>See constant threads defending EA
What the fuck happened what did I miss?
See constant threads defending EA
>reddit takes down EA
>Sup Forums is butthurt reddit did it instead of them
>wtf i love EA now
Sup Forums is so fucking max-level contrarian that it will ACTUALLY LEGIT DEFEND EA just because reddit got mad at them.
Jesus the reddit meme has gone too far
some people on Sup Forums are over 18 and realize that just because they don't like something doesn't mean they should try to get the government to ban it
Sup Forums is infecting Sup Forums to the point of defending corporations, hang out for just a weekend and it's pretty obvious
EA has a right to sell crap, and dumb consumers have a right to buy crap. What i dont like is when dumb consumers want government to tell EA what they can or cant sell
Come on I dislike Sup Forums as much as the next guy but this clearly isn't a Sup Forums problem
then why was everyone calling EA kikes that needed to be stopped?
Sup Forums has always been contrarian.
>over 18
more like a limp dicked defeatist and a useful idiot
Sup Forums up until the reddit invasion has always been in favor of being left alone. That's why it was oldfags trying to keep the government out of gaming against reddit trying to get them to regulate it.
Government regulating gaming is one thing. Defending lootboxes and pay2win is just fucking stupid ass shit.
>This entire post
user, maturity has nothing to do with accepting predatory practices. People were acting like the sky was falling with DLC and it has done nothing but cause problems ever since.
>reddit takes down EA
they what now? what happened?
Not wanted it regulated and defending it are two different things.
Except people have been defending the lootboxes and pay2win system.
Don't be such a stupid faggot, it's redditors coming here to do it because it's too unpopular for them to voice their opinion on the site itself.
All it is is redditor vs redditor vs shill.
It's been the official stance on Sup Forums that EA is shit, this whole entire decade that has been known and anons have not wavered, which often led to newfags and reiddtors getting pissy claiming the exact same thing as always, "you just don't like it because it's popular", "Sup Forums is just contrarian".
Now you fags are going to claim that Sup Forums is defending EA, when it's clearly redditor vs rediitor, when long time anons hasn't given shit about EA and barely have even talked about them then to shit on them? Get fucked redditor.
This desu senpai
Sup Forums has been worthless and has done nothing since gaymergate, which was nothing but a pathetic cringefest, what do you expect?
Sup Forums and Sup Forums has always defended stuff like net-neutrality, that was until cringy alt-tards started comming from the asshole of this site, which is pretty much the same "people" defending EA.
>predatory practices
Who the fuck is holding a gun to your head making you buy ea's shit? The meme is true, liberals are children.
>if you ignore it it will go away!
The silver reflection of the limelights upon their capillary scalp hairs and straight but stiff posture combined with an empty stare that would freeze anybody that's staring back while most likely taking a heap of medicine for various illnesses, add to that a grown liver, short sleep nights, traveling constantly, chaotic lives and constant stress, i think the code monkey is well living their dream of happiness in slavery, while the poor CEO has all the right to bask in his millions of dollars rightfully earned because he is sacrifing his life selflessly and altruistically for what... his family? His ego? He gives everything he has and more for ultimately nothing, he has no fun in this life aside some banter with other high placed members of the board, maybe he gets to the hotel and drinks a whiskey before passing out every night after 18h of work a day.
Do not underestimate and look lightly at the life of a CEO for he is a titan of a man, tireless and sadly emotionless, a machine that long lost it's humanity and all of it for the pure and innocent goal... altruism.
Contrarianism, but more probably shills. Apologies for the extremely shitty mobile image.
I'd like to believe so to, but everyone's anonymous in here.
>no true scotsman
There's also this fallacy in here.
EA screwed the pooch with microtransactions
Gaming subreddits recently got a bunch of new zealous mods, so shill and /r/corporate posts are being removed quickly
EA is therefore shilling here, because our mods are fucking garbage.
Predatory practices do not imply threat of any kind. Sort of like the expression "preying on people's weaknesses". The fact that there is no threat involved doesn't absolve you of being scum.