Are you enjoying the Vita version?

Yes. Especially now that the patch is out and my saves aren't getting erased.

For what it is, that game is fucking awful, and honestly a lazy mess that might have been acceptable 25 years ago, but isn't even papers please in quality.

I'm not gonna buy a game twice, but at least it's getting more exposure. The soundtrack alone sold me on it; I just wish the gameplay had been, well, actual gameplay. They dropped the ball not making a bartending version of Papers, Please.

Physical version when?

Thick Thighs Save Lives.

Especially with pantyhose.

I just want the cover art pic that Koyorin person did.

Is this game good? Also which version is the best?

I don't need to play something I already played on a dead platform

No, PC

It's not a good game, but it's a decent read with a pretty art style and a 10/10 soundtrack. Also waifus.

I'd pirate it to play, then buy it if you like it to support the devs.

>its not papers please
papers please is intentionally boring you fucking morons

post sei so I smile today, please anons.

decent game but writers gone too far making 80% of the characters homos

I don't enjoy games with whores in them.

Where did this meme come from?

Jill is a pure maiden.

>she clearly states in the beginning scenes of the game that she's no longer a virgin and fucked people before

There are none purer.

is there ever going to be a new game?

It's not a game.

Stop making these threads you fucking shill
No one cares about your shitty le Sup Forums reference the game

This. It's just a Visual Novel hidden behind ''bartending action'' which is basically drag and drop X ammount of Y items into the ''mixing box''