EA's best game in 7 years?

Think about it /tg/ ...

When you consider EA's Battlefront 2 has
>no paid DLC
>currently no micro-transactions

It's literally the best game EA has made in around 7 years, no?

If you disagree, name an EA game made in the past 7 years that doesn't have paid DLC, or micro transactions. I could be wrong, but judging by what I've seen, Battlefront 2 is the best game they've made in a long time. Well done EA!

Other urls found in this thread:


If you don't buy Battlefront 2 you are literally, LITERALLY a Communist. BUY MY FUCKING GAME, FAGGOTS

It's still an awful modern DICE game.

>Microtransactions will return to the game after we've made changes

To our bank accounts

only better games from DICE i can think of are Bad company and 2142.


sorry, they are made by DICE. i got confused for a second.

Titanfall 2 did this shit last year, and had microtransactions just for cosmetics that werent pay to win. It also had double XP weekends, something I dont see Battlefront having since I hear they limit the amount of credits you earn.

But how much influence did EA have over Respawn in 2016? Probably a lot less than the influence they have over DICE.

EA shills doing this level of damage control.


I honestly fear for Respawn now that they've been acquired. At least its confirmation we'll get Titanfall 3, but if it ends up like Dead Space 3, or god forbid the new Mass Effect where they switch from glorious modified source to Frostbite I'd be upset.

That's a really dumb joke

I don't get the big hoopla over this game or any of the "addictive mechanisms in games" shit. Do you guys realize that it is an artist's job to lead the viewer on, and get them hooked? It is their JOB. To get the person addicted, that is the #1 priority, it has to be for an artist to get anywhere.

Every single developer employs signals consciously in order to get people hooked. All games, movies, novels, whatever, the artists behind them are consciously leading you on. It becomes more obvious in something like this game where there are microtransactions and the publisher even calls it as something meant to make the game addictive and fun. Only when it's obvious you have a problem? Why don't you try pulling your head out of the sand for once and realize that

A) all game developers are trying to get you hooked

B) if algorithms in the game are based on getting people to buy microtransactions, why does it matter if the experience is fun?

C) every developer is trying to find these algorithms already. every single one. don't believe anything else for a second. so get over it.

>log in
>instantly wanna buy 100 crates

You guys fucked this whole thing up

there's a vast difference between getting you hooked on the content of the media, such as the story or visuals, and abusing human psychology to hook people into gambling for good drops.

you can't even get the highest level stuff from crates though, you have to grind the game by PLAYING it then craft them.

after witnessing the LARP cringefest on leddit i decided to buy the game


Nope. Gambling is where you spend money for the slim chance you can make more money. Lootboxes will help you no matter what.



Here you go. :3


>currently no micro-transactions
And the trojan horse gets wheeled into your account

>Reddit surprisingly stops being consumer whores for a few days
>Sup Forums, needing to do the exact opposite of Reddit no matter what the circumstances may be, becomes consumer whores in their place

>best game they've made in 7 years
>worst game made purely because of micro transactions and ripoff ponzi scheme

well done.

Ditto, its downloading to my ps4pro now, I wanted to buy crystals to get vader just to shit up the whiny fags

Battlefield 1 was better

Fuck off EA.
Even the captcha thinks you need immediate castration.

>Reddit gets bought out by Activision shills to spread misinformation about a game made by a company that the same people state will never change
>not consumer whores

Damn you would've really showed them.

I learned a valuable lesson today that most people probably forget. A friend posted on Facebook that he loved the game and recommended everyone get it. Basically, normal people don't give a fuck, and this is mostly just a bunch of entitled faggots whining about shit that isn't 100% what they thought it should be. Everyone thinks they could make a game better.

>>no paid DLC
>>currently no micro-transactions
Yeah, they are turned on after everyone has bought the game
>It's literally the best game EA has made in around 7 years, no?
When your bar is on the floor it's not hard to get over it

The campaign was one of the best SW related things I’ve played in recent memory.

Do yourself a favor and play it on the hardest difficulty.

Agreed, for the most part. The first mission was surprisingly top notch. Unfortunately, it's the only mission of its kind with the stealth stuff. There are some later parts where you do it, but it didn't have the same feel. Despite that, the story was really good (for what I've seen, 4 missions left I think), funny in parts, and lots of interesting action areas.

The thing is, so long as SW is under EA we will never get a fleshed out single player game, single player is something of an after thought for EA, their focus is entirely on multiplayer . Id like to see something like a Republic Commando game with those visuals.

Games like that are a dying breed, user. Multiplayer creates longevity, which is the entire point for a developer. One could argue that the campaign missions are actually pretty close to what RC had.


pls no

I will stick with SWTOR then

>i'll stick to my heavily monetized ded game instead of new hotness