Why are developers so afraid to give women muscle?

So when you have a female character, her butt almost always just looks like a soft blob - see pic related.

Other urls found in this thread:


Thats usually how they look

Because noticeable muscles on a woman are disgusting

>Why are developers so afraid to give women muscle?

Same reason they didnt want to make repulsive landwhales back in the day; it's a very speciffic niche no one cares about.





>there will never be a girl with legs like this in videogames
shut it down

You HAVE to kill yourself

>you will never bulk with your musclefu


>full lips
>high cheekbones
>full hips
>thicc thighs
>plush ass
Low test detected, that is prime breeding stock.

you forgot one
>no tits

into the trash it goes.

funny how flabby, twiggy, and out-of-shape men and boys (and fat women, of course) always express such vocal feigned disgust at fitgirls, because they are so far out of your league you can't even look at them directly

and funny how that completely goes away when you get in shape yourself and raise your standards

there is nothing more attractive on this earth than an athletic woman

>tits is the only feature on a woman that is attractive
You aren't low test, just an idiot who won't breed.

That looks super nasty, are you gay?

OP was making this thread for months earlier this year, then presumably got banned. And now the faggot has started up again.

Because games arent that cucked yet, which is a miracle with the ammount of cuckening and beta numales in the industry.

Thigh muscle and a bit of abs are fine, but when you can see arm veins a chiseled out shoulders like in it looks like shit.

enjoy getting pegged by horse legs, lowe-tea user

OP was right now make this thread, because it is an issue that needs attention. Apart from maybe metroid prime 1 samus, there has NEVER been a single proper fitgirl in videogames, because of the type of weak and unconditioned men that make videogames.

>betafag who wants to be dominated by muscle women talking about testosterone

This is some funny shit right here.

betas are the ones who feign disgust at fitgirls.

your typical college cheerleader is a fitgirl (i work with several). and, tell me user, who fucks cheerleaders...? is it betas?

Because feminine women are more popular, duh

come to /fit/ and sort yourself the fuck out. you'll see the light.

Soft blobs look more feminine. Devs sometimes want their female characters to look feminine. It's a video game, so it doesn't have to make sense. Get over it.

They aren’t aftaid to though?

Athletic/fit girls are fine. Its musclegirls who are shit.

Literally most Jap fighting games

>/fit/ will save you


OP is just being a retard and baiting others for (You)s.

New chunner is an exception to the rule.


>tries to refute his point
>posts a woman with no hips



SFV Chun-li is an exception to the little muscle definition rule.

No that is not breedig material these are

Have another thick torso’d girl. How much you think they deadlift??

Sorry user what “rule”? Are you saying she isn’t thicc or she is the only thicc because thats wrong.

Thing is user, know what you are gonna make if you breed woth those girls? Strippers.

>when you get in shape yourself and raise your standards you become a homosexual
It certainly explains the state of /fit/

I'm saying that a handful of exceptions out of hundreds of characters doesn't mean the general rules doesn't exist.

>All that time, effort, and hormone supplementation to still be weaker than Bubba the fat slob jerking off to animoo tiddies

Could muscle sluts be bigger cucks?

Its a niche

This is the ideal female form. Built, but still with curves.

Why do fit girls always have a fucked ugly ass mug? It's like they're compensating with muscles for the ugly face they have.

Warm memo that anatomy examples are on topic.

Yea but I don't think most men find that sort of thing more attractive than a feminized version. You don't show girl butt in games except for the eye-candy factor, so why make it uglier than need be?

People complain if you do and don't give women muscles

>doesn't post example of what he considers attractive
Protip: even if they have an ugly or average face, they're still going to be hotter if they're fit. Plus, there's the whole health benefit, being stronger, etc. and all that. Fit chicks don't exist to serve only as fap material, anyone can do it so of course some won't be 10/10.

Similar to why manlets work out, to distract from their shortcomings.

>*sits down, sighs, looks at you*
Explain your faggotry, user?

I want a fit girl to beat me up


Erry tiem.

Testosterone surplus for years, more often than not juicing

op retarded...

Technically speaking, the benefits of the girl being muscular (testosterone -- which increases sensations, libido, and orgasm -- is elevated; blood flow and saturation..), mixed with the remote kinesthetics of imagining her body, through mirror neurons, are attractive.
Good butts are muscular.

>mixed with imagining her butt is a guys butt

Nothing wrong with fit girls, muscular is gross and likely unnatural
more testosterone additionally means less suggestible which doesn't help the sensations as far as she's concerned


Guess from where those curves are coming?

>What is my argument / source?


Argument: Mirror neurons on a girls butt don't apply. Over-muscular girls are more often than not unnatural and also ugly. Increased testosterone reduces suggestibility.

Sources: Exactly as many as you, faggot. Keep wishing it's a dude's butt you're fucking

play Street Fighter



>betas are the ones who feign disgust at fitgirls.

That's the exact oposite of the situation at hand, you have to be a mega beta to crave for a muscle woman because you delude yourself into thinking you're not actually craving for dick.

Some bodyfat on fit grills is good too.

I want her to crush my head with her thighs


It looks like a fucking man

>What are mirror neurons?
>What is my argument about testosterone and enjoyment?

>Some bodyfat on fit grills is the best
Son, you are trying too hard.

Here is an educational video.

Muscular butts make it harder for my small penis to reach her holes


ver few actual female athletes are attractive (at least conventionally)

They all fucking do. Anyone who says that they find muscle/overly fit/athletic girls attractive is actualy attracted to masculine features. Thats how homosex works.

Because athletics is not what a female body was designed for.

>designed for.


I don't mind big muscles on a girl, but low body fat just looks gross. Girls should be soft and cuddly :3 not bumpy like a washboard...

This makes my dick twitch

>designed for


more / sauce?


>Anyone who says that they do not find muscle/overly fit/athletic girls attractive is actualy attracted to feminine features. Thats how homosex works.

Fixed for you, gaylord.

because liking masculine features on women is gay


A true connoisseur likes all kinds of grills, including skinny bimbos.




Okay so I'm not a connething


Way fag, way.


Play better games