoft to make a game with the interconected world with no teleport, etc. and thats fine for me, but what I really want is that they bring back the narrow corridors, the pitfalls and more darkness in general, I want the world to feel dangerous not just the enemies
see i think that was the problem
they should have dropped the ammount of vials you can carry to 5/10 so that the focus would be more on the rallying potential and agressive fighting and visceral baiting
Are you me?
Also Kings Feild does that
Please stop shitting up the thread with these pointless fucking lists, no one cares what you think
>Souls game that takes the best elements of DeS, DaS, and BB
Isn't that basically 3?
This bait is not even worth a (You).
I mean it.
This is underrated. Dark Souls was a huge fluke.
In many ways yes but I think it lacked the truly important things from DS1 & 2, namely a dope world and build variety. 3 was highly polished and did a ton of stuff right but IMO it also did too much stuff wrong, like making the Demon Ruins out of reused BB assets and having it still be crap. I don't think we got anything approaching a durable hunter tool until the last DLC. Also the lack of herbs fucked magic because Ashtus was terrible and passive HP & MP regen were gimped to hell, in the case of the latter I think it's nonexistent.
Dark Souls sparked two successful sequels and the game is the spiritual successor of Demon's Souls which is in itself an updated version of old From games. That's not how fluke works.
Alright, stuff that DaS 3 has missed from previous games
>interconnected world
>no bonfire spam
>/fa/ variety and being able to mix up /fa/
>covenant action
>originality in lore
Are some I could think of now. I mean DaS3 is a fun game and I enjoy it, but saying it took the best elements of previous titles is wrong.
Okay, but das3 can also be read as:
>lack of poise like DeS
>nopoise means freedom to /fa/
>speed and boss transformation like Bloodborne
>rest is everything Dark Souls
It's the mix the guy asks for.
>originality in lore
No offense but this complaint is for the brainlets.
if you're not a generic quality knight get out of my sight before I remove you myself
Do you want a cup of edge to go with that heartlessness you little piece of poop?
difficulty is subjective, these niggers don't know what they're talking about. it depends really, did you have fun with the game?
Freedom of /fa/ doesn't mean anything because very little stuff actually mixes well. Many armors have some unique colour or a texture that doesn't mix well with others. Also steel often has weird colours (from shining bright to looking like shit) and often stuff clips or or does silly stuff (like armor around the neck dissapearing if you don't wear the matching headpiece). There is only very little stuff you can mix compared to DaS2.
Also rest is everything like DaS isn't fully true because of the major point of world design. In DaS the world actually feels like a proper world. In DaS3 you can just teleport from bonfire to bonfire especially because they are present every few minutes, instead of using smart shortcuts.
With originality in lore I meant that stuff like the onion knight or some areas just up reused. It's kind of nice to see what happend to these areas (Anor Londo and Izalith not like what they used to be anymore) which also adds to the "everything goes to an end" feeling. But I would have liked it more if they did more original/ new stuff.
As I said before DaS3 is fun, and it stuff right (fast fighting like BB for example) but I disagree with the statement that it took the best elements of previous titles.
Well, i never felt restricted to do some fashion and comparing to 2 any souls game will lose. The only real game i felt restricted was Demon's Souls really. I don't see any issues noticeable in that area with 3.
And while the world isnt completely interconnected it made logical sense. It work like small hubs and the shortcuts exists in these hubs. But you can always see where the next hub is from where you are so while you are correct, it isn't as interconnected as the first but it doesn't become an issue since the approach they did isn't flawed at all.
As lore, it was the conclusion to the series, it adds bits but the whole point was leading what we had to a final stand. It did it's job.
Why did FROM go from interesting boss fights in DeS, DaS, and to some extent DaSII and go full roll+R1 for like every boss in the DLC and DaSIII?
They all feel the fucking same. Fume Knight, Aava, Pontiff, Nameless King, Lord of Cinder, pretty much every other boss in DS3. I'm fucking tired of it.
I really don't understand what you are saying, user
Best game of all time. Next question?
Strangest bait I've seen all week.
See all the bosses I listed? You beat them by rolling through their attacks and hitting R1 when their telegraphed attack pattern ends. That's it. That's all it is. You can't even decide to block because they eat through greatshields to force you to roll.
The boss variety in DeS was fantastic, as well as DaS (with a couple boring callbacks to DeS like the Gargoyles). Couple memorable ones in DS2 like the giant spider or Darklurker (rest are terrible though).
For example, I switched things up and went for a fat roll tank build because I was tired of just rolling through everything. Got to Aava, and its attacks break through my greatshield in one attack forcing me to go back to the old roll+r1 strategy.
Pontiff is destroyed by a greatshield, though. Of the bosses you listed, the only one to give me trouble with my Heavy builds were Nameless and Fume Knight
I want yo see a souls game with
>no levelling, so all your souls go to buying and upgrading equipament and purchasing consumables, you drop your souls and equipament upon death and thats what you can retrive or loose
>only can equip thing at bonfires, the rest of your shit stays in the crate
>absolutley non linearity, you should be able to go in multiple directions from the begining
>consumables and equipament that can change how your character moves and at waht speed
>more enviromental hazards: pitfalls, dangerous plataforming, traps, darkness, maze like places, etc.
>extremly powerfull and rare items that use some sort of very rare and or expensive amunition (some magic artifacts, guns or wathever)
>gimmicky levels (In how you navigate them or maybe you can modify them in some way or a level in wich enemies constantly change placement or the level layout isteslf change every time or something) and bosses (not just a rollfest)
>no teleport
>no hub
>merchants spread arround the world
>a litle less obtuse questlines, the fun thing about making difficult desitions is if you can foresee the consecuances of your actions to some degree
thats what comes to mind now, I'm sure I can think of more shit
>the only one to give me trouble with my Heavy builds were Nameless and Fume Knight
How'd you get through Aava? Like I said, every attack broke my guard. Is the Drakekeeper's Shield particularly terrible or something when it comes to stability? I'm not too familiar with greatshields.
Drakekeeper is a good shield. I have no idea why you are having such trouble with Aava, though I did use Havel's
Because the fans shit on gimmick bosses and praise duel bosses. Artorias was great, but a whole game of Artorias isn't.
To be fair, DaS3 does have some gimmick bosses, they're just shit. Greatwood, Wolnir, Wyvern are worse than Dragon God and BoC IMO. Then there's Crystal Sages, another Fool's Idol clone with a pointless 10 second wait in between spawns.
>Is the Drakekeeper's Shield particularly terrible or something when it comes to stability?
It's near the top, but Gyrm Greatshield and Havel's are better. Also, upgrading the shield increases stability, and Baneful Bird Ring increases it further. Maybe you just didn't have enough stamina.
>Baneful Bird Ring
I'll have to get that. I have 32 endurance and third dragon ring.
I'm also in Company of Champions, but I don't think that affects stamina damage.
The giant spider was just
>hold torch because little spiders are scared of fire
>wait until Freja (I think the big spider is called) starts an attack animation
>run to the other side
or simply
>hold torch
>shoot magic projectiles
Because only a small minority likes the gimmick boss fights were you have to hit the glowing weak spot like in a C-Tier action movie.
The duel bosses like NK or Gael are both more challenging and fun. The other kind of fight in which you don't roll through attacks are often just not exiting. The ancient dragon from DaS2 for example
>put on fire resist clothes and use red bug pellets because else the fire breath will oneshot you
>r1 his nails
>simply run, not dodge, to the side when he attacks
I get your complaint for variety, but I can't think of any non duel bossfights that was exiting. Because compared to the "roll through attacks" it's simply "run to the side".
>there are people who put ds3 on the same tier as ds2 or worst
>there are people that thing ds2 is better than any other souls game
what went wrong?
>I'm also in Company of Champions, but I don't think that affects stamina damage.
Pretty sure it does. It boosts damage/defense of everything, and stamina damage is calculated based on how much damage you blocked.
Nostalgia, the feeling that older = better and contrarianism.
I didn't even use the torch for Freyja 2bh. But it was refreshing. It doesn't even have to be gimmick bosses. Plenty of great bosses in DaS that weren't gimmicks nor duels. Sif, O&S, Four Kings, Nito, Quelaag to name a few.
Well fuck. CoC greatly improved the base game experience for me. I'd hate to leave it just for the DLC. I only have the final boss of Eleum left though.
>tfw still stuck on blightown
>cant even go back up of blightown
killing queelag was easy but climbing back up to the firelink shrine makes me want to kill myself
I liked it more before they deciced to explain the lore by blaming eveything on Gwyn
people who consider this new must not have played demon's souls. This isn't subtext, it's literal text.
Are there enough people playing DaS to invade? I was playing last night and managed to get summoned but I figured I just got lucky.
People were disappointed in DS3 and realized that DS2 did plenty right. I don't think DS2 is the best Souls game but I will say that I had a lot more fun with it than I did with 3 because 3 fucked build variety and subsequent patches + DLC only made things worse because FROM can't balance for shit.
>Heavy EGS outdamages FUGS despite having half the statreqs and weighing 70% as much
>Astora ss is worse than longsword in practically every way despite having higher statreqs
>Hexes split into dark sorcery/miracles which require 2 sets of gear for max output
>Bleed is great but poison only recently became usable and the best poison is still a staff's WA and there are no toxic weapons in the game
>Powerstance is gone but 2kat can't be obtained until the end of the game
>No buffing elemental weapons but with some exceptions that make the rule seem dumb in the first place
I'm replaying dark souls for the first time in a while. SL1 with estus skip is neat since you don't get the pyro glove either.
I really think this game could use a rebalancing. Maybe one day there will be a dark souls remake and they'll scrap the four kings and other lame parts as well as adjust the damage formulae.
Also I'd like a mode where you die for good if you die while hollowed.
i don't see how any of that matters unless the only reason you play the game is for the pvp
I found out about the torch by accident, by having the urge to light all the fire spots and then I saw that they fear it.
Four Kings kind of felt like a DPS battle tbqh, if you have the DPS to kill one before the next one spawns, you're good to go if not then dodge the attacks and r1.
But the other bosses you mentioned Sif and Queelag are also the simple dodge attacks and r1. Nito and O&S (first phase only) are almost the same dodge and r1 principe, except that you have to pay attention to more than 1 enemy.
But DaS3 also had nice non duel non gimmick bossfights like first phase Abyss Watchers, Aldritch, the Wolf in the first DLC (forgot the name), Friede+Ariandell, NK on his wyvern, Demon Prince and Midir.
But now thinking about the DaS3 bossfights, I must agree that the majority were duels. Maybe it's easier to create humanoid duels or they got a more positive response from the fans about humanoid bossfights.
Bloodborne > 2 > 3 > Demon's >>> 1
bost fav weapon
>interconnected world not even close to das1 quality
>Teleporting from the start
>loading screens to lvlup
>bloodvials are a stepback in the healing system
I love bloodborne, but no
>You'll never go down the Church to the Shrine for the first time ever again
The most magical part of the game for me
That was when I knew I was playing something special
I don't see how you got that impression considering that I'm purely a PvPfag.
>Make STR character
>Find sword in 3rd area, make it heavy to fit STR character
>Find bigger, heavier sword later, it has higher statreqs and can't be infused but is clearly STR focused
>Upgrade bigger, heavier sword and equip it
>Do less damage
You don't see the issue with this?