reminder: You will never relive the golden era of mods
Reminder: You will never relive the golden era of mods
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meh, i only stick to doom wads and mods
>Golden Era
Explain to me how Skyrim modding isn't the golden era of mods.
Because the base game is trash, the creation kit is trash, and a "mod" is when you take a game's engine and make something completely new
There are still a fuckton of Doom WADs/mods being created to this day with no signs of slowing down. But yeah, RIP to the fallen:
Obsidian Conflict
Jaykin Bacon
Rocket Crowbar
At least SMOD is still around.
That's called a total conversion you retard.
But new, good mods come out for Half-Life and Doom all the time. You would know that if you looked around and didn't just play whatever trash was added to Steam lately.
You're not making unique game ideas, you're making another model to fuck
Skyrim has severely normalized the modding community, bringing in hundreds of thousands of talented modders working on a vast amount of game-improving mods.
These developers, old and new will almost always move on to other games, furthering the mod community to everywhere.
You have this, vs niche gamemode changers.
DOTA as a mod was phase one without a doubt, but it didn't really spring the same creativity as Skyrim did.
Say what you will about the base-game, it's irrelevant and neglectful of what we're discussing.
You don't even know what a mod is, so I'm not sure why I'm even discussing this with you
Very ignorant statement
RTSFPS is my fetish and there should be more of it.
Did you try Savage XR?
That shit was fun
>TFW empires is dead
What's the problem? 48 people is more than enough to get a game going.
I still managed to play with others sometimes
>ESF: Final is STILL not done
This is nu-Sup Forums, If a game doesn't have PUBG numbers then it's Tortanic
Iron Grip: The Oppression was the perfect RTS/FPS
Why can't more games be like that?
Anyone remember when the internet was filled with great model and texture replacements for everything in Counter-Strike and people could make all sorts of nice visual customizations in that game for free? And don't forget the sounds. Now we got CSGO and lootboxes. A standard mesh knife with a randomly layered shitty color smudge that can end up costing $500.
I remember I logged on one day, and suddenly instead of a few servers, there were fucking dozens, hundreds maybe.
Steam had showcased it, and we finally had players.
And then there was an update I am not sure if it was the devs or steam, but something broke all servers.
And then it was a ghost town again, and then it died.
The Stalker mod community's still going pretty strong. We have mods taking advantage of modified source code.
cancerous faggots stacked themselves out of a community
Nth for SMOD.
>at least SMOD is still around
How so? It's basically dead since The Author is nowhere to be found, and reverse engineering is going so fucking slow. Not to mention that Valve broke lots of stuff and I heard many people saying it's basically impossible to redo SMOD on Orange Box source version.
Also, don't want to sound like a weeaboo, but I think even if someone was to port/create something like it, it won't be the same, not without original author's intent, whatever it was.
Have you played Underhell? It's apparently a mod of SMOD with its own original story and maps and stuff.
>never play zp_bridges ever again
I miss old ZP...
I think there's a huge market for this kind of game if done right
You have the potential to literally please any type of gameplay conformity there is
>RTS players
>Hack and slash/mmo gameplay
>Strategic shooting ala World of Tanks
>potential for dogfighting
Have a game mix something distinct like Overwatch and Battlefield in an RTS format, that could be huge
Because it's still Skyrim with a different skin, faggot. Running around in skyrim but enhanced, woopdie fucking doo.
This happens with every one of these games. Natural Selection II, a great game, but all the vets stack one team and roflstomp new players who leave. Oh, where did the playerbase go I wonder?
It's a great genre and it is ruined every time because so much of the game is determined by knowledge/learning curve and the vets drive out any new blood.
I really miss these mods, they are what really got me involved into the more "hidden" Internet culture. I was even involved in those Neotokyo Sup Forums game nights, those were fun days.
I also miss The Hidden: Source. I would kill for that game to be a full title. I love asymmetrical multiplayer.
The Author left us with SMOD40a and it was the best gift he could've possibly given us. From that sprouted SMOD: Redux, which is now completed. From SMOD: Redux spawned Firefight Reloaded, which is a free multiplayer spin-off.
The guy who made Firefight Reloaded is helping another team of people create SMOD for the Orange Box engine, as well as for Half-Life: Source. You can read the thread on the subject here:
I never finished it, but I hear it's one of the best HL2 mods ever.
Underhell is one of my favorite games of all time. Too bad we will never see the finished product!!
I also miss Zombie Master and Zombie Panic
There's a Sup Forums Zombie Master group that gets together sometimes, I forget the name, though.
>woopdie fucking doo
Then how are people replaying for literally thousands of hours?
Could it be that, hear this, MODDING makes it last that long?!
That couldn't be!
Yeah but Empires is the fucking worst I've ever seen, when I left it was down to one populated server, and most games would have more then half the fucking server in spec waiting to stack, every game.
I mean, theres 40 fucking players?? You can still play the game with FOURTY people, you retard. how is that not enough for a game that has like max 32 people on a server? stupid fucking monkeys that only look at Steam stats and if it's not PUBG numbers its "le dead game xDDD"
Millions of faggots play LoL too, what's your point? Comparing skyrim modding to golden era of modding = kys
Reminder: You will never relive the golden era of free flash games
I just checked out Underhell's moddb page, and apparently the guy behind it is pretty much running his own studio out in Amsterdam right now. The gist of Underhell's current progress is that he's waiting on Source2 and will make games meanwhile.
i play a game that has like 5 people active on a specific time on weekends only, and this nig is complaining about 40 with 100+ peak every day
There's obviously something captivating about the mods provided for Skyrim that you don't see anywhere else
Don't bring me that bullshit about how League is also a mod, DOTA is more like its own game genre than RTS
Of course I played it. Probably not in it's fullest though.
I remember that after some lab shootout player is stuck in prison, and is forced to do prison stuff around. I think I dropped it somewhere around that part, because I have somewhat irrational distaste for this setting (I mean, functional prisons), and assumed this stuff is gonna be all there is left to play. Was I wrong? Is there more real action after a while?
Well... We'll see. I'll resort to cautious optimism. Well, it's not like things are so bad as I initially described, after all, I did full Redux walkthrough month ago or so. I just feel really fucking irritated that Valve felt fucking need to break EVERYTHING by porting HL2 to OB engine. It would be "okay" if they made good work out of it, but they fucking didn't, because it looks like fucking ass, maps use HDR sporadically which is worse than nothing at all, and after doing this, they made no movements at all, despite knowing full fucking well they broke so fucking many mods it's justified to drag them outside and crucify, fuck!
Anyway, I'll keep on lookout for this, thanks for link.
>any mod community for any game ever
>exceeding /maybe/ 2,000 actual contributors ever
Okay, bud.
Skyrim was nothing new, either, Oblivion and Morrowind both possessed the same level of development capability. The only major shift was that of the re-iterated graphics core of the engine, and perhaps to some extent SKSE which itself is a mod. To top it off the botched abortion that is the Gamebryo engine is an unfortunate mess and has shoddy mechanics hardcoded in, which is precisely why Bethesda manages to produce the same wonky animations and ranged play that they have since TESIII.
What's more interesting about TES TC mods is people set up ridiculous goalposts, expecting the level of expansion present in the base game. As such TC mods are fewer and further between with each new iteration of the game as the components become more demanding people are less interested and less invested in attempting to piece together something that might garner any positive public reception. I wasn't around for the paid mod system so I don't know how that played out, but it seems like it was asking some really dangerous questions and allowing companies to posture a seriously detrimental market into mainstream play.
That is to say that Skyrim has not only been a fault in modding communities, but has posed a threat to both players and developers, and that it has driven a lot of backpedaling.
I think UE4 is more likely since I think Insurgency Sandstorm is on UE4. That and I don't think there's been any indication that Source 2 will be released for people to use anytime soon. I just wish the guy would stick with his yearly updates even if the only thing to say is that it's still not in development.
It gets more actiony later on. You only play maybe 20 minutes of "being in prison" before you get a gun and you start building up your arsenal from there. That and the story is pretty great and interesting I think. There's a good 10+ hours of gameplay after the part where you dropped it depending on your playstyle. Plus more stuff to do around the house.
>Quints and not a peep from anyone
Holy digits
While you bring out more than fair points, I was pointing more towards how Skyrim has progressed modding and popularized it more than ever, thus creating a giant pool of oppurtunities not only for Skyrim, but every game there is
I mean, people are taking on huge resposibilities and doing tremendous amounts of organized work dedicated to mods provided for free (like never before), and it's all thanks to Skyrim
Look at mods like Beyond Skyrim and Skyblivion, they are at absurdly high production levels
This level of dedication is bound to spread
I stopped doing the house after the well. That was 2spooky4me
>get to the end
>push the bridge button so
>half the alive people are stuck
Skyrim is a product of people doing that before, it didn't do anything that hadn't been done before. In fact it offers less than games before it because all you can do is add stuff to the game. You can't make anything entirely new, or at least the people involved in its modding community haven't done anything like that. Both Half Life and Half Life 2 did more for modding than Skyrim but unfortunately PC games aren't as prevalent as they once were so all we have are games like Skyrim that are pretty mediocre in that aspect compared to those two games and other games of that period and I imagine before.
>Crowd first door so nobody can get in
>Take all the shotguns on the bridge and throw them off
>Take all the ammo
>Porn sprays everywhere
>Your buddies models are a teletubby, a guy on a unicycle, indiana jones, hitler, gandalf and gordon freeman
In the big scheme of things, people will recognize Skyrim as what popularized modding
While I do agree that HL2 and the source engine as well as Warcraft largely paved the way, I wouldn't go as far as to call it the golden age, as it's a very subjective matter and simply just a discussion of semantics
There is a distinction between these two types of modding, yes, but Skyrim's way has trivialized it so much that modding your game is just a given now, which it wasn't really before
I mean mods and freeware are still everywhere, they're just not as big in the mainstream as they once were.
But once you factor in that the new mainstream is a whole bunch of FIFA and CoD only players, mostly foreigners who never had an interest in mods to begin with, it evens out to be about the same.
>tfw there will never be a golden era of Sup Forums mods that are not compete fags
It didn't popularize it or anything. It was extremely popular in the late 90s and early 00s on PC. It certainly is a standout in the current day of a game that allows modding but it isn't as flexible as the games from the above era. Modding isn't anymore popular because of Skyrim. The vast majority of modern games still don't support modding. It's a blip on the radar that only people new to PC gaming put any stock in.
And stealth, like in Iron Grip: The Oppression
The RTS player could only see from straight above, so the rebel team could hide under roofs and inside buildings.
The rebels could win by taking over bases or killing the RTS general - but the general could also enter FPS mode, but only as the general unit, and he could go hide somewhere.
God, I miss it so much.
Fistful of Frags is still surprisingly populated, and it's fucking amazing.
Just remember to walk (shift) to aim steady, and swap weapons to fire in quick succession. Also, accuracy depends on what hand you hold the gun in.
Because skyrim still isn't fun even with mods
Are you literally 12?
Skyrim has the same type of modding capabilities as Oblivion and Morrowind. It's nothing new, and it's certainly not as amazing or involved as most HL2 modding was.
But back then, people used mods to get into the industry. Now, Unity and UE4 have become the new Source, and making your own game from scratch has been trivialized to the point where modding doesn't make any sense any more.
This would be really cool in a gritty steampunk setting
>Have swords and knights in armour
>Have muskets, grenades
>Have general
>Have cavalry
>Have stealth
>RTS commander can place stationary gatling guns or turrets around the map
>placeable healing stations
>Control certain parts of the map to progress technologically and gain advantage
>cosmetics and porn mods are somehow better than completely new games.
You're gay as fuck, my dude.
Setting sounds cool, but I prefer the type of gameplay where one team is FPS and the other is the RTS commander of an opposing army.
Having one RTS "leader" on both teams just creates a lot of dumb drama and personalities, and it makes cooperation bothersome.
join dystopia pickup
Modding and building tools were available in the 80s brody. TES/Gamebryo's appeal is the ease of use that it brought in, but that's also one of its major limiters and why (and again,) there are many poor systems that are hardcoded into the retail game which can't be corrected with mods. Skyrim has had virtually no hand in the proliferation, purpose, or driving creativity in the mod community. It has been so extended upon because of its accessibility and the iterative nature of the Gamebryo engine, meaning those familiar with TESIII are equally familiar with TESIV&V. And don't cast any illusions that the "creator engine" is anything other than a "heavily modified" version of Gamebryo that Bethesda has worked with for almost 2 decades.
There is nothing unique or remarkable about the entry of Skyrim into the market other than it's wholly detrimental effects on expectations and delivery of content.
What are some games that still have good mod communities nowadays? I saw a few games release with editors recently.
Stalker's still going strong. A Hat in Time got mod tools but I haven't checked on how that's going in a bit. There's quite a few challenge levels that have been made at least though.
that game was too good for this world