>almost 3 millions players on at the same time
Almost 3 millions players on at the same time
Other urls found in this thread:
Popular game innit
>mostly Chicoms
It's not like they're people so it doesn't count.
>there are people that still don't know about pubg to the point that hundreds of thousands of new players are still buying it
Fucking casuals
>"I-it's 50% chinese!!!"
>"W-WAIT NO, that's still more than Dota 2 and CS combined..."
>"It's 80% chinese!!! Haha, I win now"
>pc master race
Take pubg off the community market and it’ll massively drop in players
It's the Gangnam Style of video games.
You may want to look at the other top games and re evaluate what you said.
what a shitty world we live in
EA is top dog and its game does not plunge down in sales
early access sandbox game is top online
dlc ridden, skinner lootbox infested shit stain
I've known about it but haven't bought it. Is it worth buying now? I think it's safe to say that it will never leave early access
i still dont get it. why is it so popular, gameplay is mediocre at best
the 1.0 patch was up for testing on their test servers so hopefully it should be up sometime soon. we'll see i guess
all the same.
its a popular game for twitch which means people want to run into streamers and a lot of the winning comes down to getting good shit asap which means you'll dominate the entire match
plus playerunknown probably rubs dicks with a lot of press which gives him 24/7 marketing for free
You can care or not care about PUBG, but it's the ultimate proof how much influence China can have over video games. These people need to be segregated, they shouldn't be allowed in our games.
>almost 3 millions chinks on at the same time
This reply is really boggling my mind because I realize you're saying that "They're all mediocre"
But it takes me aback because looking at all4 of these games they're completely different.
And no, CS, Overwatch and PubG aren't the same simply because you shoot bullets at people, that's fucking stupid.
I can't help but think you're just fucking garbage at all of these.
I'm not pro level at any of these game but at least I can see why other people enjoy it, instead of trying to rationalize everything as me being a super special faggot that's better than everyone.
>These threads are always about player count and never about gameplay
So the game is worthless then.
>>almost 3 millions Chineses on at the same time
Only played Fortnite, but I don't see the appeal of these games.
I'm surprised how popular it is considering how hard it is to run. It's not Like CSGO or Dota where every shitbox toaster can run it
Was reading an article about this actually. It's onyl popular in china. (chart is outdated. Chinese make up over 60% of the players atm)
Anyways, in China, games aren't supposed to alter the values of socialism and togetherness. PUBG is about being the last man standing. It's about the value of self over others and the Chinese are loving this "hot" new idea. Their govt is actually considering banning it because of this.
pubg is a sandbox game?
Half of them are Chinks
The FPS game to surpass Call of Duty.
post your dinners with 10+ kills
That wasn't 1.0, but it had the mechanical changes of 1.0 and most of the content promised for 1.0 was datamined out.
That user's still retarded for thinking it's never going to leave EA though.
>No other game has non U.S. players
This is retarded.
Eliminate non U.S. players from CS:GO and it'd be dead.
>he thinks PUBG will leave early access
This game honestly looks like generic hot garbage, I can't understand why it's so popular.
Current Twitch bait, One of the only games not banned in china currently, constantly advertised on steam, cheap.
Growth is primarily driven by china, that doesn't fucking mean that it's only popular there. The current increases in players are larger there because it gained a significant portion of the marketplace in the rest of the world already. US going down on that chart, while the playerbase in general is going up, does not fucking mean the US playerbase is going down.
>that guy who reads words that don't exist
>planned to leave early access in less that two months time
>the entirety of the content claimed to be in 1.0 has been proven to exist
>It'll never leave early access, b-because uh... because I said so!
Nothing you say or do changes anything, you useless faggot.
>tfw PUBG will fund bluehole's next MMO
>Tera 2
>Or what the fuck ever that other thing they are making
PUBG might be cheap stupid meme shit but it's contributing funds to something greater.
>One country buying a game invalidates it somehow.
You realize Russia is in Asia yes?
Dota 2 must be propped up by Asia too in that case.
The only thing they've directly claimed would be in 1.0 is vaulting, which was the primary part of the recent test server, and the desert map, which you can find evidence of being in the files from a trivial google and a multitude of screenshots have been released of officially.
>to something greater
Yes, the inevitable battle royale game by a Japanese dev that takes the game design and gives it a not-boring-as-shit art style.
That's exactly what it means. They're the only reason the game has more players than DOTA 2. There's so many of them playing that that the most popular language on Steam is now Simplified Chinese.
Post it yourself. I'm not wasting my time to find evidence for you.
>almost 3 million Chinese on at the same time
>point out the game is overwhelmingly chinese
>get yelled at by devs for uncovering the secret of the game's "popularity"
No, it's not, you dumb shit. 50% of 3 million is still 1.5 million non-chinks. Learn to read a fucking graph.
It's over 60% at this point. Getting close to 70%, you selective reading ape.
He's angry and retarded.
He can't come to grips with the fact that he's wrong and the game is popular.
Don't know how chinese players would nullify that but even without the chinese the game CRUSHES every other game.
This affects what I said how? I used a simplistic figure for a quicker approximation.
What's 30% of 3 million user?
Because last I check that number was STILL the highest played game on Steam.
Check and mate.
how can dota and cs even compete?
seriously it seems that people play moba because there's nothing else on the market
without valveshills dota would've been dead long ago
Still about 1m non chinese. Whats your point? Thats still top of the charts
china #1
quantity of players =/= quality of game
Why do you think I care enough to spoonfeed you trivial information you could find in seconds with a miniscule amount of effort. The point is that there's literally no reason to believe that PUBG won't leave early access. They've barely claimed any more features for 1.0, and nobody lets their release date get to a fucking month away without pushing it back unless they're planning on releasing then.
Then why have you spent a whole thread autisming about the chinese to try and make the number of players seem smaller?
>not trying to rationalize yourself as being a super special faggot that's better than everyone
Why are you on Sup Forums?
Yes user, people willingly play bad games, and the chance of making 50 cents off of a crate drop every other hour is what's keeping their playerbase.
Also, companies don't operate off of sales, they operate off of consumer happiness!
ching chang farmers aren't players
Pubg is a full time job in china and Russia.
im not him, no clue what he's going on about
>this level of strawman
who are you quoting
It's been a really long month since this game came out.
>When you buying playercounts, but think it's under the radar
>this level of strawman
It's quite literally what you're saying
>"Hurrrrr playuer count =/= quality"
>"So people willingly play bad games right?"
It's not a strawman when that's literally your argument you fucking moron, learn what the words you spout actually fucking mean.
I wonder how many it will increase by when it comes out for Xbox in a couple weeks. This may be the biggest game since Minecraft.
and i guess Call of Duty and FIFA must be the best games in existence then as they have millions of players at the same time, just like PUBG
Unless people willingly play games they don't enjoy, yes.
Those games appeal to the most people, which means they garner the most money.
Companies like money, not your retarded ass approval.
No one cares what you think you fucking faggot.
you clearly do care about what i think if youre getting this mad about it
>Get BTFO repeatedly
>"Y-you must be mad"
Thanks for conceding the point though, I'll live with you thinking I'm mad since you let everyone know I'm the one making sense here.
>I'm not pro level at any of these game but at least I can see why other people enjoy it, instead of trying to rationalize everything as me being a super special faggot that's better than everyone.
pretty much sums up every thread about pubg and most topics on Sup Forums Sup Forums
everyone thinks they are a special snowflake because they dont LIKE it
kinda sad
>implying it isn't AT LEAST 80% chinese
it's a good game with a fun and unique gimmick, the RNG makes every game different, and it's not twitch shooter arcade bullshit, you need to be not retarded to win
but it's popular so according to Sup Forums's standards it's automatically shit
>all these buttmad asians and devs itt
Congrats. You got 3million players out of a country of 1 billion bored animals.
And, yet, not even a single person to actually want to talk about the game.
funny thing is the game is absolute garbage, it runs poorly, looks disgusting, netcode is garbage etc etc it is as unfriendly to the player as it can be and yet STILL it btfo'd everything
>You will never be THIS contrarian.
Feels good.
the game plays and looks 10 times better than any other early access stuff and shit like h1z1 or dayz
>second highest amount of players of the game is USA
>they only account for 9.24% of the players
It's shit because it's unoptimized, buggy, with bunch of hackers and bots. Fuck OFF.
>Hurr why all playerbase not U.S.
Dumb American peasant.
is this bait
t. playerunknown
Where is the thread talking about your video game?
>yuu wan die?
2.999.800 in the lobby
That's not even the point you unwashed goat fucker. The second highest player count only makes up less than 10% of the overall players.
Dumb american peasant.
>US going down on that chart, while the playerbase in general is going up, does not fucking mean the US playerbase is going down.
>That's exactly what it means.
game starts with 1 million english players
100% english share
game gains 1 chinese player
99.9% english share, 0.01% chinese share
according to you, the game has now lost english players because the english share % went down
learn to read a fucking graph you absolute retard
I make them all myself... but it's only ever to point out how many Chinese people are playing it.
>game filled with chinks and mutts
no thanks
It's all bots faggot no one plays this game
I don't play the game, why did he kill him? What did he want?
Why would anyone willingly play with the chinese? That's even worse than playing with Russians, BRs or the french