Do you play video games with your girlfriend Sup Forums?

Do you play video games with your girlfriend Sup Forums?

More sabs, thanks.

What are those?

fuck you

Nope, in fact I don't even play games when she comes over. But I don't hide that I play them from time too time

What the hell, I was being polite!

We play fighting games together mostly. She's been really into playing 3rd Strike and I've been teaching her Alex.
We worked on team building in MVC3 last night and she's running Wolv/Doom/Phoenix now.

Is this the obligatory /r9k/ thread where I cry about how much of a loser I am and the fact that no girl ever showed any interest in me and never will?

yes it is


Don't worry. Having a GF is so fukin annoying.

Yeah, we play EDF 4.1 together.
She watch me play Rain World from time to time too

If I ever get a gf I actually hope she doesn't play videogames. Not out of elitism or anything, I just like keeping videogame discussion online since the hobby is...quite personal and yet still embarrassing for me.

fuck off roastie

She's a tsundere, moron.

Yes. My left and right girlfriend.

Never let go of her user.

No way! Two 100% like-minded individuals whom agree on everything, and never cause each other pure misery.

juts b urself

she only likes to play don't starve

Don't use "whom" if you don't know how.

I wish user. Life would be so much easier if I was a cute girl instead of a fat loser.


yes, snipperclips, mario kart & comfy MMOs

We've been playing snipperclips and mario kart, but she's borrowing my switch to play Bing Bing Wahoo! while I catch up on my backlog of games

If you were a girl you'd be just as fat/ugly on top of having your looks be under even more scrutiny (by other girls and maybe guys). To some extent it's a grass is greener situation.

>tfw the autists of Sup Forums can somehow get a gf and you're still single

not anymore

Not planning on it muchacho. Been in love for two years, going strong, she's perfect.
She likes to dress as Cammy and let me lick her butt
I'm basically living the dream and felt like bragging.

doesn't exist.

You say that as if you're not one of those autists.


Unfortunately yes

She only plays garbage like Overwatch and League of Legends though

She's playing splaoon 2 for me while I shitpost cuz I got too salty.

>thinks he's better than Sup Forums
>is himself a single, likely virginal, autist

She'll cheat on you eventually.

That's another word I should filter, thanks for reminding me.

She typically doesn't like playing video games, but she will watch me play them and get totally invested in the story and how I play. She will also tease me sometimes and when there's long cutscenes we will hold hands.

She's trying to play Mario Odyssey with me watching now, but shes terrible at games so she is on assist mode. It's really cute watching her play because she will lean into jumps and everything, like I did when I was new to games.

By dressing like Decapre.

She's really taken a liking to skyrim, i just bought the new CoD and she gave it a try too.


Of couse, who doesn’t use their hands to play games?

>caring about filthy, smelly, dumb 3DPD roasties
Only 2D girls matter. 3DPD whores are trash.

Yes, with my wife.

What about your wife's son?

He's not my son anymore, he's my daughter.


At least post some examples proving it

I'll be your daughter's (male) boyfriend.


>play video games with someone
I would rather play my video games alone, especially when it's a RPG.

Even more especially if it's an MMORPG.

she's always watching me play
we also play pong together sometimes

>third strike
>ywn be as retarded as this user
>ywn be as happy

What porn mods did you load?

idk, my right hand count as gf?

Yes, soul calibur 5 and pokemon mostly. Whenever she plays something, i make her company and we both comment on the game without those "look look, it's there, no, grab that thing and put it there!!" That just sucks

I tried, but she's a bitch that complains whenever everything isn't about her and thinks that losing at a video game is somehow embarrassing.

My wife loves fighting games too, shit is weird

I met my girlfriend because of video games.

Of course.
I mean, is it possible to play vidya without your hands?

If youre lucky?

like a mommy but they fuck you too

wtf, some people have hard time getting a gf but you have two, not fair

>tfw girls that are into games are either casuals/attention whores, or just plain masculine

feels bad men

I met my videogames because of your girlfriend.

> EDF 4.1
Good tastes on both of you.

Yeah, we played a decent amount of Titan Quest together, among other things. She's currently addicted to Darkest Dungeon though, so right now it's mostly us hanging out playing single player games while I give her tips.

>or just plain masculine
Are you implying this is bad? Girly girls are awful, better to get a gf who just hangs out like one of the guys.


no I don't have one

What's happenin' here?


>You will never be born a girl and live life on easy mode

Two weeks too soon bro

We play Monster Hunter sometimes. Mostly she plays JRPGs though which aren't really a group experience.

Her anatomy had to be drawn by someone who has never seen a woman naked.

Only simple stuff like Mario Kart and Splatoon. She's only just got into games in the past few years

That is peak female anatomy not the artists fault 2D is better.

Using your hands? That's like a baby's toy!

Do dating sites actually work? I’ve never been on a date before and the lonliness is finally starting to get to me.

Good, I'm not gay and don't wanna get fucked by some dude like you faggots

You have fun banging that 2d anatomy sport.


>not wanting to be a girl and take all the cocks all the time or be a loyal and devoted ideal partner for one guy only while making sure to keep his balls drained at all times

playing vidya with just the left hand is pretty difficult

what a literal loser

How else would I use my keyboard?

Got drunk last night and a girl let me fondle her tits for 30 minutes straight and touch all over her body

Shit was cash might fuck her later this week

Silly OP, I'm the GF!
I always watch my BF play vidya, sometimes he lets me have a go.

she played horizon and wants me to play blood & wine. no multiplayer. i can't for the life of me last more than 2-3 hours with each before stabbing my balls to escape the boredom

I want the latter so bad. I want to be loyal and devoted, caring and loving, I want to fill every need my man has to the best of my abilities.

>posts an 9/10
>complains about life on ez mode

assuming a binomial distribution of attractiveness centred on a "5", 6% of all females are 9/10 or higher, the odds of you being born an attractive female is 1 in 33, hardly ez

With my boyfriend yes :^)

I want to reproduce but I'm not rich enough to buy a peasant girl ;_;

Not with my girlfriend, she has zero interest. Instead I invite my coworker over to play games. Then she blows me or I eat her out and we make plans for the next week. I'm not the best boyfriend.

*plat'd, fuck grammarly

I play the video game that my girlfriend is in.


Yeah, in fact my Switch with SMO should arrive later today (don't fail me on this one, amazon) and I will start playing it with my GF

You guys ever play Infamous?

god i need to get a job, and then a gf.