I just finished this the other night with a bunch of my friends and we had a great time with it. Working on my next run right now. Did you guys like it? Who was your favorite character? Scariest moment? Until Dawn bread.
Until Dawn
The best of the "interactive movie" games, but like all of them it falls apart on a second playthrough when you realize how little all your choices mattered.
I liked it in a goofy popcorny kind of way. I thought it was interesting that you actually could get everyone killed, even if characters get over each other's deaths really weirdly fast.
Mike was probably my favorite. Going from being the obligatory total douche to a wacky action hero.
Wish we could have played as Josh a bit more. Thought it was a missed opportunity not to let him have some form of redemption or real role to play after we played through his nightmares.
Had it downloaded for about a month after it was on PSPlus, ended up really enjoying it and wish there was more like it. Ended up liking Mike, the most proactive character.
8 frames of terror per second!
Half watched my missus play it.
Guy I thought was the killer got chopped up on a 'pick one to live' saw type trap.
Looked alright but I never took the time to give it a go myself.
I enjoyed the game, I personally thought it was fun and great to play with a group of friends.
this. Mike was so based.
Agreed but Emily is a worst girl
I redboxed it with a buddy like two years ago when it came out and then we played through it again when it was on plus. I definitely enjoyed it. It's complete schlock but it revels in that. I love how mike turned out to be a total bro. I even felt bad for the cunt queen Emily during the watchtower scene.
I think Shattered Memories did the whole therapists's office tying into the main story idea better.
But it was still a fun ride. I'd really like to see a similar premise done in a new location with new characters.
it actually runs at 60-80fps.
Should have removed the totems since they only served to help you make your choices and sorta gave away the plot so you could make the choices to keep everyone alive.
detroit become nigger will be shit screencap this
>felt bad for Emily during the watchtower scene.
I got Matt killed trying to save her, and she didn't give a damn, so my sympathy was limited.
It's really messed up and hilarious that you can be a total ass and start complaining about your relationship issues with her when she's about ready to fall to her death though.
I thought Chris was cool, ironically I ended up killing him first inadvertently
literally what
I never had any frame drops with until dawn
it was a ruse, he pranked his friends into thinking there was a serial killer on the loose to avenge his sisters' deaths. the real killers were the mythical creatures living on the mountain
Matt is such a bitch. Nigga stand up for yourself holy fuck
I kind of enjoyed Heavy Rain in the same over-the-top way that I enjoyed Until Dawn though.
Though Heavy Rain takes itself way waaay more seriously and takes hours for things to really pick up.
Has anyone played hidden agenda yet? Made by the same studio, similar concept but more geared to playing in group settings
>E-celeb shit in a video game thread
Fuck off, underage.
So who was the best girl and why was it Emily?
>not Ashley
>Hates Matt during the credits if you disagree with her even once
>Attempting to save her will kill Matt if he doesn't have the flare gun
Why is she so perfect
I remember it being announced, but haven't seen any info on it post-release.
Wendigo ruined the movie
Only character worth saving was four eyes because he wasn’t in on the joke, and wasn’t A dick
>Previously on Until Dawn
>Boom, butterfly effect
Sam was fine, but kind of the generic competent every-girl.
Ashley's alright, but has a kind of weird dark side that seems incongruous with the rest of her character. Like getting everyone hyped up to kill Emily and potentially leaving Chris to die. Fair weather friend I guess.
Emily had one likable scene and it was cut for the DLC pre-order bonus.
I liked Jessica, but she gets like two scenes. I wish that she and Matt had gotten more of their own misadventures after surviving.
i was looking at that picture and was going down the list naming everyone and ended up naming Emily last. so her name stuck with me because of that. i meant to originally put Ashley in that spoiler.
I was a Jess man myself
And Chris was best boy
Definitely Emily
I don't think Sam was in on it either. Which is odd, because they dealt with some of the worst parts of the prank.
Though I guess Josh's crazy justification for pranking Chris was that he was able to get closer to Ashley by bonding over the trauma.
You are forgiven, user. Excellent taste
Ashley is a terrible human being and only gets by in life because she's 'cute'.
Fun movie game, definitely worth picking up on sale if anyone is interested. I'm personally just sad that they overhyped how important your choices were. The butterfly effect opening made it look like there was going to be 4 main different stories with slight variations in each main story. But the reality is that it's only one story with slight variations, which is kinda shitty considering the monster isn't revealed until halfway through the game, so they could have made a couple different monsters depending on your choices
The little British charms in this game were adorable.
Also, did you guys hear they're making a prequel? Shame it's only for VR.
>Matt immediately wastes the flare gun if he agrees to go with Emily
>saves himself with it later if he disagrees
That was the only choice that really bothered me. It didn't seem to connect with what he did at all.
I liked it. The whole cheesy horror movie theme I loved and the ski lodge cabin and wendigos were fun. Even if the whole "it was built a few feet away from a psychiatric hospital" made me roll my eyes so fucking hard.
The only part that felt really weak to me was:
>Entire game is kinda mysterious
>Hey kids im the guy with a flamethrower it turns out magic is real and so are wendigos, heres documentation that they are real and heres a encyclopedia that has every relevant fact about them
That shit was weak
> so they could have made a couple different monsters depending on your choices
That would've made sense, especially since you answer questions about the scariest creature in your opinion during that one session with the psychiatrist
Didn't Until Dawn do surprisingly well?
Shame we haven't seen a spiritual successor yet.
It really was such a missed opportunity that Josh existed to be the fake killer, then go crazy, then he dies. Really not any point in even playing as him, all you do is wander around a cave and yell at hallucinations a little bit.
His sequence really should have been him having his own adventure where he escapes some Wendigos, maybe messes some of them up a bit, and does something cool to help the group. It would have been awesome if his delusions were part of that, like you were attacking his ghost sisters in his mind while in reality you were attacking the Wendigos.
Also no way to save the lad, the fuck?
Looking back on it, isn't it really obvious that something is up with Josh considering that he gets "killed" without you ever getting to play as him first? This doesn't seem like the kind of game that would do that, so it had to be a given that he wasn't dead.
>Emily is hanging from her death begging Matt to help
Mm I see what you're saying, but I love that scene where you can blow Emily's head off in the control room.
hi t as fuck
So weak how the reward for saving everybody is a scene where josh takes down some cops as a wendigo.
im just a sucker for froggo
Heavy Rain was fucking fantastic as a 'fuck around with your friends' pseudo-movie, I probably put Until Dawn and it on about the same level enjoyment wise.
Fucking with Ethan's kids and pissing off that one bitch friend who wanted you to take the game seriously we all have one is a golden memory.
This is what I did too. Even though I knew she wasn't gonna turn into a wendigo or anything.
>try killing her earlier when shes hanging on the ski lift
>dont press anything
>she gets up anyway
>Mike gets knocked on a cliff by a Moose
>miss (one) quick time
>instant death
I was completely expecting it when I played through a second time and gave different answers to the psychiatrist. Was pretty disappointed by that
>she's actually way more into Matt in the end if he's ready to leave her to die
The only thing it changes is what is on his desk in the future, right?
She's the type of girl who likes being treated like shit. If you pick every nice option to her as Matt she ends up liking you less and less
im glad that on my first play through i fucked up on escaping from the psycho and didn't find all those clues easily revealing his identity.
>Beth was like 5x hotter than Hannah
>the entire story revolves around Hannah and Beth's most important part is dying in the opening
Still annoys me just a little, why couldn't the cuter sister be the important one?
Joshes playable part where he's having delusions changes as well. If you say you're afraid of clowns you see clowns, that kind of stuff
>no falseflagging
>no shitposting
>no conversation
Where am I?
I enjoyed getting the weird journalist bitch killed a bit too much
people are ~organic~ senpai
I didn't find those myself and I watched 3 different lets plays of the game and no one else found it either, fucking everyone chooses to run and not hide. Which makes sense, hiding never worked before that point, but I'm annoyed because I'll never see what that fucking room has in it firsthand.
*actual conversation*
Why would anybody screencap some random opinion on Sup Forums?
I think you have an inflated sense of your own importance.
She had some entertaining ways to go. Ethan and FBI Man were definitely my favorite sequences though.
It's really a shame that Two Souls or whatever was kind of shit as entertainment, I still look forward to playing Detroit though, don't know why but I imagine we'll get some great laughs out of that.
True but I still had a good time going through it and making all the worst decisions.
God speed, pilgrim
i still reaming screaming loudly at that wolverine part. that was bs lol
Aren't you automatically caught at some points depending on if you run left or right? I don't think I've ever played or seen a run where Sam escapes.
What difference does it make after they're corpsified?
IIRC it all comes down to the final decision between hide or run. If you run, killer gets you. If you hide you need to do a hold still prompt and when you win you successfully escape.
From what I've seen the majority of people run and get caught, like said the way the hiding options had worked out so far in the game didn't seem to give people much confidence in them.
I'm not sure if it was supposed to be a parody or not
If you can have a qter corpse why not want one?
Though we were sparred the sight of a Wendigo Beth which might be kinder, now her qtness isn't tarnished.
Doesn't it also depend on if Chris shoots the squirrel or not at the very beginning?
So the whole story was literally "It's just a prank!" ?
I think if you fuck with nature at any point that can cause Sam to get a cut on her head, and if you trip while running down the stairs that cut opens up and it's impossible to escape the killer since he can track you with the blood trail if you hide.
The game has some pretty cool in depth sequences of cause and effect like this, but it could use a lot more so that replaying it doesn't show how linear it actually is.
Beyond Two Souls is weird, because the whole "Carrie" super-powered tragic childhood turned super-soldier premise sounds crazy and entertaining on paper.
But the out-of-order story is too disjointed to get a feel for the emotion of the situation, and even more railroady than Heavy Rain to feel like your choices are affecting much of anything.
Though I guess you can get a laugh out of setting that dumb-ass bully's house on fire and the over-the-top James Bond crap near the end. But it still felt like a step back from Heavy Rain for me.
Mike is best girl.
Kind of not really.
i watched my friend play and he fucked up andgot that white wolf killed. triggered me honestly.
you forgot the "bro"
Bought this during the Halloween sales and loving it so far. Probably the best example I've seen of this type of game outside of Telltale's stuff. I'm on the edge of my seat trying to not fuck up the QTEs.
Wendigo are such a cool monster
I was expecting skinwalkers when they said it can mimic humans
Only the first half.
The sessions in Shattered Memories were a lot more subtle and interesting in a slow-paced psychological sort of way.
But I feel like Peter Stormare is having an absolute blast just hamming it up the whole time.
Does anyone else think Sam and Dean from Supernatural could have been really easily inserted into this game?
I'd love an Until Dawn styled game with something like The Thing. Or just the basic situation of a group of people being stranded together and not knowing who can be trusted.
dude you better mind the thread then. most people here have been cool with blocking out spoilers, but be careful still.
Yeah, you're right. I'm on chapter 5 now.
Unlike most games like these, your actions have significant consequences.
Yeah, it's pretty cool that every single character in UD can die by the end. Some in multiple locations.
>Until Dawn skinwalker game
>First couple chapter the skinwalker is somewhat obvious to spot out, a character acts awkward, doesn't have a prayer at small talk, just all around acts strange
>As the game progresses the skin walker becomes smarter, harder and harder to pick out of the crowd
>Eventually you play a chapter as the skin walker without ever knowing it, until you pick someone to talk to at the end and end up killing them
Legit one of the best movies in the past decade.
The gamemakers have good taste in movies too if you paid attention to the posters in the cinema.
I think there was The Thing, The Innkeepers, and The House of the Devil. Don't remember the last one.
One of the few games I wish was on steam.
Poor Sam seemed broken in the ending. It's too bad that Josh didn't have a chance for redemption.
Well some of them are cooler than others. Mike and Sam can't die until the very very end.
I love "The Thing" style horror. It would make for a great game
Jessica >> Sam >> Emily > Ashley
this is IMPOSSIBLE to dispute
>Fucking up and getting Mike's finger amputated helps you later in the game
The second part is more like
jess needed more scenes.
Sam is a mary sue and Ashley is a literal murderer, far too vindictive to be anything near best girl. She'd cut your dick off for catching you masturbating. Jessica is best.
For me, the way the game fell apart on a second playthrough just made me respect the game all that much more.
In Telltale's games, within seconds or maybe minutes of making a choice or doing an action, you realize that it didn't matter. The illusion of choice breaks.
Until Dawn manages to hold up the illusion for almost the entire game, and it isn't until you replay it that you realize how little choice you actually had.
Personally, I don't think you can deliver a quality experience where you let the player have a great deal of choice in issues. It would be as much of a high quality story as those crappy choose-your-own adventure books are. There's not a single good one in existence.
So for me, my main desire for these sort of games is to see them keep that illusion of choice strongly together for the entire game.
And Until Dawn does that.