What's a really big budget game that had bad graphics?

what's a really big budget game that had bad graphics?

mass erect andorimida

Modern Warfare 2

dark souls 2 got fucked over because consoles couldn't handle the lighting system they planned for the game.

can we delete Sup Forums already? those faggots cannot stay in their containment board

Every board is a containment board

How was it bad? For the time it was pretty good. At least from what I can remember.

> those faggots cannot stay in their containment board
if that's the problem you should delete Sup Forums and Sup Forums first

>Sup Forums
Start with Sup Forums

Sup Forums isn't the problem. it's Sup Forumsedditors that come to Sup Forums. all the capeshit spam and eceleb shit are Sup Forumsedditors. this board is cancer and should be deleted

I don't get it

Skyrim is pretty fucking ugly


hello newfag

Sup Forums is full of edgy teenagers who think racisim is cool and hitler was a good guy. The irony is, those fat americans think they're aryan

Been here 9 years. Can't leave.

Literally every board is filled with one form of cancer or another. Sup Forums has been filled with Sup Forums kiddies and Sup Forums dregs for a long time now.

no one watches movies here. failed attempt at a bogeyman

>Sup Forums is the reason Sup Forums is bad!
>not Sup Forums

Graduating from Sup Forums was the quintessential Sup Forums experience.
Sup Forums is just failed contamination board for "adult" Sup Forumstards.

What are some games that have enemies that adjust to your power level?

Accurate as fuck. Being a Sup Forumsfag myself back in 2011 I can confirm you just outgrow that shit. The retards that don't go to Sup Forums

breath of the wild
mario odyssey

Why didn't he fight that fast before?

Are you blind?


Sup Forums is a fashy Sup Forums. Everyone shits on Sup Forums but it's the only relevant board any more.

Also most people don't just browse one board so obviously discussion is going to spill over. A bit like /fit/ and /k/ are very close to Sup Forums now.

There are a lot of shitty boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums but they're just not relevant any more so no one cares.

Superman tanking the rest of the league was pretty funny

isn't flash supposed to be faster than superman?

1) this is not vidyer games
2) fuck off Sup Forums
3) is the movie any good? if it's at least on par with dawn of justice then im happy


Stop deflecting, Sup Forumsedditor.

not nuflash

conceal your powerlevel bro. no need to go super saiyan against jobbers.

No, shill. It wasn't pretty funny. It was pretty boring.

>is duh movie good
>37% on Rotten Tomatoes
Dunno, is it?

this version of Flash is a complete rookie with a very poor handle on his powers it's made clear in the movie several times, they ever just flat out state it.

in fact they even CGI's him running weird later in the movie to show him sort of getting the hang of it.

I don't if this makes sense or not but that was pretty cool

there's only one thing about Sup Forums that doesn't suck completely and that's /sg/, the rest of the board should be nuked

Damn, that is some bad acting.

He is
Superman can't get a single hit on him in that scene

Dis mad console warrior

>DC BTFO again
they literally won't be able to recover from having their main event-movie bomb.
future sequels and spin-offs confirmed to fail

>Superman is boring

when was the last time you had an original thought in that cavity of a skull?

>on par with dawn of justice then I'm happy
Holy shit, kill yourself. Stop ruining movies.

the flash's reactions in this webm are hilarious in the first half of it.

He is faster but hasn't unlocked the true extent of his powers in JL. I hate Whedon so god damn much for turning this scene into comedy. Everyone can tell it's a reshoot just looking at Supermans face. Zack would've made this scene pure kino of the highest caliber.

is no one else seeing the weird fucking move at 0:39?

duke nukem forever

fuck off and answer the question
i dont even intend to watch it in theatres

who's the death metal guy in black armor?

/sig/ is bretty gud.
There's too much nazi larping but some of the shenanigans Sup Forums gets up to is fun.
>its okay to be white
>change swedish flag
>get all illegals into starbucks and deport them

real life shitposting is never not fun to watch