melee is overrated. there. I said it
You already know what's going to happen
>Port will have input lag thanks to switch to GC converter+hd screen
>If even ONE competitive aspect is altered meleefags will spit on it
Basically normies will play it but tourneyfags will still carry CRTs for eternity. autism.
Someone post STINKY DAY, please.
That "Dairantou Smash Brothers" logo has been used since the original
There isn't any input lag on the GC adapter and you're actually retarded if you think there's going to be input lag because it isn't on a CRT.
What's more likely to happen is that if a port comes out, people will probably just continue to play on the gamecube because of UCF which standardizes GC controllers so that you don't have to pray that you find a good one.
Thanks senpai!
Yeah but
Why do we get shitty names like MELEE when japan gets shit like DX?
That sounds way cooler.
Mfw smashtoddlers have bouncers specifically for stinkers at tournaments. I can't think of a more autistic """esports""" community
I cannot fathom how anybody could enjoy vanilla Melee when you can't even customize your button layout or turn off fucking tap jump.
>Melee HD
I love playing melee as much as the next guy but I literally won't care because it's nothing new. When it comes to smash I want new or don't even bother, I'd rather play melee on a crt and so would anyone else that's serious about melee and not a fucking memer
Anyone else in college have these disgusting smashfags that do nothing but bring there switch to school just to play smash4 and talk about how they're failing all their classes?
No one has gone through that, not even you
What the fuck are you rambling about, grandma?
>There isn't any input lag on the GC adapter
That's literally impossible considering the analog to digital conversion fucktard.
melee hd is real
yes, they are fucking spergs who actually bring tvs, not just small flat screens either. they also bring old tvs to play melee
there's a bunch of them. i don't even think half of them have classes
>Meleefags no longer have to rely on CRTs
>Meleefags can now play their dying game on the go
ever heard of dolphin emulator, you stupid nigger?
>expecting the switch to be able to emulate a gamecube game at 60fps without framedrops out the ass
its ok
nintendo safeguarded against this very situation by using inferior hardware
I mean I could see it as the big release for next year.
Like, a Smash Melee HD release plus an announcement of Smash 5 but them saying to please be patient for it such as with the Wii U reveal.
>Smash 4
I would be okay with this
>I think nintendo will release a Gamecube remake for a niche audience of loud autists, instead of making a new Smash Bros for their new system that shows off new games.
You know smash 4 is 60fps on the WiiU right?
Think about how often they do it with pokemon.
They'd just do both and have Melee HD tide people over for the new Smash.
please do not associate those horrible, horrible people with the autistic community
you can be a piece of shit without being autistic
Pokemon is huge, and a handheld game.
Melee HD fags are autistic, I'm sorry.
I want to play Melee again but I'm not delusional. The best we can hope for is Gamecube VC with controller support. There is no reason not to make a new Smash Bros that markets new IPs/characters like Arms and Splatoon.
I'm saying if they did it they'd do both, with Melee HD being the thing to tide people over.
Think Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. No shit we're going to get a Mario Kart 9 at some point for Switch, but MK8D lets them take their sweet time instead of rushing it out the door like they did with MK8 for Wii U
MK8 was an easy, lazy port for a game that nobody bought originally.
It's not worth the effort remaking Melee only to start making another brand new one. Smash is a one-per-system type of game.
>Smash Bros. DX DX
I'd prefer GC virtual console anyway.
Pokemon is by gamefreak, and when they remake they look to change a lot
MK8 Deluxe was a quick port
we're a million times more likely for Sm4sh for Switch than a Melee remake
i shouldn't even have to explain this but i did
>Smash Bros. xD
Nintendo doesn't care about a smelly minority of screeching autists who don't use their system anyway.
>GAME for System and Portable System
in my experience everybody who plays melee and doesnt suck is almost always a normal person
but smash 4 players always are in my fucking student center and make the place smell like BO
they take up like 75% of the room while the FGC corner and melee are in the back, and the smash 4 fags are always so fucking loud screaming at their game like children
i've spotted a few of them playing their switches as well, it's a fucking embarrassment to even be around them
>instead of getting a Smash 4 DX for swtich, we get an HD version of a outdated game that's being pushed by autists who don't use the system instead
>Nintendo doesn't bother with VC for switch because they're too lazy, and that option would actually appeal to both sides and make them shut up for a long time
Smash 5 will just be called Super Smash Bros. Melee/DX for Switch
Gonna call it. They'll make Melee HD but it'll have some form of change to the "pro strat" formula even if it's miniscule and it'll be boycotted by the meleefags for not being 1:1
>Retard tourney cuckk mode
>Remastered mode
There. Done
>>Retard tourney cuckk mode
You have to remember tourney cucks cannot be pleased. Remember in smash 4 where they DID include "Final Destination" mode? Only a small handful of them are legal because tourney fags are retards and some of them are not to their overly autistic standards.
You sound like a smug, judgemental asshole.
>i spotted a few of them playing their switches
So??? Get over yourself lol
Stay mad, breezeway is ours.
please don't talk about things you know nothing about.
first of all we don't need 50 final destinations. second, stages with no platforms is NOT preferred in competitive play. final destination is a counterpick stage for the few characters who do better on it.
Furthermore, the omega stages have different sized blastzones. Why should every competitive player have to memorize the minute differences in every single omega stage for the sake of aesthetic variety?
Competitive Melee has literally never been about FD, that's just a meme. It's the least balanced neutral stage in the game, and that's not even arguable. Battlefield has always been the standard competitive stage. The fucking trophy description IN MELEE says so.
"While its initial impression may strike some players as a bit ominous, the layout itself is fairly standard, lending it to serious, straightforward matches."
>call tourney fags autistic
>autistic tourney fag replies
Like poetry.
This guy gets it. When a competitive game's been around for as long as melee, fans will only accept a legitimate sequel. Any balance change will be seen as tarnish even if it improves the game.
>See: The reaction to SF2:HD Remix versus MvC3.
>melee fags bitching about input lag when their game already has variable input lag
Nintendo would be foolish not to cash in on the current Melee craze. I mean its been played competitively for over a decade and still gets a ton of viewers, there's obvious money to be made for little effort.
I want to preface this by saying that I respect Sakurai immensely as a game designer, but this would only happen if he was booted from the series. The man seems to actively disdain people who push his games to higher levels of play.
Sakurai said he doesn't want to make any more Smash games. He said he was making a remake of some Japan only Famicom game in one of the daily updates for SSB4. Which would make this a great game to release in between him making that and the next main Smash game.
>Sakurai said he doesn't want to make any more Smash games
He's said that after every smash game.
And last time he made KI:U, which was amazing and way better than Brawl and Smash 4.
>there's obvious money to be made for little effort
they would make more money by porting any other game
>Super Smash Bros in Japanese lines up on Super Smash Bros in Japanese
Might as well just keep playing PM and other mods in netplay.
>Being this casual
And way better than Melee too.
>DOF over pixel art based stage
Dolphin was a mistake.
Atheists btfo
do colleges really have people playing video games
>implying GC emulation doesn't require a ton more hardware power due to the fact that you need to emulate a entire console plus the game
I just turned it on because I thought it looked neat there. I wouldn't play with that shit.
>wanting VC on switch
>all these butthurt smash 4 kiddies
face it, nobody cares about that casualized piece of shit with barely any content
not to mention all the humans (especially FE) in the roster when smash used to stand out with all it's colorful characters
and you can disagree with me, but you can't deny the fact that discussion of this game severly dwindled after the switch came out
compare that to brawl, which always had a huge presence on the internet right until the next one was announced
also, good luck hoping for a remake thanks to the retarded names they gave smash 4
>Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS for Switch
>thinking its gonna be emulation
you gullible fool
My intel hd graphics shit-laptop can run dolphin and melee. I'm sure the switch can handle gc emulation just fine...if you trust nintendo not to fuck it up somehow....I personally have low hopes.
Melee was the best selling game on the Gamecube.
And still is one of the most popular competetive tournament video games, 16 years after its release.
The fact that it has a dedicated fanbase that still plays it is a sign of a great success.
What's so surprising?
If it was anyone but Nintendo publishing it, it would have gotten multiple re-releases, including an arcade port.
Melee sounds much better though
>noit wanting VC on the Switch
More like anyone but Sakurai, the dudes fucking arrogant.
>the dudes fucking arrogant
He really is.
>waah stop playing the game in a way I don't like
Please no.
I already lost 2 friends to Melee. Every day for 2 years they either scream like children playing it or scream like children watching it on Twitch.
Are you some kind of retard?
>due to the fact that you need to emulate a entire console plus the game
What the fuck does that even mean
>Melee autists posting that they see nerds playing smash 4 on switch
Lmao why are meleefags so butthurt of sm4sh?
It got more entrants at EVO
B-But Melee has its own more important majors. Right, meleebros? They can't get away with this.
>And still is one of the most popular competetive tournament video games, 16 years after its release.
Is it actually though? There's like 5 famous players for it. It doesn't sound like a big community.
SFV is at evo, your pedestal is invalid
No, it's a closed bubble that works like a mafia against players of the "other games". It's still the same autistic "fox only final destination" fanatical cult, and has the same people since the start.
>It's still the same autistic "fox only final destination"
That was never a real thing you autist
>that works like a mafia against players of the "other games".
By simply not caring about other games?
>also, good luck hoping for a remake thanks to the retarded names they gave smash 4
>>Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS for Switch
That's what makes it so bad. This even worse than the NEW 3DS. They can't do a Mario Kart 8 Deluxe-type deal.
>Hyper fighting is on there twice, with different localized logos
>Super Turbo is on there FOUR FUCKING TIMES, including the US and Japanese version of both the original, and the shitty GBA port
>Obscure Tournament Only version of SSF2 list is on here
>Hyper Fighting, AKA Super Turbo with the option to use more old characters, is on here
>SF2 Plus Champion Edition
>SF2 Special Champion Edition
>SF2 Rainbow Edition
>Street Fighter Alpha 2
>Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold
>Street Fighter Alpha 2 Prime
>Street Fighter Zero 2
>Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha
>Street Fighter EX2
>Street Fighter EX2+
>Street Fighter EX2+ Alpha
On top of that, HD Remix and Ultra are legit new games that should be on this list instead of bullshit to make it look longer.
Why even learn the blast zones when if your Dthrow to F/Uair doesn't kill them, you just do it again?
Clarification, everything from SF2 Plus Champion Edition onwards isn't on that image, but is misleading enough that they could have added it.
was getting replies part of your plan?
I like SSBB the best because I like snake
Fight me tournament cucks
>Fight me tournament cucks
I can't because your game is so shit there's no online scene for it
they can't fight you due to a considerable lack of exploitable bugs to make up for their lack of mechanical skill
All Smash needs to do to be an objectively great video game in all aspects is turf Mr. 'rikey da bronde gaijin women and Curoudu~' in favour of someone who actually knows what 'fun' is.
You obviously don’t know what fun is
They'd port Smash 4 then, not Melee
How big do you think the Memelee community is? Because it's really not as big as you think
Consider how many limits were arbitrarily put on Smash 4 and I guess Brawl from Melee. Now consider that a bunch of those filthy gaijins took away those limits and gave us Project M, and another bunch of filthy gaijins made Brawl-. Now, if you've played all those games I've listed, which is more fun and why? The why will likely be how much the game limits you in your movement and overall feel of the combat.
those """""bugs""""" make the game a lot more mechanically difficult to play, you dolt.