Why is Samus's butt so big?


getting beefy for her new white boyfriend?

>getting beefy for her new (white) boyfriend?

BLACKED cvcks on suicide watch

her zero suit is pumping her full of hormones

So you can worship it better.

whats with the arab name?

because me man
me only think abowt boobs and bums
put sexy gurl in gaem = me buy gaem
gaem is shitty but gurl bum is me happy now

Aryan genetics.

How would her butt react if you slapped it?

That's right user! That's how marketing works!
Very clever!

endless jiggle which would cause seismic activity and a separation of her asscrack.

So that she can sit on our faces.

Because she is morbidly obese.

Too many cakes.

Why would her butt jiggle? Moron

Don't you get tired of it?

Because she's a big girl. She also makes a lot of leg work, so her fine ass is completely justified

because nintendo

God I want to spray my seed all over those shorts

strong muscles for pushing out fat dookie

thats hot

I want to watch Samus take a humongous dump!

I don't.

>5 days no-fap

So she can use it as a weapon. Also combined with

because she has big boobs

>That look of disgust

Why the long face?

>testicular cancer
>premature ejaculation
>erectile dysfunction
Just to list a few benefits of this "no fap" meme

>>testicular cancer
>>premature ejaculation
>>erectile dysfunction
>Just to list a few benefits of this "no fap" meme
This is all bullshit. I've heard people say you get broke-dick syndrome from fapping and I've heard that you get broke-dick syndrome from not fapping.

So who's telling the truth? It doesn't matter. Just enjoy yourself, we're all gonna die some day. Thanks for listening.



That hand gesture is how small I want her to make me

Simply put there's healthy fapping habits and unhealthy fapping habits. Both not fapping at all and fapping 4 times a day to porn wtih deathgrip fall in the latter category.

Is once a day healthy?

Maybe a little less than that. You want to fap because you're horny, not because you're bored.

>so who's telling the truth
How about you fucking Google it or ask your doctor
The truth is ejaculation is good for you and "no fap" is a troll meme

Sure user, I believe so. I'm obviously not a doctor I just think it's dumb to resort to extreme things like never fapping at all.
Just with many things in life, you can probably guess yourself if it's bad for you or not. Eating a bag of chips a day won't be good for you but you must be some turbo autistic healthnut to argue no one should ever be eating chips at all.

What if I get horny once a day

I blame the ayys

I want Samus to make fun of my miserably small penis!

Fair enough, but try to have some perspective on what physically horny feels like when you're so used to fapping. It's like a physically hungry vs. appetite thing.

so you can have more stuff to lick



But then she'd be huge compared to you haha.


Imagine having artistic talent and THAT's how you use it.
Makes me sad.

Yeah haha, it sounds pretty funny having a giant Samus towering over me like that.

Some people have too much free time

not even that well drawn. Nothing of value was lost.

Samus is a healthy young woman with downy feathers as pubic hair


Imagine if she stretched open her body suit and shoved you inside and you got all smushed up against her giant body, haha. That'd be pretty funny too.

why are all of Samus' fans either extreme masochists or sadists? can't we just appreciate Samus for her nice looking ass w/o delving into niche fetish territory?

That would be a pretty funny prank. Especially if she was all warm and sweaty underneath her suit haha.

anal destruction is a pretty common fetish, pretty much the final hurdle for most pornstars.

I love this comic
Someone turn me into diaper samus!

Considering all the work she does it's more than likely she'd be sweaty. It'd be pretty bad if you were to somehow end up in her armpit, haha. You'd be stuck there for a long time.

Because she is female and woman have naturally bigger butts than men.

>woman have naturally bigger butts than men.
says who

but men are naturally bigger than females.

women have bigger tits as well user. i know that may come as a surprise to you.

Why does she wear heels?


prove it you bitch

Because she wants to.

in universe explanation to why her butts so big

She likes them

it looks good for animation

Such a long time that I might have to drink her sweat to survive haha. She'd probably end up laughing at her funny prank while I'm stuck there completely drenched from head to toe.

Sorry I just wanted to draw some more attention to my previous post about Samus having a cute patch of small feathers as pubic hair, I saw not a lot of people interacting with the post and I figured they didn't understand how wonderful that idea is.

Even if you don't fap your body will do it for you in your sleep

At least you'd have something to drink haha. If she moved your tiny body to somewhere where her sweat didn't accumulate then you'd be forced to lick her salty skin in an effort to gain even the tiniest amount of sustenance. That might be much harder to survive, haha.


would licking tickle her?

anyone else like it like this without those mouth corner lines?

Samus is my favourite Nintendo Princess

except for Peach

Yes. Looks way better.

muh nigga

Can't say I've ever noticed it but I do prefer the one you posted.

I mean I don't know how I got this fucking open mouth fetish

I want to clean Samus after a long day of bounty hunting and she's all sweaty, especially her pits and toes and butthole.
I want to be around her while she lets out a loud and pungent burst of gas, and then inhale it.
I want her to deliver a swift kick out of the blue with her heels into my crotch.
I want Samus to express her "preferences" in men around me.
I want Samus to look at me disgustedly.

This will never not give me a boner

Sounds like you've spent too much time on the internet.

>who loves CREATE characters



maybe you should do sometthing about that

I want to kiss Samus.

Is there even anywhere on her body where she wouldn't be sweating? Unless you mean somewhere IN her body because that would be really cruel haha

You sound like you have horrible self-esteem user, have you ever talked to a psychiatrist?

I don't see what made you think that user. Yes

Should I play Zero Mission?


a new Princess Samus pic I haven't seen. Thankyou user with good taste.

I wish I could own her dress and wear it every day

Sally, it seems there aren't too many.
I'm posting everything I have.


I'm surprised they haven't made a Metroid game yet where the suit gets stolen and you have to sneak around until you get it back piece by piece. Zero mission had this at the end for example.

I've always wanted to do fanart and animations but constantly get shut down on patreon for trying to ask for money. How do you get away with this successfully without receiving 1,234 cease and desist letters in emails and my actual mailbox?
