Battlerite is saved

What games besides Battlerite and Brawlhalla were saved because of F2P?

Call me when it has male furbait characters


>human face
boring as fuck

>thought battlerite was a new game
>it's actually been around for over a year now
No wonder this game went f2p

I literally have the same skin and wep.

Star Trek: Online, though it depends on your definition of saved.

It was always gonna be f2p after early access

>I don't know how early access works

It was always planned as f2p retard.

2v2 is pretty fun but 3v3 is an absolute clusterfuck.


Game is balanced around 3v3

things will change when you will stop being shit at the game friend

>muh chaotic
only because youre bad
and some of the maps are too small

I main Blossom because she's a slut.

Wish I could have got my hands on one of those razer mounts, that being said shield guy is fun.

they already restocked them once
why are you so slow

I just started playing today.


is it still alive? really?
I thought all MMOs are dead except WoW

HoTS, yeah it was already F2P before but had one of the worst grinds in any moba ever.
It was basically dead by january 2016 but the 2.0 update reanimated it

it was saved by getting streamers to shill it 2bh, smart marketing for when it went free

>play Thorn
>win every single match

nice game battlebabs

Would Star Wars Battlefront 2 be saved if it was a F2P game that kept the same loot box system? Would Warframe be as popular if it was a retail game?

Also its nice to see people actually drawing her now.

Varesh best doto
>implying you'll get to do anything but be silenced and slowed whiöe I ram damage up your ass

Is dat some dogyd

thorn is so easy when u play bakko lmfao

It's going to take like 3 years to unlock all champions right.

I didn't see that pic before. Source?

>All these blossom lewds
>still no pearl fanart

nice defense force you got in this thread