>Skyward Sword: 4 million sales on 100 million install base
>Breath of the Wild: 4.7 million sales on 7.6 million install base as of September 30th
Really makes you think, huh?
>Skyward Sword: 4 million sales on 100 million install base
>Breath of the Wild: 4.7 million sales on 7.6 million install base as of September 30th
Really makes you think, huh?
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Like 80% of the Wii's install base was content with just Wii Sports.
what else were switch owners gonna play?
That number includes WiiU numbers too dumb ass.
Yes, but regardless of what kind of people owned the consoles, the install base did really help some key franchises. Twilight Princess is only a few hundred thousand sales behind Oot, and that's not counting the gamecube version. Galaxy sold more than Mario 64. Brawl is the best selling Smash game. DKC returns sold 5+ million despite being a series that was dormant for so long. NSMB and Mario Kart were monsters, selling more than 30 million, but those are very casual-centric.
Got proof, retards? I have mine.
4.7 million on the Switch alone.
>best zelda game
>worst zelda game not counting spin off and shit
nah it doesn't make me think at all
Skyward Sword is the most forgettable of all Zeldas.
remember the first time skyward was demoed at e3? shit was a disaster
in contrast botw had huge hype surrounding it after the 2014 teaser
>This bullshit claim
>Dissproved thousands times but yet Sup Forumsirgins repeating it like leftist repeating Russia hacked the election
The install base of the Wii had 100 million units.
More than 800 million games were sold.
Thats makes 8,x games per console you fucking autists.
Thats a better console to game attache rate than Ps3 had.
So tell me now kid if 80% had only WIi sports that would mean 80 million units had an attache rate of 1 game and the 20 million other console would have bought the other 720 million games resulting in 36 games per console.
So please you stupid Sup Forumsermin educate yourself or handg yourself
no it doesn't, skyward was shit
>4 million sales on 100 million install base
>Breath of the Wild: 4.7 million sales on 7.6 million install base as of September 30th
I don't see what you mean by this. Install base?
You're retarded. The Wii has the second highest attach rate of all Nintendo consoles, only half a game behind the Gamecube.
one game for the first year
The ACTUAL reason Skyward Sword's sales were lower is because it required the Wiimote+, it was a more expensive product.
Zelda sales are always steady, they just fluctuate in how fast they reach max potential.
Doesn't make Breath of the Wild not boring. But given how they don't like Skyward Sword because of its brilliance, I guess boring is what Zelda fags desire.
>Skyloft is the best Zelda town
>that pretty clever time mechanism in the desert
>ancient cistern
>other dungeons aren't half-bad either
Eh I would play it again unlike BotW, it's a Zelda game at least.
The Switch on its own costs more than buying a Wii and Motion+ did, and Wii Sports Resort, which came bundled with Motion+, sold 33.06 million copies.
TP --> 10 millions
>skywardswordfags hate botw
if you needed any other proof they had shit taste
BotW would never exist without SS pushing Aonuma bullshit so hard.
Even though it was by no means difficult, I really appreciated Skyward Sword's attempt at balancing difficulty. It did smart things like having real-time healing and switching items, you had a limited inventory and had to choose whether you wanted more potions or more ammo.You started with 6 hearts so your health doesn't grow as exponentially compared to past games. Everything aside from weak shit like bats do at least 1 heart. Hard mode doubles damage and there's no hearts to pick up until you get the heart medallion, which just makes them rare. Shield durability actually matters because it's not that easy or convenient getting another one. You can't save whenever you want. Botw just threw all that out the window, and there's too many factors to properly set self-imposed challenges for you. Unless you keep 3 hearts and no defense, but that's too extreme.
>The Switch on its own costs more than buying a Wii and Motion+ did
The Switch was a brand new console which had BotW as literally its only launch title, Skyward Sword came out later in the Wii's lifespan. BotW and the Switch are tied at the hip, Skyward Sword was more of a footnote to the Wii. It's two different purchasing decisions.
>Wii Sports Resort
Wii Sports is in a completely different league from Zelda when it comes to sales.
I don't know why you faggots are trying to tie sales to quality, there's so many fucking obvious counterarguments, so many factors to consider, anyone who's been on this site has been through this song and dance a thousand times.
You should change your name to Very T. Mad
I'd actually argue it's fair to count the Wii and GC sales, since they come out at pretty much the same time and I doubt many people bought both versions. The people who bought the GC version either couldn't get their hands on a Wii, didn't want to buy it, or didn't want motion controls. So that would put it above Oot. TP HD came out 10 years later and is a remaster so that doesn't count.
Skyward Sword was fun with some boring segments. More than I can say for BotW.
Sold 8.85 million copies without the remaster. It's the best selling Zelda game ever made so far.
I'm not making any argument about tying sales to quality. Just questioning that reasoning for Skyward Sword selling less. I was bringing up Wii Sports Resort's sales to show that a big chunk of Wii owners already had access to MotionPlus. That makes the logic that Breath of the Wild sold less because of the MotionPlus requirement questionable.
Breath of the Wild and the Switch being tied at the hip is more of a testament of Breath of the Wild's selling power, if anything. It says a lot that one game was able to fuel console sales the way it did.