How do I fix this?
How do I fix this?
drop it again to see if it fixes itself
>being such a Mario inlet that you rage in the Cap kingdom
Maybe iPhone games are more your thing, user.
what did you do
kek I barely bumped mine with my foot yesterday (didn't even knock over the console) and it told me the game card had been removed. it really is a piece of shit with no games
stories that never happened the post
>implying he dropped it
Just typical shit Nintendo hardware.
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neither of you own a switch
>they market this trash as portable
>cant even drop it from more than 3 feet or else it breaks
Go back in time and kill your past self before he buys it, then replace him
same thing happened to me, i sneezed and the battery explodes.
God his videos are shit now
>drop ipad many times
>never breaks
>drop switch once
>fucking broken
What happened to Nintendium? Did they run out? Did nVidia forget to use it when they designed the console (lets be real here, Nintendo didn't design the switch, nVidia did)
I bought a switch and it overheated and died after leaving it on the docking station for a day. Lmao!
Turn it off and on again
Doesn't the cartridge slot have a cover?
kek yeah right i used to work in a tech repaor stall and this lady cane in every week with a broken lcd and screen because her kids kept droppimg her ipad
With a revision
Remember when nintendo consoles were sturdy as fuck?
>no games
>when i have to tell myself "no you have too many games for it not even being a year don't buy more"
OK sure, adding you to the don't own a switch and just wants to shit post pile.
There is one video where a guy drops a switch from 100 feet and only the left joycon breaks tho.
Not to mention that other video where the console keeps working while they make a hole in the battery and motherboard
I wish it were true, I grew up on Nintendo consoles (owned everyone except a Wii U), I shelled out 300+ dollars on a Zelda machine, and I was disappointed in BotW. I gotta love how defensive you folks get over the Switch though
It does, I opened the slot and the cartridge was still in, I don't know what caused it but taking the cartridge out and putting it back in worked just fine
I bought BotW and was disappointed. Odyssey looks like shit and I have no interest in Sonic Forces. I'm also not interested in gross trash like Mario + Le Rabbids
I honestly can't believe Sup Forumss defense mechanism is to say "NAH U JUST DONT OWN ONE"
I've had it since mid March and the cartridge thing only has happened once, and its been my only physical issue with the Switch itself, but go ahead and keep pretending everything is fine
>Odyssey looks like shit
>BOTW was disappointing
>LE Rabbids
Just sell it already how fucking hard do you have to try to waste your money and then complain if you already didn't like BOTW and don't like any upcoming games.
Also, heres a pic with a timestamp. Stay delusional, kids
Because the next Zelda is gonna be dank as fuck. Face it, Nintendo sold us an empty tech demo to see how people would take it, now they're gonna bust their nut with the next one
I'm not saying its always going to have no games, but right now yeah its got no games
It was 1000 feet..
where the fuck
Eat shit, faggot loser.
>living in Silent Hill
Have you tried hitting it?
>I believe le everything I see on le internet
babby's first ebaumsworld
Stop this shit.
>muh skeptic intellectual
Eat shit, faggot loser.
TVs are for the wife and kids man. Why the fuck would I hog up the living room to bing bing wahoo. Just give me a portable console.
top fucking kek, get a clue kid
Oh who cares anyways go die already. Also what's with the shitty floor are you living in squalor?
>take a youtube thumbnail from crowbcat's video
>"how do I fix this?"
>get absolutely buttblasted and #BTFO
Thought so. Just admit some people actually own a Nintendo Switch and some of them have hardware issues. Oh thats right you can't because you are a seething manchild
>that floor
>that cigarette
You got more things to worry about than posting on a video game image board.
>seething manchild
I hate to pull the "I know you are but what am I" argument but considering you went to name calling and getting so hurt because no one believed the fact that you don't play games kind of makes you the seething manchild.
you're the one embarrassing yourself with the damage control. I'm done here.
Just admit you were wrong and stop being so upset
>"I know you are but what am I?!?!"
you really aren't doing much to prove you aren't in fact an angry manchild
Apple products are not made to be durable. Nintendo actually has a pretty great track record for their shit, way better than Sony or Microsoft. The DSlite is probably their biggest offender for having issues. They are also pretty good about replacing your shit. Don't forget about RRoD affecting like what, 20-30% of xboxes eventually and Sony getting sued over using absolute budget shit garbage parts in PS2s (they lost).
Can't handle being wrong eh? Its okay you just need to be on the internet a little longer you'll realize YouTube isn't the golden god of pure truth you think it is
Its not a fucking switch if you cant remove the controllers you neanderthal
>the timestamp is literally written on a dirty plate
Is this Moss
nice shoop retard
>le damage control
stay mad kid
>starts the ad hominem
>gets mad when the other ad homs him right back
>No games
>no... games
>Odyssey, BOTW, Splatoon 2, ARMS, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Skyrim, DOOM, LA Noire, Rocket League, Stardew Valley, Nights of Azure 2, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, 2k18, Fifa 18, Blaster Master Zero, I am Setsuna, Bomberman R, Pokken Tournament, Fire Emblem Warriors, Resident Evil Revelations 1 and 2,Dragon ball Xenoverse 2,Disgaea 5, Dragon quest x, Dragon quest xi, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Mario + Rabbids, Monster Hunter XX, Stardew, and Golf Story and it hasn't even been a year with alot of upcoming games I didn't name
Please shut the fuck up.
drop it on the ground but in reverse to undo the damage done
Get this.
Get a pro controller.
This. Fuck, the plastic around the hinge on my DSLite only started cracking after I dropped the thing from like 10 feet MULTIPLE times.
I'm waiting to buy a Switch for when they have more games that interest me and for when they release the inevitable "Switch+" new model in a couple years.
So Odyssey, BotW, Splatoon, and 50 other games that literally nobody cares about. Also upcoming games don't count because they aren't out yet, retard. Just stay mad
I like that
>literally 50 other games no one cares about
Just say you don't like games or the switch jesus fucking christ.
Why does every single game need to be the next coming of Christ to matter?
Just admit 50 games nobody will ever buy or play doesn't mean the console has actual games, there is no need for you to be this angry you're only lying to yourself
Anybody got the Marie RMYT?
Dropped 30~ times from 5 feet or higher. Still works.
The thing is durable. The screen scratches easily so some kind of screen protector is recommended. But the things are fucking durable.
Probably send it in as a hardware defect. Likely under warranty still. Even then I've had nintendo fix stuff that wasn't under warranty anymore.
I'd like to see this test without the joycons connected to the sides for extra padding, I want to see what happens when it falls that high in just normal tabletop mode
Oh thats right, you can't, because it would go smash
You're basically making a case for the Switch by telling people there are 50 other games on it in addition to Odyssey, BOTW, and Splatoon, as well as upcoming titles. Good job.
Not at all. Nice try though.
>babby's first reverse psychology
I hate that. I have that too and i don't know how i get it
>because it would go smash
Smash how? Like the screen cracking or what are you implying?
The screen isn't glass. The screen doesn't go "smash".
Fuck look at this stupid fucker wailing at it with a hammer.
He does succeed with fucking with something on the interior after smashing it repeatedly. Because of course. But the screen never went "smash".
He even keeps doing it and can't smash the screen because it's not glass.
Okay user, throw your switch like a frisbee and see what happens.
>lightly taps on it with a toy hammer
holy shit you people can't fucking be serious, this is as bad as the last one where the 2 fags play catch with it on grass and go "LOOK GRASS DIDNT BREAK IT, MUST BE STURDY"
Sup Forums really is delusional
I can't see shit because you suck with cameras and technology in general. Why the fuck is the background in focus when the subject is blurred as fuck?
>all those switch durability videos
>they're all fake! fake! all of them they're fake!
>a coordinated shill event staged by nintendo!
>obviously fake!
Are you guys for real?
>Drop mine a couple times
>Hasn't broken
>Had it since April
>Hasn't broken
>Insert joycons in the wrong way
>Still works after i pried them out
I am starting to think you idiots are using the Switch as a frisbee
Babby's first trolling
I get it, it's easy to pick on people on Sup Forums
Don't respond, he's in 'pretending to be retarded' damage control mode.
more like
>look guys I dropped it directly on the Joycon, the screen didnt break!
yeah no shit
>look this guy dropped it face up and it still works!!
If you're gonna lie to yourselves thats all fine and dandy, how about you post a real durability test:
I've seen just as many videos of Switches breaking for literally no reason plus I already mentioned when I barely bumped it the other day it told me the cartridge had been removed.
>get #TOLD, #REKT
>b-but u le trolein!!!11
top fucking kek this damage control
yes you are correct, both are me. What is your point?
Sup Forums is absolutely adorable
Your responses seem formulaic
See, he responded to me on his own. It would be endearing if it wasn't so willfully retarded. Just him be, he knows that he lost already but is just milking it 'for the lulz' in an attempt to save face with himself.
>how about you post a real durability test:
A fucking waterjet cutting pieces straight out of the Switch, while simultaneously filling the interior with water. Is the "real" durability test?
Don't get me wrong that video is a cool novelty video. But it's so damn unrealistic it's among the least informative.
Even then though. The video still shows something relatively impressive. With the Switch and screen continuing to run just fine even with a solid chunk straight out missing from the middle of it.
Nice you just proved his point.
Thats my point. If you're gonna post durability tests do one that actually shows something impressive, not these fake ass "look guys I barely hit it and it still works!!1" tests
The five feet drop on concrete video is actually informative though.
He drops it repeatedly from all kinds of angles. And we get to actually see the drop to the impact each time and judge it for ourselves.
The waterjet video, while kind of cool. Is as stated so far attached from what would ever happen that it barely provides any decent information whatsoever.
Repeated five feet drops on concrete is no fake ass "I barely hit it" test.
Jesus Christ clean up you filthy piece of shit.
stay mad kid, NO GAMES
of course it doesn't have any games dipshit, the game card has been removed.
I don't even have a Switch. I wouldn't be as dumb as you who spends hundrerds of dollars on a console that doesn't have games of interest.
Fucking retard.
>barely bumped mine with my foot yesterday (didn't even knock over the console)
Where the fuck did you set your dock or switch to accidentally kick it?
If you're serious, its probably the display cable. You can either a. Call Nintendo for warranty or b. Open it and try to reseat the cable.
try not punching your console you shit dicked retard
>this damage control
Enjoy your paperweight
Besides the point. Finicky hardware.
Buy a real console.
>gets told
>cries for 5 minutes
>replies back with a limp-wristed argument
"Go to Sup Forums" isn't the right answer.
You don't know the meaning of told, kiddo. You're only lying to yourself top fucking kek