Pillars of Eternity II - Deadfire

Anyone else had the chance to play the beta yet? It's fun!

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torrent when?

I ordered the game with Obsidian's pre-pre-order/post-crowdfunding-crowdfunding scheme. Do I have access to the beta?

theres probably a mod for it but be aware that it could break the holy balance

There is literally no benefit to being a single class character right now.

Might be true in the Beta that only goes to level 6, but not in the full game. Multi-Classers don't gain access to the highest level abilities of either class they spec into.

but then you'd be here frogposting about how you don't want to have to rest

No, I wouldn't. I'm not a casual.

I'm unironically having fun with this monk in pillars 1. I don't even like monks, but it's alright


Monks are the shit and they only get better with each new level.

when has that ever not been the case in games that allow multi classing?

how about not being a gaywad

Apparently they haven't even had the companions voice acted yet. That Q1 2018 release gets unlikelier by the minute.

does pillars 2 have dwarf waifus

>The shit I put up with

You can make your own

>when the salt air dries out your cloaca

In case anyone knows - I backed PoE2 during the Kickstarter and got White March as part of my pledge. Last time I bothered to check, I couldn't find this anywhere. It's just me being retarded, right?

Voice acting itself doesn't actually take that long, it's the writing that is the problem.

It must be in your backer portal. Go to eternity.obsidian.net/account/products and login.

Yeah, looked into it and found it there. Cheers.

No problem, my man. Enjoy.

Larian finished voice acting in less than a month


MFW this shitty paint job I made and posted here somehow found its way to tumblr

Nu-Edér looks like a porn star from the 80s

>had to pledge $99 to get into the beta
What a joke

I still haven't played the first one since it never had a decent price during a Steam sale.
Same with Obisidian's other new games and Wasteland 2.

You can also technically add it as an add-on pledge. You could pay 29 dollars for the game + another 20 dollars for the beta.

But yeah
>Paying to beta-test

Only now do I get to realize how good the portraits for the first game were

anyway to change companion stats in pillars 1?
I remember using the console but they go back to their original stats after reloading or moving maps
There was another way modifying some files but aparently it doesn't work anymore

IEMod not around anymore?

Only if you pledged 99€ or you buyed the beta

I don't think that works anymore, console changes don't stick like I said, they revert back to their original values after a while

They released a new patch a few days ago, and IEMod hasn't been updated yet unfortunately

I played PoE 1 and aside from the whole "lol gods aren't real xd" ending I don't remember literally a single plot element.

was that title necessary ?

Reincarnation, Past Lives

apparently you didnt remember anything because thats not how the game ended

Pallegina looks like she was drawn by a Sup Forumstard now

Combat is 2 fast 4 me

torrent where?


they literally gave aloth a reskinned version of the first's game MC elf choices

It's not a reskin but they do look very similar. I always thought that even back in the first game.

>There are fags on this board that preferred Tyranny to Pillars

I didn't really understand the combat compared to pillars, but really the setting didn't do it for me

>you're a big arsehole in a world of shit
>everyone's fucking terrible

not comfy

PoE’s setting is worse.

>member dungeons and dragons?
>we made a more boring downgraded version of it!

Obsidian really is dumb to go with the most boring region of their world

Well maybe he Aedyr empire would be even more boring but still

Aedyr has a tropical climate which makes it more interesting than Dyrwood already

nice opinion faglord. and did you mean forgotten realms

The setting is so damn uninspired, how can you deny this?

that barbarian city in Act 3 was nice but uhhh was really dry in content, that sucked

because it's not

Actually, Pillars is much more interesting than Forgotten Realms

Not really

Yeah, it is. Forgotten Realms is overplayed at this point.

Yeah no

>somewhere in the world is a woman who looks like a cute orlan, is rich enough to get a portrait and plays CRPGs

aedyr would have been cool. basically a country even more suicidal and depressed than the dyrwood.

those first game portraits are glorious. gonna need to mod those in as soon as the game is out.

best portrait or best portrait?

Voice acting is arguably the least time intensive part of game development.
It only becomes an issue when you use celebrities and "celebrities" whose schedules you have to plan around.

That’s a man bby

Are you people implying that the ones on the right look worse somehow? Are you all retarded? They're roughly similar in quality. Pallagina's new one is flat out better.

I have my beta key, but I haven't installed it yet. I don't want to be a playtester, I want to consume the finished product.

It's a shame that the content update they stuck on PoE 1 the other day is so threadbare. Still, free stuff is free stuff.

Get a job you gibsmedat nigger.

Not even gonna touch this masterpiece before the definitive anniversary addition + community patch + mod package.

The first one is still buggy as fuck, I’m gonna wait a couple of years before playing Deadfire

They're not terrible, they're just very underwhelming. Pallegina's old portrait was objectively awful (those eyes) but it still had more personality than staring forward blankly.

The real crime is what they did with Ydwin's portrait though. That serial killer stare was gold.

Why even change the portraits? The player portraits are still the same old shit.

You guys are out of your minds. The first portraits look much better.

If you aren't gonna use the beta key, why not give it to someone else? :^)

>PoE will never have a soundtrack that comes close to this

So, has there any kind of info about ranger pets? I really want some sort of bird pet.

>the state of PoE audience

>some sort of bird pet

I think I remember hearing something about the pet bird being exclusive to the shark slut, but I'm probably wrong.

you're poe audience

Here are your choices. The bird is exclusive to Maia.

>shark slut

Stag - Does AoE damage when it crits
Wolf - Deals more damage
Lion - Is faster
Bear - Has natural armor
Antelope - Has superior defenses
Boar - Always slowly regenerates health

And here I was doing my Ranger playthrough so I could play with a bird in Deadfire. Fucking dropped.

Woah they really outdid themselves with original ideas for the sequel, I can’t wait to see the druid spirit forms!

Rangers are gay anyway desu.

There are about ten new portraits that have been patched into PoE1. A few of those are good.

That new orlan portrait is sexy as hell, too.

Most of them are fat backers, that pic for example.

There are only two that are really bad, a fat elf and an obese wizard. The others are basically fine in that regard -- in fact, I really like them. Most heavyweight fighters don't have 0.0% bodyfat, and PoE is more about realism - less cartoon-like and exaggerated than other modern RPGs.

The obezard is hilarious.
>edgy hood
>scars all over
I wonder who the manchild backer is

>PoE is more about realism - less cartoon-like and exaggerated than other modern RPGs
Yeah? Funny how you can so easily tell backer portraits from the other one though

I don’t get this. I was fat in my early teens and would also play as the most handsome and jacked characters, it’s what drove me to become obsessed with working out.
Why would fat people have their own ugly chubby face in the game? At least let the artists trim some of the fat off.

I think that all of the male/human portraits are backer portraits. Or anyway, non-backer portraits are totally outweighed by backer portraits. The portraits in Baldur's Gate were Bioware devs, too, which is no better. (In most cases. That is, fat Seinfeld-looking elf and obezard aside.)

>several of the backers who paid the most are clearly overweight
There's a whale joke here somewhere.

Is there any good recent rpg apart from OS2? Don't want to pay 20 bucks for a beta but i'm bored as fuck

It’s probably just to stop the SJW crowd from complaining too much fat shaming

Yeah portraits in bg 1 were pretty shitty, no wonder there's so much custom one out there
I think pic related isn't a backer portrait also the black barbarian and the conan one

Pretty much none of the backer portraits in either game are decent. It's painfully obvious that they're backer portraits, and are more often than not just the face of a pudgy 20-something being inserted as a race they lack any features off. See; pudgy elf.

This was a big issue in the Shadowrun games too. The number of cybered up neckbeard portraits in that game was frightening.

>pirating a beta

>play shadowrun
>pick elf portrait with facebook angle
>it's called trans elf in the file
That said the non backer one for HK were pretty good

that's a good portrait though, even if it's a fat dude

Yea that got out of hand.