Play on a Sup Forums server

>Play on a Sup Forums server
>Reason: Racism
I thought you guys were cool.

>being a racist

get a life man



anything advertises itself as a Sup Forums server of any kind is a lie

the one and only time i joined a Sup Forums server, there was a tranny ERPing with half the server pretending they were gangbanging her

grow up user

>Implying any Sup Forumsirgin that likes their server would advertise it to a bunch of faggots.
You've been bamboozled



I ban Sup Forumstards from my serves. Sorry, but we don't want to hear about your shitty "redpills"

There is not wrong with being racist

You might've been looking for a Sup Forums server.

Every other race hates white people

Okay India

>Sup Forums server

Cringe inducing edgy Sup Forumstard Sup Forums rejects forcing their stupid Sup Forums lingo into places is the most embarrassing fuckin thing and shits up the community immediately. Every time I find some server thats overwhelmingly populated with Sup Forums users it's a stagnant shithole where people try to out-meme each other, out-racist each other and recycle the same boring talking points over and over. Also, you're always so fuckin weird about sex. Whats up with that?

I'd ban you myself.

>calling someone a nigger equals being a Sup Forums-tard preaching hitlers gospel

No one said anything about calling people niggers

nice victim mentality, BITCH

>I'm a 'bluepilled' cuck who gets triggered if people bring inconvenient facts and opinions into my imaginary world!

Yeah it kinda does. I'm sorry you don't realise just how embarrassingly tryhard edgy you are. You'll grow out of it though.

>I don't mind that Sup Forums guy, but he won't shut the fuck up about niggers

I need that comic edit.

Not accepting that calling people faghgots and niggers has been part of this site for over a decade

>stating a fact
>victim mentality

you even real?

Racism outside of Sup Forums is against Sup Forums rules

back that fact up

Calling someone a faggot, cuck, jew, nigger or nazi: Sure go ahead

Beeind a faggot, cuck, jew, nigger or nazi: Banned.

Simple as that.

>muh feels

Enjoy becoming South Africa 2.0, Burgers. It's irreversible once it happens.
>Muh magic soil makes everyone love me

>Play on a Sup Forums server
What did you play?

>brainlet wojak
>Sup Forumsdittor
Could you get any more 2016? Cancer

Looks like someone went through some serious remorse. Just accept that every race is racist.

Banning is weak for frogposters desu senpai they should all be gassed.

This. Frogposting is the reason we can't have nice things on this website anymore.

>doesnt realise the black american pop is not growing
>latinos are fastest growing and they are pretty Okay when they work
>meanwhile europe is being invaded from the south by africa and south east by islam.

Yes Europe is pretty fucked, I'm glad we've made progress here.

Real talk, games are significantly more fun without people like you around. Being annoying on the Internet isn't something to be proud of. I don't know how you could even pretend that there are people who want to hear this shit all day.

>hear about cool le wacky 4chin server while browsing Reddit
>announce to server "LOL niggers AMIRITE?!" to fit in
>get banned

USA is going to become Mexico 2.0 while they unironically call countries with ~5% muslim populations "overran"

Having pretend sex, typically over a group voice chat or using text boxes.

>Being annoying on the Internet isn't something to be proud of.

Yet people apparently seek out things like dedicated Sup Forums servers. Like we aren't the most toxic gaming community on the planet.
If you don't want to hear stupid shit maybe you shouldn't hang out with people who say stupid shit

>Mexicans are okay when they work! Just ignore the massive amounts of gang violence they bring with them.

Le 56% face

>I actually love being annoying on the Internet
Also not something to be proud of kiddo. Fuck you people are pathetic.

t. 56%

I never implied that? What are you talking about?
>Calling others pathetic while browsing Sup Forums yourself. You are not better than anyone else in this thread just because you don#t share other peoples opinions.

loving every laugh


The universal sign of saying: "I am fedup with you bullshit but I lack the arguments to win the conversation".


like clockwork

Stupid chink

Who are you quoting?

Very relevant image.


Listen dude don't get defensive, I don't write your posts for you I just let you know when you should have stopped. It's time to stop. You can't win an argument against me, I'll out-stubborn you every damn time. It's time to find a new hobby than arguing semantics and getting frustrated with strangers.

t. people with no life experience

Are we talking to Destiny right now? "Give me the faxth and hard datha!!"
I've been fully immersed in the black culture of London in the past and sitting in a cramped room together sharing one joint and cussing out whites is a favourite pastime of black people. They actually think we are "born evil".

Did I hit a little close to home? Sorry.


>play on a Sup Forums server
Anyone who makes a Sup Forums server isn't from here, that's for sure. Unless it's minecraft board wars.


oh you mad, boy

great thread

Afraid to look at the current figures?

yeah and i've been browsing Sup Forums for years, you actually think non-whites are "born evil".

those are just some retards, they dont represent an entire race (just like the retards on here arent representing every white person)

>non-hispanic white
There will be plenty of hispa ic whites tho

>white boi who only has white friends telling "racists" to go back to Sup Forums
When it all goes to shit where are you going to move to? A white country, right?

>every race hates eachother

And who teh fuck are you? The semantics police? Reading between the lines just digging for something I wrote that fits your opinion.
Let me tell you where you should've stopped posting:
Just before the first R
because all you did was fuel a conversation with your worthless opinion to further derail this fucking thread.

How about all the fucking nazis, Sup Forumsposter, reddits and niggers get your own damn board so we can discuss videogames in peace? Keep on posting, I'll bite just so you can stroke your superior ego

Racism is stupid. Love, don't hate.