Nu-Blizzard doing something that will undermine raiding and make it pointless for everyone? Who could have seen that coming?
Honestly? I won't miss them. After 21 tiers class fanatsy sets have run their course. There's only so many variations of DK skulls and bones sets and paladin light and wings and librams you can do.
From a gameplay perspective the sets just locked you into them even if you got other items with better ilvl.
As long as they keep making enough sets from other sources to sate my mog collecting I'm fine with this.
They said that new armor sets are focused on the current raid settings instead of class fantasy
only fags do this
Yay. First tier is all troll sets. TROLL SETS AGAIN.
If you read the article instead of sensationalizing it, what they're doing seems like a good thing.
>faction warfare expansion
>absolutely kill all world PVP
>warfronts are PVE
>raiding becomes pointless due to lack of tier sets
>more AP grinding
Yeah, nah, I'll just wait six billion years for Classic WoW, fuck this current abortion.
Who really gives a fuck what blizzard does with retail wow? The game got fucking stale as fuck anyway, I'm for as much changes as possible to keep the game fresh. You vanilla faggots got your shitty toy already, leaf the current wow in peace.
another reason to stick with Classic
When will daddy Genn come knot me ?
Let it rest in peace you mean?
Show me one good set post wotlk. Everything recent has been an overdesigned ugly mess
>with retail wow
You don't honestly think Classic will be free to play, do you? Blizzard is trying its hardest to find a stable playerbase to squeeze money from.
It's not, though. They're treating the symptom, not curing the disease.
Raid Sets have always been the de-facto reason to raid. Now with world/dungeon content shitting free purples of equivalent ilvl, there's absolutely no reason to do anything but LFR, and only if you're a lorefag.
What they're claiming is the new neck traits make up for them, but if that's true, the artifact weapon traits in Legion would also negate the need for set pieces. We already know that's not true.
The current WoW dev team are a bunch of nepos wholly unfit to do their jobs. Even if they use the excuse "but it's the Activision partners fucking with the game progression features", they still failed to argue against them.
I wish I had turned more of my tokens into blizzbucks than used on wow sub time
Of course all they're making now is more wow shit, hearthstone shit, overwatch shit, and heroes of the shit shit
honestly thank god, I forgot what fucking tier they're on now, is it like tier 30 or something?
vertical gear progression in MMOs is a fucking mistake.
As opposed to what?
GW2 "it's all for looks" is incredibly stupid
Horizontal progression like old FFXI or even PSO EP 1&2. Item levels aren't all that matters.
I don't mind. Already unveiled like 8 sets that are all high quality.
The way I play the game, I have 12 characters on the same realm and I juggle them all throughout an expansion - they take turns being my main.
Once I get bored of one class and its available armor sets, I can just play another.
I don't know those games. Are you talking about raiding pre-reqs like needing to do gruul's and serpentshrine etc. in order to get your key for black temple?
What if the best gear had to be crafted and the resources to craft said gear was the incentive to raid?
I don't care as long as there's alot of alliance looking gear
So, they took the lich kings armor and added a bunch of pointless extra stuff
No way that art is final. The white on that alliance armor would look like complete shit in-game.
How does that alter the raiding scene in any way except adding an extra step? Whether it drops straight away, or you collect tokens, or you collect mats, the end product is the same.
Honestly? thats literally ok because virtually everyone here is a faggot. sweetie ;)
>Ahahaha come meme with me guise lets meme about raiding being pointless now AHAHAHAHHAHA we ebin memers UPBOAT pls my fellow members!!!!!!!
..this is a thread on Sup Forums that is deemed normal and acceptable.
There wasn't any excitement left. The game is balanced around you having the damn set so at times your class felt awful until you got it. Like the poor classes that had terrible resource generation which was "fixed" by getting yourself the latest tier.
The game is past tier 20 at this point. The novelty of set bonuses is long gone. Just let it rest in peace.
Gear in WoW: Item levels are all that matters. there's no reason to wear level 70 gear as a level 100 because the stat gain outweigh the set effects.
Gear in PSO EP 1&2: People are still using charge vulcans and frozen shooters from 60 levels ago because the special effects scales really well into lategame.
Ok, so you mean something similar to Diablo 2 where even low "level" gear could be in end-game builds because of the unique effects or bonus to skills etc. Yeah. That would be cool. The over-reliance on pure stats in D3 and WoW definitely reduce flexibility.
He's probably just some butthurt dude that got beat in an argument on a forum
We posting transmogs yet?
Also all piece of gear in PSO is tradable which was another huge thing. There was no such thing as soulbound or just buying good gear from the AH, you had to talk to other players and trade with them.
Stop posting inferior version
Go back to /vg/.
That's why I never got into this game. Blizzard doesn't understand how to make fun builds and gear.
Honestly, anyone with gets caught up in a single, innocuous, word like that is a fag themselves.
>Only so many!
Or the armor devs got lazy after transmog. They used to design sets around relevant themes to the expansion.
The real problem with this is two-fold:
There will be no reason to raid outside obtaining your trinkets.
Second, since there will be no class overhauls, shit is gonna be bland to play because select gear and set items altered the way you play.
Yeah, nah.
Its clear they run out of ideas when we get the constantly reoccurring faces on shoulderpads emitting light
ITT: Sup Forumstards talk at length on a topic they know absolutely nothing about, even going so far as to react to a headline rather than an article to prevent their misunderstanding
If you ever wondered why this is a shit board, you're the problem.
>There will be no reason to raid outside obtaining your trinkets.
What happened to doing content for the sake of progression, completion, vanity and fame?
I just want to make a Dark Iron and get the heritage set.
Why is that sea slug thinking about a giant testicle?
why are you pointing out his client language in every thread?you must be one of those fuckers that flood battle.net about how russians always q bgs in 10-15 man premades
How will this go down?
Horde dindu nuffin. The fire probably started from when Tyrande knocked over a candle.
>S-sylvanas is being evil again
>Fucking Saurfang is right there with her.
what is going to happen with that place? are they going to make a new city for the horde or just empty land with random quest?
Everyone loses.
New leaders are elected and peace comes, bringing a new ULTIMATE EVIL in the same cutscene.
One of two ways.
Either: Teldrassil is corrupted, Old Gods will break free if it isn't destroyed, Horde burns it down.
Or: Horde is blockading Teldrassil after mounting tensions, false flag attack by Twilight's Hammer burns Teldrassil, Horde is in no position to deny involvement.
>Show me one good set post wotlk
why do people still play WoW
>why do people still play WoW
It's fun?
It's a dead, burned out tree stump in the ocean.
Actually wouldn't be surprised if that thing keeps burning through the whole expansion and you can see it from anywhere in Kalimdor.
old habits die hard
Try finding people with the same mindset. Hell getting someone to go over a 15 in m+ is like pulling teeth.
What the hell are you talking about. Mythic raids still give the best items.
Also the reason to raid is because it's fun.
probably they are making loot boxes that contain a pass that let you do that raid
Get better friends that actually enjoy the game.
more like loot boxes that have a chance to contain 1 of the 7 pieces you need to assemble into a pass for one entry into the raid
>mythic raids
Is that why guilds cycle through their whole roster over the course of a single raid tier? Raiding is fucking garbage now because it's designed entirely around letting the top 200 players poopsock 600 attempts on the final boss.
>still playing wow
Legion raiding was great up until Tomb. ToS had a little too many and too early guild-crushers, I agree.
Asmongold's guild barely made it through Nighthold and that guy eats fucking maggots. Raiding has been utterly fucked since they changed it to the new format.
This is literally fake news. There are still raids sets, except the art will be designed based on the raid location, instead of Paladin-looking-set #22
The only good looking hunter set since wotlk, 2k set from WoD s1.
Good, I was literally thinking about set bonuses being shit days before they announced this change
>removing even more stuff
yes, great, perfect even
why do you need content when you can have an artifact stuff and a few in-game shop costumes?
because you know why they're removing content, it's in order to make microtransactions relevant
Asmongold is a shitter and so is his guild. Really.
I played in a semi-hardcore 3 raids a week guild and we cleared NH world top 200.
And I really liked most of the encounters. Botanist had very uneven split of responsibilities and I disliked the standard "go die at the end" strategy. We killed Augur pre-nerf and that nerf really destroyed that encounter. It was probably overtuned but after the nerf it was a complete joke.
probably they are making loot boxes that contain a pass that let you do that raid
The blizzard art style is so fucking disgusting.
No one in their right mind would wear such an impractical piece of shit.
they are finally releasing vanilla servers, so they decided to go full retard with the expansion by pandering 100% to casuls. Sucks for the people who still like retail, but at this point they have no reason to cater to old players in the expansion.
Mythic is not fun. That's a scientific fact.
If you're one of the few cucks suffering through it, they give you a slight gear advantage for a patch or two our of pity. Mythic itself is so niche it doesn't even qualify for itemization considerations outside of how it benefits Mythic itself.
It's the ultimate hamster wheel and you'd be a cuck for thinking it matters.
you see russians even if your clients its on english
anyway fuck rusians and you are right about rusians ruining the game
You're not exactly making a case for the raiding scene being healthy. You raid a casual three nights a week and you're top 200 in the world?
why do they keep releasing content for this corpse of a game, just let it die already and make something new
Fuck tier sets. Hope they get rid of tier bonuses too.
>somebody gets a tier piece
>is now guaranteed to get at least another piece for 2pc or THREE more pieces if the 4pc is really strong
>everybody else gets fucked over
Also the bonuses force you to play a certain way. God I hated the Breath of Sindragosa playstyle.
is this in-game shit? I find it hard to believe given every chest armor is a texture on top of the char's body, but great sets nonetheless.
after 13 years i dont know user. i just got nothing going on in life and nothing else compares?
some people learn from mistakes you know?
>hey if i stand in fire i die
>i'm gonna repeat this for the next 4 hours tonight! and tomorrow 2-3 hours
yes lets just make everything bland stat bonuses
oh wait thats what they are doing
>Necromancers never ever
I'm not mad, or really disappointed, but I'm not happy about being reminded of it.
>Hope they get rid of tier bonuses too.
Sweet summer child
tldr: bonuses can proc other people's bonuses that proc a global proc
We had very good and experienced players.
We were ahead of a 4-5 days a week guild on our server who just took in anyone.
Also amazing chemistry and the reason I don't really want to raid with anyone else but those guys ;_;7
Nobody actually raids for gear. It's fucking pixels in the end.
You raid for the fun and experience of overcoming a challenge as a group, for bragging rights and mastery over the game.
This is fine.
Most raid sets look like shit.
Instead of putting fancy shit into armor sets and trinket procs, how about giving the classes and specs themselves some cool flair so they don't all feel the same?
Good, no more tier gear with shitty crit/vers stats for my Arms warrior
They just did that with each artifact weapon having a unique ability